资产管理Yale MMS



I would like to know if I am taking the right path to get into a well-paying job.

So, I am in the Gap year and I will start my second internship(6 months) this December in an Asset Management boutique firm(Relatively Small) which I chose over a Middle office瑞士信贷角色.

自实习以来,我在韩国做了一个卑鄙的实习(在父亲的朋友办公室)进行了六个月(Corporate Finance) was canceled due to Confinement(Lockdown)



  • 我自己管理一个600万美元的投资组合(几乎)
  • 贸易
  • Tracking performances of funds
  • 提供亚洲市场的新景观

我的GMAT为690(Q:49 V:35),我一生中只有一次,雅思(8.0)也是第一次尝试。

另外,应该接受CFALEVEL I in June 2020 which is canceled, so I will sit the exam in May 2021.

Ideal path would be => Study in Frane and Germany(Pass tillCFALEVEL ll) -> Yale MMS in Asset management(STEM eligible)(PasssCFALEVEL lll) -> Work in US -> Work in Asia(Hongkong, Singapore) -> MBA(M7 or INSEAD)

My questions are

  1. What should I do more to get into Yale SOM MMS in Asset Management? Higher GMAT?
  1. 在第二年,我想去德国交换一年(Acco&Fin双学位WTF的文凭)以来,我考虑在此之后在耶鲁大学度过一年。
  1. Is there any other school as prestigious as much as Yale SOM in MFin?(Haas, MIT, etc) Since my parents will gladly pay the tuition fee for the study in the "prestigious school".
  1. Would it be hard to break intoAMorIBD耶鲁大学之后还是其他美洲计划?



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