Best clothes to sit on the couch and do nothing with?


Staying with the WFH theme here: what are the best clothes to sit on your couch/computer chair and kind of just zone out with? Maybe even order seamless with? I have been in mostly sweats from Uniqlo.


Comments (11)

Jun 7, 2020 - 2:35pm

德拉·西亚娜(Della Ciana)和布鲁内洛(Brunello)出汗,下面有一件细的T恤。

2020年6月24日 - 下午5:15

汗水 - 约翰·埃利奥特(Escobar),托德·斯奈德(Todd Snyder)(+冠军),以及讨价还价的A&E(轻量级性能羊毛)。

Shorts - Birddogs & lululemon


T恤 - Buck Mason,Goodlife,Todd Snyder和许多折扣地点(Old Navy,H&M)的价格很好,只需确保您像球衣,老式,Slub,Tri一样获得合适的棉花/清洗-混合。

I don't dress up any more for conference calls just make sure I'm presentable if the video is on.


  • 2
2020年6月24日 - 下午5:26

Mollitia Sunt fugiat nesciunt quo ut nesciunt。Dolores Ducimus Labore Est officiis fuga。

比率ne omnis quaerat perferendis occaecati numquam ut accusantium. Et necessitatibus nihil non dolor autem consequatur cum. Pariatur molestias rem recusandae et.




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