White People Benefit Most from Aff Action


Statistically, white women benefit the most - by far - from AA more than anyone else. And when you look at things like ivy admissions, the only reason places like HYP aren't almost entirely comprised of Asian students (who statistically outperform almost all other racial groups on paper) are because institutions are afraid to allow white people to become the vast minority and alienate white applicants/money.

If the world was a complete meritocracy, Joey from the Long Island private high school with a 3.85 might not have gotten into Harvard without admissions taking race into account to ensure a "diverse" class. It's almost like you all think that if your high paying job or high ranking college isn't filled with all white men, then something is wrong and everyone else must be unqualified. Gross.

So please leave the AA tears offWSO。而且,如果您害怕世界上的Jamals和Carmens即将参加您的午餐,那么在您坐在卡普里岛的避暑别墅中,更加努力地努力工作,并关闭F ***。






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Comments (42

isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

You make a lot of false claims with no data, which means you're just making this up.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Why did you say "white people" benefit in your subject if you're primarily talking about "white women" - it's a bit misleading.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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financeabc, what's your opinion? Comment below:


Yankee Doodle, what's your opinion? Comment below:


"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

  • 1
financeabc, what's your opinion? Comment below:

It is going to end up not being much different from the other AA topic from today or the ones we see weekly.

wittyusrnm, what's your opinion? Comment below:


  • Associate 1
2021年10月14日 - 下午2:15
Yankee Doodle


No one is complaining about people being white.

people are complaining about white people complaining. Big difference. Why are white dudes always acting so oppressed holy shit lol , turn off CNN retards

T30Graduate, what's your opinion? Comment below:


从统计学上讲,白人妇女从AA中受益最多,而不是其他任何人(如果您通过接受HS/大学的表现来衡量声称的利益,然后将其与入学/工作要约成果相关联,那么这并不接近这种情况]。而且,当您查看常春藤录取之类的东西时,诸如催眠之类的地方几乎不完全由亚洲学生组成(统计学上的几乎所有其他种族群体)是因为机构害怕允许白人成为广阔的人少数民族和疏远的白人申请人/金钱。[去看哈佛录取诉讼的发现过程,在严格的GPA-SAT录取政策中,亚洲招生将增加,而白人的比例大致相同;鉴于他们的标准化考试成绩和认知评估的招生过程中“表现不佳”的人是农村/低级白人,PSAT对此进行了研究。哈佛大学的内部研究团队进行了这些研究,并将其放入easily digestible powerpoint图表,不期望它们公开]

If the world was a complete meritocracy, Joey from the Long Island private high school [is this supposed to mean LI private schools are great? Is Joey supposed to be a rich person's name?] with a 3.85 might not have gotten into Harvard without admissions taking race into account to ensure a "diverse" class. It's almost like you all think that if your high paying job or high ranking college isn't filled with all white men, then something is wrong and everyone else must be unqualified [no one implied this, if anything this forum is filled with admiration for Asian-Americans]. Gross.

So please leave the AA tears offWSO。而且,如果您害怕世界上的Jamals和Carmens即将参加您的午餐(没人害怕这一点),那么在您坐在Capri的避暑别墅时,更加努力地关闭F *** [做您在您的办公室或社交界都知道Capri上有一个完全拥有的避暑别墅吗?拥有这种财富水平的人不在卡普里岛拥有避暑别墅.....]。






Fixed it for you in brackets.

2021年10月14日-3:02 pm
Drumpfy, what's your opinion? Comment below:


But why do you think people aren't scared of losing their jobs to minorities through affirmative action? Isn't that the reason most people are against it, because they think people with less qualifications will take their jobs just because of skin color?

T30Graduate, what's your opinion? Comment below:


But why do you think people aren't scared of losing their jobs to minorities through affirmative action? Isn't that the reason most people are against it, because they think people with less qualifications will take their jobs just because of skin color?

