
本科在这里称重prop trading(Chicago top-tier options MM) andBBS&T IN纽约. I previously thought I wanted to gointo prop tradingdue to the entry levelcompand technicalaspects of quant trading, but recently I began considering long term prospects and it seems to me thatBBS&T provides greater flexibility and potential, though it comes with a ~40% cut in base pay compared to prop trading. I can't really imagine myself doing optionsMM永远,这似乎是道具交易的情况。

在这个阶段,我不必一定要承诺一个人,只想听听有关该主题的一些想法。我特别有兴趣更多地了解长期薪水和进步前景,退出机会,稳定和生活方式(芝加哥vs NYC)。


  • 6门课程掌握:Excel,财务报表,LBO,M&A,估值和DCF
  • Elite instructors from top BB investment banks and private equity megafunds
  • Includes Company DB + Video Library Access (1 year)

Comments (23)

2021年4月27日 - 上午9:06

depends on the desk at theBB英石。有些桌子以解雇不擅长的大三学生而闻名,最终几乎没有可转移的技能……然后很难找到工作。

which S&T desk is your offer for?

  • 1
2021年4月27日至10:42 AM

It is a rotational program so I probably won't know which desk until after the internship ends. What desks do you recommend in general? I'm pretty interested in rates, would that be a desk with transferable skills?

  • Analyst 2inIB - Gen
Apr 30, 2021 - 3:59am

对于它的价值,我对BBS&T实习(基于我在我的两个室友中IBinternship) is that it's pretty useless - all you really do is watch the analysts do their work and then maybe handle some of the smaller tasks and do summer projects.

  • 常务董事inS&T-其他
Apr 27, 2021 - 5:30pm




300+ video lessons across 6 modeling courses taught by elite practitioners at the top investment banks and private equity funds -- Excel Modeling -- Financial Statement Modeling -- M&A Modeling -- LBO Modeling -- DCF and Valuation Modeling -- ALL INCLUDED + 2 Huge Bonuses.


我是一个“顶级”选项之一的定量交易者MMS. Don't have any first-hand experience at a bank (very few people in the world have both so take bold statements comparing the two with skepticism), but I'm glad I chose the route I did. I like the complexity of the product, the space has lots of activity (thanks WSB!), and my coworkers are all smart, technically-minded people. If you end up trading derivatives at a bank I'm sure those are true there too though.

It's true that most people don't exit from this job into somePE/HF种类事物。您可以横向到一个类似的位置,我想如果您想与其他公司或资产类别进行一些定量,但我主要看到人们完全退出财务CS/工程/学术界(或仅退休)。如果您只想将其用作垫脚石,则不太适合网络机会。如果您有STEM背景,那么在您被剪切或决定转移到其他方面的情况下,这些角色中的某些角色也将使您显示一些可转让技能(编码,数据分析)。(注意:削减可能会发生,即使在目标学校4.0儿童肯定可以确保您有计划)

Pay is great especially for the hours (~45 at my place but some are longer), but it's still going to take a decade+ to have a shot at breaking 7 figures.


  • QuantinHF - RelVal

Do you ever see guys coming from buyside quant risk or similar into quant trading firms? Have a combined target stem + quant finance background and trying to angle for that type of role after I get a couple of years under my belt.

Apr 29, 2021 - 7:34pm

We get plenty of quants from other firms, buy and sell side. There are a variety of quant positions though, and different firms use the labels differently (especially for the term quant trader). For QR and dev type roles, prior experience always seems like a plus. For quant trader specifically, I'm skeptical that having a couple years of risk quant is really going to help. Although we get a couple of junior traders each year that had prior full-time non-trading roles, the vast majority of us came straight out of college, so by that metric it doesn't really seem like other experience is really valued much vs. the target school stem background you already have. If you were looking for a quant trader role at my company specifically, I'd encourage you to just apply now.

2021年4月28日 - 9:49 pm

funny...every quant trader i know from a bank has gone to be a quant trader at a hedge fund

  • 商人inPropTrad
4月29日,2021年-12:20 pm

+1, agree with most of this.

是什么让您认为需要十年 +才能达到7个数字(以年度总计计算)?您的轨迹是什么样的?

Aug 19, 2021 - 2:41pm

在这些方面,量化交易者通常如何付款MMshops/prop shops? Assuming one is good enough to stay around, then presumably they would be competent enough to progress at aBB- it then just comes down to luck/politics. However, at that top MD+ level, how do salaries atBBcompare to those at these quant trading firms? I understand you said you haven't worked in a bank before, but perhaps you have heard via others?

May 4, 2021 - 12:55am

选项MMhere, and I will say I hear the concern of "I don't want to be an optionsMM永远“很多都在线,当网络智慧h people from my alma mater. What a lot of people fail to realize is any top-tier prop firm does a lot more than make markets in options. One of the biggest benefits of prop firms being funded exclusively by internal money is that theirs no outside investors to question new money making ideas. Basically every major prop firm has groups doing everything under the sun to make money. From RE, internal hedge funds, crypto,VC(SIG在八亿次竞争中,量化体育博彩等等。虽然您可能会开始创建市场,但有DEF室可以探索其他领域,甚至没有使公司离开公司

2021年5月26日至12:25 PM

Maxime Sunt et Laboriosam Omnis等。dolor accusamus voluptatem rem soluta delectus qui。Aliquid Sunt voluptatem eius turema animi sunt dlectus。

Qui quam sapiente eveniet explicabo. Voluptate quasi sint et eius et. Magni tempora et ea amet quia qui dolor. Aspernatur est consequatur pariatur qui beatae et. Ea dolorem atque et optio alias illo.

Odit iusto natus ex sunt deserunt sit dolore. Quidem et aut animi nulla quia incidunt. Id sequi ut est quos odit.

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