公司数据库 - 汇总统计 - 截至2022年9月

Total Number of Submissions
Review Submissions

Submissions by Industry(1)

请注意:按行业数量计算的总计提交超过$ total_company_db_numbers总计提交,因为在向数据库贡献内容时,我们允许用户进入多个行业。例如,在投资银行从事股票研究工作的人可能会选择“投资银行”和“股票研究”作为其提交行业,并且这些行业都将在上图中计算。万博app网页版
Submissions by Divisionchart is being currently updated. Please try again in a few minutes.
Submissions by Yearchart is being currently updated. Please try again in a few minutes.
公司提交chart is being currently updated. Please try again in a few minutes.
Submissions by Citychart is being currently updated. Please try again in a few minutes.


WSO User Profiles - Aggregated Statistics - As of September, 2022

The graphs below represent the aggregated statistics for the members that have contributed to the WSO Company Database.
用户by GPAchart is being currently updated. Please try again in a few minutes.
本科学校的用户chart is being currently updated. Please try again in a few minutes.


Methodology FAQ

How often is this data updated?
Why do the average compensation numbers look so low?
Remember that the compensation you are accustomed to hearing for top performers in the top groups in New York is well above the average for cities around the world. The compensation average graphs are a global average which includes regional cities and groups that bring the average down. If you would like company and group specific compensation data, please visit theWSO公司数据库
Where does this data come from?
The compensation, review and interview data comes from WSO member submissions to theWSO公司数据库。迄今为止,在数千家公司中,该数据库迄今为止有超过50,000份提交的内容,仅代表了我们的成员的付款以及他们如何对各种指标进行排名。请参阅下面的成员统计信息详细分解,以备该数据库。
What are the percentile rankings based on?
The percentile rankings of companies listed here are based on the current YTD and the prior two years of data for companies that received at least one vote. The simple average scores are converted into an Adjusted Score before the companies are ranked to take into account companies with a smaller sample size. This method uses Bayesian Statistics.
Why do you use Bayesian Statistics to adjust scores?
Some great smaller firms may not be represented in the rankings for the simple reason that we have not collected enough data to represent them accurately or for us to have enough data to display them at all.
What is the geographical representation of the submissions?