What Is Breakeven?

Andy Yan


Andy Yan WSO Editorial Board

Expertise:Investment Banking | Private Equity | Other

A breakeven point is the level at which an investor or firm will have made no profit and no loss on an investment, i.e. a return of zero.

Investors and firms calculate a point or price at which all their costs are offset, and any gain above that breakeven point is profit.


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Andy Yanis a member ofWSO Editorial Board这有助于确保在华尔街绿洲上的顶级文章中内容的准确性。万博app足彩下载在决定攻读MBA之前,Andy此前曾在瑞士信贷银行业工作两年,主要从事并购和IPO交易。万博app网页版在加入瑞士信贷之前,安迪(Andy)曾是Capital One的业务分析师实习生,并曾担任剑桥房地产资本公司的助理。他获得了芝加哥大学的文学学士学位和MBA,最初是由成员创建的wallstreetoasis.comand has evolved with the help of our mentors.