What Is A Mutual Fund?

Patrick Curtis


Patrick Curtis WSO Editorial Board

Expertise:Investment Banking | Private Equity

A mutual fund is one which is made up of money from lots of different individual investors, and then managed by a professional portfolio manager. Mutual funds invest in all the usual assets such as:

  • Bonds
  • Equities
  • 衍生物s

The amount an investor gains or loses in the fund is directly proportional to the amount they invest into the fund. Mutual funds typically have a target level of return and usually charge a management fee of 1-2% per annum.

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Patrick Curtisis a member ofWSO Editorial Board这有助于确保在华尔街绿洲上的顶级文章中内容的准确性。万博app足彩下载他在罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)和沃万博app网页版顿商学院(Wharton Business School)的MBA上拥有在罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)的投资银行业务和私募股权方面的经验。他还是华尔街绿洲的创始人兼现任首席执行官,此内容最初是由成员创建的万博app足彩下载wallstreetoasis.comand has evolved with the help of our mentors.