Comments (72)

Aug 24, 2021 - 1:39pm
isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:


- Muay Thai - today - my girlfriend's first day of training.

- 9月铁人三项训练。


- 针对铁人三项的更多培训。

- Cooking steak and salmon for friend's bday.

- 下周末9/26参加了70.3个铁人三项铁人三项比赛。


- 周末在水面上租一个海滩大楼的顶层公寓,参加朋友的婚礼。


- College reunion - homecoming - tailgating / open bar and food.


- Going to Vegas with my girlfriend and her bro and his wife - playing poker. Staying at Trump International Hotel.

“如果您总是对自己所做的一切,身体或其他任何事情都限制,它将扩散到您的工作和生活中。没有限制。只有高原,您不得呆在那里,您必须超越它们。“- 李小龙

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Aug 24, 2021 - 2:04pm
Pierogi Equities, what's your opinion? Comment below:

- Cooking steak

had some flank steak for lunch today, made me think of you

Quant(ˈKwänt)n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

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isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:
Pierogi Equities


- Cooking steak

had some flank steak for lunch today, made me think of you


My favorite is filet mignon from Whole Foods.

“如果您总是对自己所做的一切,身体或其他任何事情都限制,它将扩散到您的工作和生活中。没有限制。只有高原,您不得呆在那里,您必须超越它们。“- 李小龙

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Aug 25, 2021 - 11:29am
BigKahunaBanker, what's your opinion? Comment below:


Aug 25, 2021 - 4:46pm
isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:


Yes, and the opportunity to suffer every day, one workout at a time. Getting those endorphins and eating well.

“Seek out pain, fall in love with suffering. So I sought out pain, fell in love with suffering, and eventually transformed myself from the weakest piece of shit on the planet into the hardest man God ever created"

- David Goggins

“如果您总是对自己所做的一切,身体或其他任何事情都限制,它将扩散到您的工作和生活中。没有限制。只有高原,您不得呆在那里,您必须超越它们。“- 李小龙

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Aug 24, 2021 - 9:32pm
Frieds, what's your opinion? Comment below:

College Football starts this week! That's a nice positive.

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Aug 25, 2021 - 7:47am
thebrofessor, what's your opinion? Comment below:

August - trips to纽约, Chicago, and the beach for hurricane swell/just because, hooked my foot on a discarded fishing rig while bodysurfing and ripped it out myself, that was pretty sick

September - concerts, another trip to midwest to see family, best friend moving back into my city, start of football season and the heart of hurricane waves, start of career days and meeting new college/high school kids to help them out

十月ober - Miami + more good fall surf with ZERO tourists or paddleboard kooks, begin planning euro trip 2022

十一月& December - family time, beginning to learn my 3rd language, getting ready for trip to caribbean in January assuming Delta doesn't fuck that, but if it does, we'll reroute and go somewhere domestic, maybe Miami, USVI, PR, TBD, plan relay triathlon with friends and continue training there (I'm doing the swimming part), plus USMANCOVINGTON2 LETS GOOOOO

2021 in general - best year career wise ever (thanks Jay Powell and my colleagues), progressed nicely on my 2nd language (got called fluent by a native!), marriage never been stronger, never been in better physical shape, read some good books (including 4 or 5 in my 2nd language which was WAY harder than I thought, but a fun challenge), spent a lot of time at the beach, got scared to death surfing for the first time ever (held down by a 15 foot set, hit the reef, and getting out I never felt more alive)

值得注意的是,这些旅行都没有花费我超过3000美元,大多数人都少了(妻子和我合并)。我赚了不错的钱,但是旅行时我很节俭,所以请不要将其作为弹性,任何第一年IBanalyst could completely replicate my year of travel given enough PTO from their employer.

life in general - what keeps my going is my wife, my health, my values, my friends, and the realization that you never know when life is going to end, so if I find myself at death's door tomorrow, I want to look back on how I was spending my time with a big smile on my face. it's a selfish way to look at it, but it's the God's honest truth.

Aug 27, 2021 - 9:41am
thebrofessor, what's your opinion? Comment below:

I'm east coast, I grew up in delmarva so my definition of good surf is waist high without 50 NSPs out there and 400 spongers

在all seriousness though, OBX, NJ,NYare all solid during fall/winter.


great WC surf:

this is what I'd consider a typical "good" surf in fall on the east coast:

我知道它在客观上比WC冲浪在各个方面都要糟糕,除了夏季/秋季水温 +鲨鱼,但它是家,我喜欢它

Aug 25, 2021 - 10:12am
AlwaysChasingTail, what's your opinion? Comment below:

nothing is positive in my life im the living embodiment of pain & suffering sloggin through a pointless life

I'm from Europe

Aug 26, 2021 - 9:04am
isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

nothing is positive in my life im the living embodiment of pain & suffering sloggin through a pointless life

You have to take control and make positives. Workout everyday. Eat well. Be kind to others. If you do this, you should be fine.


