

现在,比特币的价格为3,283.79美元,低于近5,000美元的高价。这可能部分是由于诸如杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)这样的企业重量级人物将比特币称为欺诈。在文章中"Jamie Dimon Slams Bitcoin as a 'Fraud,'"杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)说,他将因“愚蠢”而解雇任何员工交易比特币。

The cryptocurrency "won't end well," he told an investor conference in New York on Tuesday, predicting it will eventually blow up. "It's a fraud" and "worse than tulip bulbs."
In bitcoin's case, Dimon said he's skeptical authorities will allow a currency to exist without state oversight, especially if something goes wrong. "Someone's going to get killed and then the government's going to come down," he said. "You just saw in China, governments like to control their money supply."

Moreover, the co-founder of Oaktree Capital Management Howard Marks, another business heavyweight, questioned Bitcoin's intrinsic value,


我也一开始主要对比特币持怀疑态度,因为我找不到比特币的内在价值。但是,不加人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)进一步鼓舞了我,他对比特币有鼓励的话。



Still, Bitcoin is prone to risks. The major risk is still government and the fact that Bitcoin is making financing illegal activities easier.

另一个风险是另一种加密货币将超越比特币,因此,将使比特币毫无价值。我不会主张在比特币和以太坊之外进行投资,因为其他鲜为人知的加密货币(如Penny Stocks)可能会看到其价值降至零。

What are your thoughts? Do you think Bitcoin as it goes further down in price, will be a good investment for the future? Will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin in market capitalization? Are you a current investor in cryptocurrencies?

Comments (24)

Sep 14, 2017 - 9:31pm
indrophilosopher, 你怎么看?以下评论:


Sep 14, 2017 - 11:25pm
热情的投资者, 你怎么看?以下评论:


I'll just conclude by saying buy now at a discount when people are panic selling.

The Warren Buffet way, ehh?

"Be fearful and other people are greedy." -- Warren Buffet

Sep 15, 2017 - 11:50am
derivstrading, 你怎么看?以下评论:

I dont know too much about bitcoing, but I would make the following observations:

  1. 我相当确定这不是霍华德(Howard)的最新信,在最近的一封信中,他承认他做了更多的研究并稍微改变了他的曲调(不会翻转,但负面的程度较低)

  2. I am dubious on the effect of Dimon's words on the size of the move, I think much bigger effect was the China news and then it was just exposed how much of bitcoin is in unstable hands (i.e. people who just saw its gone up X% and dont want to miss out, i.e. classic bubble correction).

  3. People need to remember there are a lot of individuals/companies that profit from just saying stuff, always keep in mind what someones economic interest is

  4. 任何人都在不正确理解细节的情况下购买比特币(通过细节,我不仅意味着您可以解释一个区块链是什么,但我的意思是我认为能够自己开始使用加密货币)是疯狂的

  5. It might be the future of payment, it might not, the future isn't written and anyone that acts like it is delusional and anyone investing as if it is should not be managing money

  6. All assets go up and down, but usually there are people who make money irregardless of the moves, always strive to be one of these people if you want to be rich

2017年9月15日 - 12:51 pm
在排骨, 你怎么看?以下评论:

This is gold.

正确,在H Marks的最新备忘录中,他承认,如果您将其视为货币而不是安全性,则应提出购买加密货币的论点。

Also a great point, the first rule about financial news media is that everyone talks their own book. Dimon invested heavily inJPM's own blockchain technology at a substantial cost. So if alternatives become widespread and he has to eventually switch over, for better alignment with JPM's external stakeholders, his decision will have been a bad one for his shareholders. Naturally he doesn't want to see Bitcoin or any other crypto become widely prevalent.

And for the record, there are already over 100 cryptocurrency hedge funds in the US. I agree the majority of people clamoring to get in on the action are certified insane, but anyone who's secured the confidence and funding of enough well capitalized ppl/institutions to start a fund, is going to get extremely rich off the 2/20 fee structure - and that I respect.

Sep 15, 2017 - 1:43pm
indrophilosopher, 你怎么看?以下评论:

"And for the record, there are already over 100 cryptocurrency hedge funds in the US." Can you list some notable crypto hedge funds?

2017年9月15日 - 下午1:38
运动。, 你怎么看?以下评论:
  1. 任何人都在不正确理解细节的情况下购买比特币(通过细节,我不仅意味着您可以解释一个区块链是什么,但我的意思是我认为能够自己开始使用加密货币)是疯狂的


2017年9月15日-2:12 pm
在排骨, 你怎么看?以下评论:

This is a good point, but because cryptos are so incredibly early stage, I feel like reading a few books & informing yourself on blockchain technology doesn't give you enough of a perspective to gauge whether or not the nuances of each specific one are unique and valuable enough to gain widespread prevalence over time.

