


帕特里克·柯蒂斯 WSO编辑委员会


摊销是一种会计方法,用于减少书价of both debt andassets在指定的时间内。指债务时,仅仅是偿还债务。一些常见方法是直线方法,固定利率方法,有效利率方法以及子弹和气球方法。关于债务,这是一种跟踪未来支出并创建还款方式的方式。它使公司可以轻松跟踪何时需要偿还债务以及其中多少仍然是出色的。由于它可以从公司的税收中扣除,因此它是一种非常有价值的工具。

debt amortisation

This method is used for both debt and assets but differs fromdepreciationin its application. Depreciation is only used when reducing the book value of tangible assets (植物,财产,设备, etc.) while amortisation, on the other hand, only refers to expensing out the loss in value of intangible assets (patents, contracts, trademarks, etc.). In regard to assets, it allows companies to keep track of how much an asset is worth, how much longer it is useful, and whether it is written down as an expense, which decreases taxes for the company. It can be found both on a company's收入证明现金流量表。而单独的条款,折旧,amortisation are usually coupled as they are both considered non-cash expenses. It may also be recorded in a company's general ledger as a contra account. While general ledger accounts may not be publicly reported by a company, investors can use this data within the Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement to learn more about a company's debt obligations. It is an important concept because it is helpful for keeping track of payments and debt balances as well as valuing intangible assets, and for investors looking to understand a company's financials better. Many must create a repayment plan to pay off their mortgages, which is covered below.


Amortizing debt simply mean its repayment, where the type refers to the method of repayment. It keeps track of the rate at which the debtor pays both theinterestand the主要的, which together make up an installment (the total payment made towards the debt balance).

本期的主要部分用于还清面值of the loan, and the interest is the extra money charged to compensate for both the risk of lending and the time value of the money lent.Interest rates是年率的,这意味着他们没有指在整个贷款课程中所支付的利息,也不是指每期支付的利息。相反,他们指每年支付的利息。在许多情况下,利息支付在整个贷款的寿命中都会减少,因为仅按未偿余额收取。




Amortization of intangible assets

Amortization is used most commonly in reference to debt repayment, but that is not its only use. It can also apply to assets, however, it differs from depreciation in that it only applies to intangible assets, while depreciation applies to tangible assets such as plants, properties, and equipment. Intangible assets are assets like patents, trademarks, or copyrights that decline in value throughout their life and have to be expensed periodically over their useful life. Intangible assets usually refer to documents, brand value, or know-hows that represent intellectual property.



Let's understand this better with the help of an example. Let's assume that a company Bananas Ltd. owns a patent that is valid for 10 years and is worth $20 million. At the end of 10 years, this patent will expire and would be considered worthless. The annual expense relating to expensing this patent would be $ 2 million ($20 million / 10 years).


Amortization vs Depreciation

The difference between amortization anddepreciationis quite simple. While the former is used to track the decrease in the value of intangible assets and of debt, the latter is used to track the decrease in the value of tangible assets.




An example of depreciation is if a company were to buy a truck for $65,000. The company estimates how much the truck will be used each year and how long it is likely to be useful. In this example imagine the company finds that it will depreciate $5,000 each year and it has a residual value of $15,000. After 10 years the truck will depreciate to its residual value and the company will either sell it or discard the truck. The truck may not necessarily sell for exactly the residual cost, and the difference is recorded as a loss or gain on the sale.

Amortization vs Capitalization


For example, capitalization is the action of amortizing or depreciating an asset or expense over a period of time other than when the expense took place. The difference between amortisation and capitalization is that the former describes the reduction of value and method or schedule of that reduction while the latter simply describes the action of paying something in a period other than when the expense was incurred, and unlike amortisation, capitalization may refer to both tangible and intangible assets.

资本化还可以提及在不同时期内记录费用的过程。在金融中,这是公司的长期债务及其股票(例如股票和保留收益)的总和。它还可以指公司的总价值。Market capitalizationis the total value of a company's stock, calculated by multiplying the share price with the number of shares outstanding.


Its importance is derived from the fact that it can be helpful for measuring the financial health and size of a company. For example, the amount of liabilities of a company divided by its total capitalization shows what percentage of a company's value is debt. Market capitalization is also an important factor in valuing companies, as those with a small market cap may be able to have higher growth than companies with large market capitalization because the same amount of income would contribute to a relatively much larger size of growth to a company with a smaller market capitalization.


