What Is A Downgrade?

Patrick Curtis

Reviewed by

Patrick Curtis WSO Editorial Board

Expertise:Investment Banking | Private Equity

A downgrade is when an asset, company or government has it's rating lowered. Typically this will represent either a lowering of the quality of the asset, or the increased likelihood of default on a corporate or government bond.

Equity downgrades are usually done by equity researchers, whilst bond ratings are done by the main rating agencies.

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Patrick Curtisis a member ofWSO Editorial Boardwhich helps ensure the accuracy of content across top articles on Wall Street Oasis. He has experience in investment banking at Rothschild and private equity at Tailwind Capital along with an MBA from the Wharton School of Business. He is also the founder and current CEO of Wall Street Oasis This content was originally created by memberWallStreetOasis.comand has evolved with the help of our mentors.