“如果您总是对自己所做的一切,身体或其他任何事情都限制,它将扩散到您的工作和生活中。没有限制。只有高原,您不得呆在那里,您必须超越它们。“- 李小龙

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Aug 26, 2021 - 11:06am
AlwaysChasingTail, what's your opinion? Comment below:

I workout everyday already bro, two times in fact (strength + cardio). My mood is just shit because I am in a caloric deficit, not for long anymore though. Getting shredded has its downsides

I'm from Europe

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2021年8月27日 - 6:16 AM
TheBuellerBanker, what's your opinion? Comment below:

杜德(Dude)您对其他人的友善陈述是如此被低估和忽视。尽管目前正在发生所有的狗屎,尤其是在美国在疫苗上有分歧 /无论您认为重要的政治如何,都至关重要,确保无论我们相信或宽容,我们都彼此友善。有您想要的所有辩论 - 这就是这个国家允许和推广的。但是请,不必彼此成为鸡巴。尽管我们可能有任何分歧,但让我们都是合法的,而不是卑鄙的不愉快。我们没有其他方法可以在政治和 /或社会中维持文明的气氛。

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Aug 25, 2021 - 11:34am
BigKahunaBanker, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Brother, I am in love with the most wonderful girl and finally feeling like an adult. Life is hard, but I am loved and there will be a future.

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2021年8月25日 - 上午11:49
DifferentKindaHigh, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Have a lot to be thankful for over the last couple years since coming out of undergrad. Moved across the country from CA to纽约to start my first big boy job. That move brought me my now GF (soon to be fiancé). Then made the move out to Chicago and both of us are in love with this city (except for winter). Here I was able to break intoIB,在一支具有不错的WLB的令人敬畏的团队中,所以现在可以用我的So节省去环游世界。

Have read many times about putting things into perspective (users like thebrofessor have amazing posts to read through). Excited about growing professionally in my career, hoping to see my friends and family more, and looking forward to creating amazing memories with the love of my life. Not to mention we adopted a dog who never fails to put a smile on my face after coming home from work.

Aug 25, 2021 - 1:38pm
Monkey Capital, what's your opinion? Comment below:

After seeing the posts from depressed people and seeing the responses from people happy with their lives, have you noticed that the same pattern always appears?

Those depressed happen to indirectly identify as the root of the problem their very reduced level of personal interactions in real life (though they will not admit it). Meanwhile those who are actually happy always mention activities that involve doing shit outside with people.

Unless you want to become another nerd in the brink of mental breakdown, turn everything off and go outside if you are not busy. Go get some drinks with your friends or coworkers. Find a cool partner or go see some str*ppers with your friends if lonely. DGAF about social media, everything is plastic, deceptive and cringe... do not believe 90% of what you see there. Go safely to a music festival or a comedy show. Go to enjoy a good breakfast at your favorite diner.

The alternatives are many, but the single denominator is always the same: Go outside and do stuff in person and preferably with others. Aside from your work there is absolutely 0 need in losing time in front of a screen trying to be the best sniper in whatever game, watching videos of bears playing trumpets or shooting DMs to random brainless attention seekers.

We are talking about a very big issue that will begin to be studied more in depth in the psychiatric world and is often ignored by many today. Take control of your lives and enjoy to the maximum.

“Anyway, four dollars a pound"

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Aug 25, 2021 - 2:10pm
IncomingIBDreject, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Eh, I'd take this with a grain of salt. I know some social people who ended up in bad relationships and ended up being single moms, or others who went with the wrong crowd and will now spend the prime of their life in jail. I agree with the fact that solid friends and a supportive SO are better than nothing, but you have to be careful with friend selection and SO selection as well. I also think this site offers some benefits such as being able to debate and reflect on controversial topics with a group of often intelligent and rational people, something that isn't easy to find irl. As a non-target, I was also able to gain a ton of industry info from this site that I wouldn't have been able to get from talking to people face to face (although I did plenty of networking calls).


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Aug 25, 2021 - 5:59pm
Monkey Capital, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Eh, I'd take this with a grain of salt. I know some social people who ended up in bad relationships and ended up being single moms, or others who went with the wrong crowd and will now spend the prime of their life in jail. I agree with the fact that solid friends and a supportive SO are better than nothing, but you have to be careful with friend selection and SO selection as well. I also think this site offers some benefits such as being able to debate and reflect on controversial topics with a group of often intelligent and rational people, something that isn't easy to find irl. As a non-target, I was also able to gain a ton of industry info from this site that I wouldn't have been able to get from talking to people face to face (although I did plenty of networking calls).

Indeed, completely right on filtering carefully certain people. Thank God I detected on time the real nature of some questionable people years ago (especially high school times) and got them out of my circle.