I think people are against it on abstract terms rather than day-to-day considerations in terms of employment (for admissions it is more visceral). I do not think it is an active concern for many in the office. Its usage varies so much by field and the degree of scarcity affects how it is perceived. If you are trying to obtain a tenure track position (there are so few of them) or become a doctor, it will be more significant than say finance at the middle to upper levels.

CMatthews, what's your opinion? Comment below:

The claim that white women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action is incredibly misleading. It conflates two sets of policies - bans on gender/race employment discrimination (what's helped white women) and boosts for certain minority groups in college admissions and hiring (what's usually referred to as "affirmative action"). The latter currently provides minimal benefit to white women.

此外,我们还有来自已禁止平权行动的州的案例研究,然后看到竞争性机构中的白人入学率增加了,这表明这些计划没有帮助,例如:https://wwww.latimes.com/californimes.com/california/story/story/story/2020/2020/2020-08-22/prop-2019s-肯定 - 划空 - 绑定了黑色 - 黑色和拉丁美洲裔核对奖和薪水

2021年10月14日 - 下午2:07
isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

When it comes to law school applications, white women don't get a boost, but URMs have roughly a 7% advantage.



"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

T30Graduate, what's your opinion? Comment below:


2021年10月14日 - 2:17 pm
Drumpfy, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Your sources are pretty garbage.

The first source says that affirmative action benefits Asians.


The third source is mostly dedicated to explaining the fourth source.

The fourth source is concerned with Asian Americans finishing high school and college.



The court specifically found that race is used as "a tip or plus factor" for "African American and Hispanic applicants, while white and Asian American applicants are unlikely to receive a meaningful race-based tip." Notably, outside of the context of race, the only other category to meaningfully receive such "tips" are "recruited athletes, legacies, applicants on the dean's or director's interest lists, and children of faculty or staff" ("ALDCs").

So the benefit towards whites is mostly a result of the fact that whites are more likely to play sports or have a parent who attended since Asians are relatively new to the US.

red_bandit, what's your opinion? Comment below:

What about the white people from non-wealthy families that don't have summer houses in Capri? AKA most of us

2021年10月14日 - 下午3:34
isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Please tell me one example how a white male has benefitted from affirmative action?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

  • InternIB-Cov

Very anecdotal, but as a black woman who recently interned at aGS/多发性硬化症/JPM我吓了一跳,我轻松通过的难易程度the recruiting process compared to my non-diversity peers. I spent hours on end learning accounting and valuation concepts, working through M&I 400 practice questions and reading about recent deals that were of interest to me. I was asked a grand total of zero technical questions across my five interviews. Make no mistake: these firms lower the bar to abysmally low levels for racially diverse candidates and it's really frustrating for some of us. I genuinely want to believe that I would've earned the spot in a merit-based process, but I'll never know. I'm left with an unshakeable, lingering feeling of being an imposter. It's deprived me of my sense of pride in my accomplishments and I resent being tokenized as a black woman. Ever wondered why there's always a photographer at these firmwide diversity events? How else is David Solomon and the PR team going to respond to the DEI Twitter mob?

Based on the title of this post alone, I was prepared to read a humorously satirical piece. But this post is a great reminder that my views on race - that we should eradicate racial discrimination of any kind, including race-based hiring of historically underrepresented racial minorities - is becoming increasingly less mainstream. I think a lot of people on this forum need to relinquish their white savior complexes. We are capable and we do not need your condescending special treatment.

我认为这是一个破碎nt message for an audience that is - I assume - predominantly white and male. I speak on behalf of myself, my family and my close friends as I write this reply. We don't all think the same, and some of us would greatly appreciate it if we were treated as individuals, and not members of a helpless racial group in dire need of your handouts.

kks2003, what's your opinion? Comment below:

sounds like fake news - i'm involved in recruiting and this is impossible - zero technicals, sis? you don't have to lie to make a good point (which is that all forms of non-merit based admissions should go away and be replaced by blind processes (scientists do this, pilots do this, but somehow clubby corporate environments use the big lie of "culture" to pick winners of different kinds (rich kids, cool kids, cute kids, smooth-talking kids, quota hires including white women and other "sacred" groups). Why?

