


I don't care that you were a VP in S&T orand did yourMBA在达特茅斯,展位或其他一些卑鄙的人M7。好吧,不要成为分析师的精英粉丝。


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Comments (68

Aug 27, 2021 - 9:57am

I think they're just super insecure and try and approach with a strategy of douchebaggery to hide it.

我是一个MBA我所做的第一个狗屎是倾听并学习真正完成这项工作的家伙,绝对使我走得更快,他们为此而尊重我 - 使事情变得更加容易。

Aug 27, 2021 - 10:55am

您看起来像是一种有权利感的人IB。考虑到您对您的评论的不成熟程度,我不怪您对待您的对待 - 您必须是一个真正的傻瓜。您的帖子的目的是什么?即使您的同伙是一个真正的douchebag,也无需搅动和垃圾MBA同事。There are douchebag analysts all over the place as well, but do you see us posting shit posts like yours?


  • 一个alyst 1S&T-股票
Aug 27, 2021 - 11:03am


  • VPIB-M&A
2021年8月27日-4:06 pm


你说,他们已经寡糖链r desks for three years. So they have given up thousands of hours and a chunk of their early 20s only to have someone come in from a two-year vacation with zero relevant work experience telling them to quickly whip up X, Y, or Z without having any idea how long those tasks take (or why they are being done, really). Having to report to, and often indirectly train, someone who has little clue as to what they are doing is thankless and infuriating.


We really need to stop hiring people with没有前台财务或财务背景。真实地说,从事广告,时尚或人力资源工作5年的绝大多数人都被允许MBA作为填充物多样性申请人,因为金融/咨询/技术配额已满。无需让他们练习以大三的费用玩成年人。此时越来越荒谬。


高级投资银行和私募股权基金的精英从业人员教授的6个建模课程的300多个视频课程 - Excel建模 - 财务报表建模 - 并购建模 - LBO建模 - DCF - DCF和估值建模 - 所有这些都包括 + 2巨额奖金。

  • Associate 2IB-M&A
Aug 27, 2021 - 4:28pm

“我们真的需要停止与没有前台finance or finance-adjacent backgrounds"


If every analyst wanted to stay inIB和/或回到IBafter anMBA然后,是的,您可能没有任何先前的经验职位MBA

Think ofPE。他们不雇用职位MBA没有PEexperience. Why? Because there is demand fromPEanalysts and associates to come back to the industry after biz school. You can bet your life if allPE同事保释,从不想退还公司也不会雇用任何经验MBAlike肠易激综合症

  • Associate 1IB -COV
2021年8月28日 - 10:42 AM



2021年8月27日 - 上午11:23

看到这么多这些帖子的垃圾很令人沮丧MBA同事告诉他们,他们需要做什么才能成为合适/合格的同事等……因此,您知道,周围有同样多的坏分析师。仅仅因为您看不到我们在这里对分析师大声疾呼WSOdoesn't mean we think all the analysts on wall st are doing an amazing job. we just don't have time to post all these useless things ranting and complaining all-day long. There are top analysts that we would love to work with and there are immature analyst like you that we constantly have to deal with.

  • VPIB-M&A

有许多无用的,有权懒惰的分析师,但是……他们是分析师。重点是他们是需要训练的新生儿。我不希望分析师或SA不仅仅是头六个月的负担,而且我腾出空间让他们在第一年犯错。应该期望其中的一部分去了IBroute on autopilot because how much does a 19/20 year old really know about what they want to do once they graduate?

如果有人来IB在their late 20s or early 30s with purportedly wide breadth and depth of professional experience, I expect more of them. They have been hired specifically to make everyone's lives easier because of their supposed managerial skills and corporate know-how. Many of them cause even more waves than a bad analyst would because of their lack of relevant training and understanding, and then become even more grating when they try to blame the kid with a decade less experience for their mistakes.

If we must insist on hiringMBAwho don't know how to use excel or can't even build a coherent slide, they should come in as analysts. They get the career change they believe they deserve while we don't have to keep pretending they can manage jack shit. Win win

  • Associate 2IB-M&A
2021年8月27日 - 下午4:31

因为这种态度你的分析师都呗l onIB而且永远不想返回。

try not working them 100 hrs a week and perhaps they might want to return/stay at the bank and build on their experience

  • Associate 2IB-M&A
2021年8月27日 - 下午4:32

质量低的原因MBA同事is because less and lessMBAstudents want to go into banking so quality of hires suffers. If you changed so they came in as analysts you'd make the problem worse - ppl with audit, consulting, other finance experience wouldn't be interested and you'd be stuck with a bunch of previous teachers and journalists who decided they want to make money and have no relevant skills. Also banks haven't figured out how to design an effective program to retain analysts into associate years. Even CVP started hiringMBA协会每年增加数字。

  • InternIB-M&A

刚接受采访英尺昨天,我所有的面试官都开始担任职位MBA同事。在4、1中,有1个很有趣,其他人似乎有资格,“我们优越,因为我们在XYZ Bank工作”的混蛋。

  • Associate 2IB-M&A
2021年8月27日-2:24 pm

刚接受采访英尺昨天,我所有的面试官都开始担任职位MBA同事。在4、1中,有1个很有趣,其他人似乎有资格,“我们优越,因为我们在XYZ Bank工作”的混蛋。

Pretty hilarious that in your career the only relevant thing you can contribute to this thread is "I had an interview with anMBA一次助理!他看起来像个混蛋!

  • InternIB-M&A
2021年8月27日-2:27 pm


  • 一个alyst 1S&T-股票
Aug 30, 2021 - 11:09am

Yeah, there are no analysts like that. Are you really dumb enough to make that kind of generalization after 1 interview? Good luck w that offer

  • 一个alyst 1IB -COV


It's pretty joked about amongst analysts and VPs thatMBA同事are usually a lot more technically unprepared.