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Amortisation schedules, also known as amortisation tables, are used to organize and keep track of debt repayment schedules. These schedules organize the information into a table to make it easier for people to plan their payments. It shows the number and amount of payments within the life of a loan or asset and shows how much is paid towards principal and interest. It often includes the date of payment, beginning of period balance (BOP balance), total payment, interest, principal, and end of period balance (EOP balance). Typically the last line of the schedule shows the sum of all the payments over the life of the loan or asset.

There are different methods of amortising an asset and organizing a schedule, and so some may appear slightly different from others. For example, in the effective interest rate method, there may be columns showing the discount or premium on the bond. Shown below is an example of a schedule that uses a method called the straight-line method, and that assumes a 6% interest rate. In a normal repayment schedule, the date of payment would appear rather than the number of payments.

straight line


These schedules are helpful for accounting, budgeting, and tax reasons. Applications like Microsoft Excel are very useful for creating schedules if you'd like to accomplish mastery of excel you can check out our2ManBetX登陆 。Below is a video from our2019新万博appmanbetⅩ that gives you insight into creating your own schedule.

Treatment and effect of amortization on the 3 financial statements

摊销前利润出现在损益表and the statement of cash flows. The income statement is a financial statement that shows the earnings and expenses of a company and calculates its net income. The statement of cash flows is similar, however, it is divided into operating activities, financial activities, and investment activities and shows the income and expenses from each segment. Amortisation and depreciation are typically found in a company's operating activities. It is considered a non-cash expense and for this reason, it is often added back while calculating cash flows fromnet incomein the cash flow statement.


  • The value of the intangible assets and retained earnings in the statement of financial position (balance sheet) gets reduced by the amount of expense
  • The expense portion of the income statement increases and by extension the net income of the company decreases
  • The amount of expense is added back to net income while calculating cash flow in the cash flow statement to nullify the effect of the non-cash item.







债券,例如,分期支付很少s throughout the loan's life and deliver a lump sum payment at maturity. This means that a company does not have to pay back the majority of the loan for a long period of time, but it also results in higher interest expenses overall, in essence, all loans are useful in different circumstances. While it may seem like one is better than the other, each method can be equally useful in specific situations and are worth understanding so that you can understand which method may be best for you.


The straight-line method also called the linear method or fixed principal method is considered one of the most simple methods of value reduction and is used very frequently for assets and debt. Despite what it might sound like, the straight-line method does not repay loans in equal installments. Rather, this method is called the straight-line method because it has a constant rate of principal repayment, meaning the principal portion of each installment is equal. This is calculated by dividing the total amount owed by the number of payments.


In the case of the straight-line method, the amount of interest payment declines over the life of the loan and the amount of each principal payment is uniform, causing each installment to decrease over the loan's life. Examples of the straight-line method may appear in mortgage plans, bank loans, and intangible assets such as patents or franchisee licenses.


Below is an example of the straight-line method within a repayment schedule. This schedule assumes a 6% interest rate and does not include dates as a normal schedule would.



余额方法下降的方法是一种方法,涉及在债务偿还开始时支付更大的分期付款,而较小的分期付款则接近贷款的到期日。此方法与直线方法相似,除了没有持续的主付款,而是书价of the debt or asset is multiplied by an amortisation rate. This rate is simply a percentage that is multiplied by the loan's outstanding balance in order to calculate the amount of the principal in each installment. This means that the installments at the beginning of the loan's life are considerably larger than at the end.

The interest is calculated the same way as the straight-line method, with the interest rate multiplied by the outstanding balance. In this method, both the principal payments and interest payments decrease over the life of the loan as they are both calculated as a percentage of the outstanding balance.

One of the advantages of the declining balance method is that the interest expense is typically quite low because so much of the principal is paid off early on in the loan. While this method is great for low-interest rates, it comes at the cost of higher payments upfront, which may negate the entire reason for getting the loan in the first place.


Shown here is an example of the declining balance method. This repayment schedule assumes a 6% interest rate and a 40% amortisation rate. The last payment is larger because it pays off the remainder of the principal.

declining balance method


气球方法和bullet methodhave a considerable amount of overlap. Most notably, both balloon loans and bullet loans have relatively small installments and include a large lump sum payment at the loan's maturity.


Shown below is an example of the balloon method with a $10,000 installment and 6% interest, and a lump sum payment at maturity.