Regarding the second part of your message, I would sayWSO对于信息目的来说非常好,对潜在专业人员绝对有帮助。在这种情况下,绝对0的伤害,您正在做出负责任的使用。


Personally I believe this applies to a significant portion of people claiming to be unhappy with life (despite being in good conditions, not including people who faced any sort of tragedy) in different sites, not only here.

“Anyway, four dollars a pound"

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Aug 25, 2021 - 6:11pm
Anonymous Monkey, what's your opinion? Comment below:

另一件事:许多苦涩和愤怒的人都使用“ cuck”之类的词,来自4chan和Redpill论坛,在那里他们将所有的空闲时间都讨厌与其他不同的人。很明显为什么这些类型的人不开心

EatClenTrenHard, what's your opinion? Comment below:


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Aug 25, 2021 - 2:10pm
isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

很好 - 你是天生吗?

“如果您总是对自己所做的一切,身体或其他任何事情都限制,它将扩散到您的工作和生活中。没有限制。只有高原,您不得呆在那里,您必须超越它们。“- 李小龙

Aug 25, 2021 - 4:15pm
EatClenTrenHard, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Yeah, 174lbs5'9。9%ISH BF。培训9年。补充剂:肌酸,L瓜氨酸和甘油。考虑突击队,但a)始终没有库存b)不确定是否会保留收益,c)不确定这是否会拿走Natty卡

2021年8月25日 - 下午4:17
EatClenTrenHard, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Good question. Don't bench often, most work is dumbbells.Can inclinedb100'sx8… last time I maxed on bench I think it was 255 or 265… I have shit form on the bench, flare elbows making it shoulder dominant and always feel like I'm gonna get hurt on it so don't often.

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Aug 25, 2021 - 2:12pm
isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

What does the central coast mean - Virginia?

“如果您总是对自己所做的一切,身体或其他任何事情都限制,它将扩散到您的工作和生活中。没有限制。只有高原,您不得呆在那里,您必须超越它们。“- 李小龙

Aug 25, 2021 - 7:52pm
Paultwodoorjones, what's your opinion? Comment below:


Making a trip to Cali to go golfing with the BIL in late September


Got a cute tinder date for this weekend and she's down to fuck


2021年8月25日-9:21 pm
isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:


“如果您总是对自己所做的一切,身体或其他任何事情都限制,它将扩散到您的工作和生活中。没有限制。只有高原,您不得呆在那里,您必须超越它们。“- 李小龙

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Aug 26, 2021 - 9:48am
tengleha, what's your opinion? Comment below:


I want to go and experience something new (and ride consistent good snow & big mountains), but my life here is pretty good. I have a great friend group and am always going camping, snowboarding, biking, hanging out with friends etc. One second I'm ready to pack my backs and head out, and the next I have no desire to leave. I would also miss my 14 yr old family dog pretty bad.


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2021年8月26日-2:14 pm
tengleha, what's your opinion? Comment below:

I need someone to tell me what to do because I am a child.

Aug 26, 2021 - 2:27pm
IncomingIBDreject, what's your opinion? Comment below:



2021年8月26日-4:42 pm
Anonymous Monkey, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Personally I'd stay. A solid friend group and close relations with family are definitely better than steeper slopes or whatever, especially if they're always doing exciting activities

Aug 26, 2021 - 4:50pm
jarstar1, what's your opinion? Comment below:

These opportunities become fewer and farther between as you get older. I can't really give you solid advice (and why should you take it from some stranger on the internet?) given my limited understanding of your situation, but I say fucking go for it. Take a road trip out and enjoy the hell out of it. You can still keep in touch with your friend group and it isn't hard to meet up every few months, plus there is nothing keeping you in SLC, if it doesn't work out you can move back east. Having a job with that kind of flexibility is super key.

Aug 26, 2021 - 8:07pm
TechBanking, what's your opinion? Comment below:


I want to go and experience something new (and ride consistent good snow & big mountains), but my life here is pretty good. I have a great friend group and am always going camping, snowboarding, biking, hanging out with friends etc. One second I'm ready to pack my backs and head out, and the next I have no desire to leave. I would also miss my 14 yr old family dog pretty bad.


Just go for only live once, and your friends will prefer camping and skiing with you in Utah over anything out East. I moved to CO after纽约和我所有的家人跟着我。The mountains are where it's at.

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Aug 27, 2021 - 9:14am
Brio, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Try it out for a year? Live in PC and have family and friends come visit.

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Aug 27, 2021 - 10:11am
anonymous_mo, what's your opinion? Comment below:

et culpa cum soluta等。cupidates cupidaters sed hic et est。Maiores必需品voluptas安置Amet Quia Omnis Nihil。在doloribus dolor permutibus等人中,质量影响。minima culpa fermibus quam nemo nesciunt eos voluptatem。moletiae quas ullam beatae recusandae est。


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