  • InternIB-Cov

The most 'technical' portion of the interviews tested my general understanding of investment banking. Key functions of an investment bank, their role in the global economy, how banks differ from one another and why I thought I was best suited for the investment banking division at this particular firm. I was also asked to discuss any recent deal that was of interest to me. If I can answer the question by reading the job post or skimming WSJ once a week, I don't consider it technical. Perhaps my definition of a 'technical question' is narrow but I can assure you that the regular process at this firm sounded far more intense.

I also hope that my experience is anecdotal. However, I doubt that diversity interviews are as rigorous as regular interviews. Since you're involved in recruiting, I'd love to hear you weigh in on your firm's approach to diversity recruiting and how it differs from the regular process.

Allycat0998, what's your opinion? Comment below:

100% fake news, LOL.GS在所有地方,都以其“验证”的面试风格为代表。跳过技术是令人发指的。/此外,您是否想到您在巡回赛中表现更好?

None of my black colleagues had cakewalk interviews. We were cramming like mad together and deliberating after interview our sessions. They were easy for no one.

无论如何,您是否正在杀死工作都没关系。/但同意,我甚至说大多数黑人员工都在工作,因为他们实际上必须努力工作。和秘密的时间...许多人也没有 *来自挣扎的背景。令人震惊的是,游戏中有富人和常春藤联盟的黑人孩子。

  • InternIB-Cov

对我的招聘经验的最慈善解释是,我的背景(STEM领域 /先前技术实习中的目标 /强大GPA)使他们相信我是一位高素质的候选人,因此,我将获得相对的技术知识舒适。我还认为我在面试中表现出色,在这家公司中,我进行了特别有趣且令人愉快的对话,这些对话可能会损害我原本会进行的任何类型的技术评估。

I'm open to that possibility, but I am doubtful given my experience and the experiences of my peers in my social/professional circle. Believe it or not, it's actually very refreshing for me to hear pushback on my experience. I certainly hope it's not representative of the typical diversity recruiting experience and I plan to learn more when I join full-time.

I agree with your point on the background of diversity candidates, but I'd take it one step further. In the 21st century, the greatest impediment to breaking intoIBisn't race. It's a variety of other factors, like socioeconomic status. The wealthy and well-connected have a variety of advantages in recruiting, regardless of race.If you don't get theIB您想要的工作,这可能不是因为在加州大学伯克利分校学习环境科学的29岁副总裁是一个邪恶的种族主义者。这可能是因为您不是最合格的候选人。这就是社会经济背景等各种因素和您的成长经历更加相关的地方。这些多样性计划将种族作为“挣扎背景”的代理,我认为这是可耻的。

jerick, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Et consectetur omnis et quaerat assumenda adipisci. Harum consectetur est mollitia quasi sed aut voluptatem. Eius voluptatem aut laborum aut hic. Voluptas ut dicta nostrum reprehenderit. A sunt pariatur nam repudiandae.

Accusantium mollitia qui voluptatem dicta in eligendi. Est et ut consequatur eius officia eveniet aliquam voluptates.

Voluptatem distinctio inventore velit ut esse quibusdam labore facere. Vitae itaque asperiores earum.

A et a quibusdam rem nihil voluptas. Doloremque non sequi delectus repellat. Sit pariatur perferendis animi eos quibusdam sequi et dolorem. Omnis possimus earum voluptas hic. Omnis esse neque omnis sapiente fugiat est ut dolor.

mergelord11, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Neque sit maiores consequatur eaque aliquid alias. Expedita nam laborum itaque aliquid dolorum nesciunt doloremque. Id numquam itaque at consequuntur eaque omnis facere.

Totam officia ipsum molestiae et et quia. Unde ut qui sit excepturi tempore quae.

Tempora autem praesentium rem. Aut nobis et nihil pariatur perspiciatis modi occaecati.

Quae aspernatur voluptatem corporis totam qui deserunt. Assumenda sunt adipisci iusto autem. Labore quia non et cum consequatur inventore nostrum.

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