When considering either a bullet repayment or balloon repayment it is important to look at the details to understand the exact repayment method. Banks seldom provide balloon or bullet-type loans for fear of never receiving the principal payment at the end of the loan. The balloon method is sometimes offered on mortgages for people with extremely good credit and a sizable amount of income. Most commonly, this kind of credit is reserved for reliable companies and for governments. This type of repayment structure is most commonly found in bonds.

Negative amortisation

The method of negative amortizing an asset is very different from other methods because rather than paying off debt, the outstanding debt increases over time. This occurs because the payments made do not meet the amount of interest owed on the debt, and the remaining interest is added to the loan's outstanding balance.

In some cases, this method is used in home mortgages. Most commonly, this method is found in the graduated-payment mortgage (GPM), which charges only part of the interest payment early in the repayment and charges more later on. It can also be used in the payment option adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), which permit debtors to choose the amount of interest paid in each installment.



Below is an example of this method shown in a repayment schedule. This schedule does not show the loan being repaid because this method accumulates greater debt rather than paying it off. In this example, the total payment is only 5% of the principal, while interest is 6%, and the difference is added to the amount owed.

negative amortise

Fixed-rate method

The fixed-rate method, also known as the mortgage style method, is a method of debt repayment where the installments are equal throughout the life of the loan, potentially excluding the final payment made which may be slightly larger or smaller in order to pay off the remaining loan's balance. This kind of installment is known as equated monthly installment (EMI), meaning that each installment is equal. This is accomplished by having each principal payment increase while each interest payment decreases.

The installments remain steady throughout the loan's life and interest is paid on the amount of outstanding debt. The principal payment increases in each successive payment in order to keep each installment equal. This method is less straightforward to calculate than some other methods, but it makes paying each installment very easy because they are equal. This method is very common in both home mortgages and auto loans because it provides the borrower with equal payments to make throughout the life of the loan.


The equation to calculate the monthly installment is:
I = P*(i(1+i)^n/((1+i)-1))

该方程式假定每月分期付款,其中i =每月分期付款,p =本金,i =利息,n =付款总数。想象一个例子,一个人以恰好以100,000美元的价格购买房屋,并以0倒闭的价格购买了房屋,并获得了4年的贷款。更好地说明下面的方法是使用固定利率方法的时间表的示例,该时间表使用固定利率方法,该方法假定利率为6%,并假设抵押贷款将在4年(48个月)内支付。


Effective interest rate method



债券中通常发现具有折扣的有效利率方法的示例。当公司以低于市场利率的利率提供债券时,这种折扣就会发生,并且他们必须以低于面值的债券出售债券,称为折扣。下面显示了5%债券的$ 4,000折扣的时间表,市场利率为5.5%。最后的付款是不寻常的,因为它可以支付剩余的折扣。

discount method of amortising





In some instances, people may be eligible for reamortisation. This method allows a person to pay off a large portion of the remaining principal in a single payment, which can reduce future payments by lowering interest expenses and the principal paid back in each installment. This occurs because interest is only paid on the remaining balance, so reducing a large part of the outstanding balance can substantially reduce interest payments, and less principal is needed to pay back the remainder of the loan. This typically has no effect on the loan term, while the installment decreases the remaining time frame of your loan will be the same. It can be a great method of reducing a person's debt load, and can typically be easier than refinancing a loan.

不幸的是,并非每笔贷款都有资格进行回报,而有些贷方不提供此服务,一些贷方将某些类型的贷款排除在资格之外。由联邦住房管理局(Federal Housing Administration)支持的贷款以及退伍军人事务部提供的贷款符合条件。此外,其他一些贷方不允许这样做,最好询问您的特定贷方您的贷款是否符合资格。在许多情况下,为了符合条件,贷方将要求一次性付款符合最低本金。






For example, consider the common case of making multiple expenses on a credit card over the course of a month, and paying the balance off before the end of the month. More than likely, you will not need to pay any interest on the loan and will only pay the principal in full at the payment period. Below is an example of how the line of credit method may look in a table. There is a period of purchases where debt accrues and then a repayment period where the principal is repaid.

credit line amortise


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帕特里克·柯蒂斯WSO编辑委员会which helps ensure the accuracy of content across top articles on Wall Street Oasis. He has experience in investment banking at Rothschild and private equity at Tailwind Capital along with an MBA from the Wharton School of Business. He is also the founder and current CEO of Wall Street Oasis This content was originally created by memberwallstreetoasis.comand has evolved with the help of our mentors.