我不会说他们是douchebags /坏人。我绝对体验了精英 /不愉快的A2AS-不会说这只是MBA同事。


  • ProspectIB- gen

Idk why associates just seem to be D-bags in general. From my experience, always have fantastic interviews with analysts, VPs can be intense, but fair, and MDs are usually really nice and fit focused... Associates in my interviews were always AS$$es bragging about their analyst years orMBA, the sick deals they did, etc...pure arrogance and just generally unpleasant feel.

这是什么IBthat makes associates the worst of the totem pole?

  • 夏季合​​伙人IB-M&A
Aug 27, 2021 - 3:52pm

Would it be better if they went to a topM7像沃顿酒店一样?哈哈。为什么还要区分

Aug 27, 2021 - 3:58pm



  • 一个alyst 1IB -COV
2021年8月27日 - 下午5:29

Don't even understand what you mean here boss.

一个MBAis literally a bullshit degree you pay for. I would be much more happy for someone with 1-2 years of consulting ->HBS/GSB比有10年营销的人成为合伙人。

There are just different levels imo

  • 一个alyst 1IB -COV


完全同意另一个用户 - 对于那些MBA实际上,不知道您的分析师和VP的同事绝对会把小便从您身上带走。

That's just objectively true - unless you come in very well prepared for the job, i.e. Big 4 deal advisory / top audit / consultants / top lawyers etc.


我个人相信MBA同事need to be thoroughly technically trained before joining, whether that means 2-3 months training, modelling tests etc. Otherwise they just come in and are less useful than an analyst.

  • 一个alyst 1IB -COV
2021年8月28日 - 12:32 AM


  • 一个alyst 1IB- gen
Aug 29, 2021 - 8:06am

这个线程是他妈的悲伤的人,只是一群摇摇欲坠的人争论谁更糟 - 鼻子鼻子22岁的年轻人走进PPT / Excel Monkey工作或Egghead 28岁的Egghead被吸引进来,以取代所有要离开的尸体。


2021年8月30日-12:44 pm

Should've said theMBAAssociates you've dealt with are douchebags. It doesn't imply they all are. But since you decided to throw them all under the bus, that's why it's raining monkey shit on you.

2021年8月30日-12:44 pm

Should've said theMBAAssociates you've dealt with are douchebags. It doesn't imply they all are. But since you decided to throw them all under the bus, that's why it's raining monkey shit on you.

  • Associate 2IB-M&A
Aug 30, 2021 - 3:28pm

i'm anmbaassociate and even i think there are so many issues with what you said. viewing analysts as people who "report" to you for one. at a minimum first 6 months on the job you should consider yourself junior to 2nd year analysts. desire to help them develop? what gives you the expertise in this area? your overall tone is condescending and would bet anything your analysts are posting this these threads after working with you.

  • Associate 1IB-M&A
Sep 1, 2021 - 2:54pm

Man. I'mMBAassociate myself but the way you talk, not to mention the tone, is awful. You really seem like a typicalMBAassociate whom many analysts shit on.

  • 一个alyst 1IB- gen
2021年8月30日-6:44 pm


  • 一个alyst 1IB- gen
9月1日,2021 - 1:06 pm

Is it that common for analysts out of undergrad to be from that privileged or trust fund background? I am most certainly the opposite.

9月1日,2021 - 8:17 AM



All to say, not allMBA同事是用同一块布剪掉的。

  • Associate 2IB-M&A
9月1日,2021年 - 10:45 AM

对于同事/VPS来说,有一个绝佳的位置,可以在必要时跳入材料,并在线上推动一些东西,同时也能够提供足够的指导,同时让大三学生在不将其杀死的情况下完成工作。A2A在前者方面往往会更好,但在后者中更糟, *调味 *MBA同事(because we can't do anything that well in the beginning) tend to be better at the latter but worse at the former.

9月1日,2021年 - 11:22 AM


Sep 1, 2021 - 2:49pm

Ex aut voluptas libero aut vel aliquam voluptatem corporis. Ut culpa ut enim eum. Maxime tempora occaecati dolore eos minus reprehenderit.

非Omnis Culpa Labiosam Tenetur Soluta。Autem qui Manurum possimus quo ractatur。Nisi Corporis explicabo Aut Veniam Quidem Eaque EOS EST。

Natus natus voluptas et enim omnis. Consequatur natus sunt consectetur vitae blanditiis laboriosam.

9月3日,2021年 - 9:08 AM

Aut repellendus laborum dignissimos qui in hic. Saepe eligendi non eaque reprehenderit. Nam quod nulla maiores quia occaecati facilis recusandae non. Nesciunt quis aspernatur adipisci sint reiciendis ab occaecati.

Et vel eaque sint quia. Odio eligendi sed asperiores praesentium eum consectetur sed. Quae dolor ut esse iusto.

Rerum nesciunt quis neque voluptas molestias qui dolorem。SINT MODI ANINI ULLAM VERO挥发了序列Quia。AD SIT QUASI ILLO PORRO REPUDIANDAE REICIENTIS。坐着旁户Soluta voluptas坐着。

  • 一个alyst 1IB-M&A
9月3日,2021年 - 9:10 AM

EOS Inventore Quis voluptate est enim ut Labore。occaecati veniam sunt vel qui。

Non dolorum dolor dolorem hic. Quia ea autem repellendus pariatur velit. Ut harum necessitatibus libero consequuntur quia deleniti. Ut reiciendis aspernatur temporibus reiciendis.

ipsam ut veniam debitis quia quia quae est。Sint et blanditiis独特。

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