And I think we're comparing apples to oranges by looking at crypto and publicly traded tech. I see crypto more along the lines of early stageVC.

While I don't work inVC,我相信the bigVCfunds hire mostly ex-entrepreneurs or those who have extremely deep understanding of the technology in question, because only they can reliably evaluate if an early-stage product could translate to massive adoption, since they understand all of the stakeholders that will make it a success or failure.

Sep 15, 2017 - 2:16pm
热情的投资者, 你怎么看?以下评论:


But I think Jamie Dimon is being nice, warning people to get out of cryptocurrencies before they take a huge financial loss. A lot of smart-minded investors are thinking cryptocurrencies are going to trash right now. They could be wrong. I am tempted to invest a small amount of money into Ethereum if it drops further.

Best Response
Sep 15, 2017 - 2:17pm
SvenS, 你怎么看?以下评论:

我不完全理解比特币或区块链am still learning about it myself. I think it's a fascinating topic, regardless of whether your thinking is more in line with Jamie Dimon's or more in line with Marc Andreeseen's. I think there are valid points on both sides. I'm somewhere in between because I haven't learned enough about it yet but I lean more in Andreeseen's direction. My thought process goes something like this. It's easy to say that this currency isn't built on trust and that the advantages of true peer to peer payment will be enough to carry Bitcoin to success, but it's not that simple. Trust is highly important. Also, while the USD is a fiat currency, it is backed by the full faith of the US government, which, for now, still has some value. Bitcoin is only worth what other people are willing to pay for it, as Howard Marks mentions with the gold analogy. That being said, the "implied value" of gold to human civilization has outlasted any governments' currency. Many governments and societies have had currencies and those currencies have come and gone. So there is something to be said for currencies or currency-like assets that society values. Maybe Bitcoin is getting to the point of critical mass where it can achieve that sort of value. Today though I agree with Howard Marks in that it is atradingsardine. No viable currency can regularly fluctuate in value by 20% a week, or whatever the move has been for bitcoin over the past few days. In the long-term though I think this could be quite interesting. I think the fact that there is a fixed amount of bitcoin also has significant value. Think about how much value the USD has lost over the years in real terms due to the effects of inflation and continued government issuance of new currency. No more bitcoin can be created other than the predetermined amount remaining to be mined. If it is a viable currency in the long-run, then in my mind that fact has significant value and protection against dilution that traditional currencies can't answer. In the end, I wonder if Bitcoin is only the initial vehicle in this space. Maybe it's the vehicle/currency using this technology that has the first-mover advantage but is eventually replaced by another one or something similar. I refer to Peter Thiel's concept of last mover advantage here where the last institution or company to create orders of magnitude innovation in a particular area ends up dominating.

"Successful investing is anticipating the anticipation of others". - John Maynard Keynes
  • 9
Sep 15, 2017 - 3:22pm
南方绅士, 你怎么看?以下评论:

I'm still on the fence about what crypto's actually are or will be. Are they a commodity, are they a currency, etc.? At this point I cant see how, or why, anyone would be interested in a medium of value exchange that fluctuates by 25% in a day or 1000% in a year.

"Not me. Im in my prime"

Sep 15, 2017 - 7:21pm
VanillaGorilla, 你怎么看?以下评论:

One of the issues with bitcoin is that it is both a store of value and a currency. Currently, it is too slow to be used as a proper currency, but the implementation of SegWit will lay the foundation for the Lightning Network, which could alleviate that issue.

I agree with a recent anology I heard comparing current blockchain tech to the maturity of what the internet was at in the early 90's. Very few people knew what email was, and even fewer used it but we knew it ran on the internet. I think, if it ever gets there, the fluctuation in value will stabilize when we see bitcoin's value run somewhere into the $100,000's. The dotcom bubble was in the trillions, and we're just breaking past the 100 billion mark in total crypto market capitalization this year, so I don't think that's a total stretch to say when you start to explore the possibilities for the uses of the tech.

Are we in a blockchain bubble now? No. No one knows what the fuck it is, and its use still has few examples of actual implementation other than digital currency which is just the tip of the iceberg. Is bitcoin overbought right now? Probably. The recent drop from $5k would tell you that, and we will continue to see similar rise and falls in its future.


  • 7
Sep 16, 2017 - 12:34am
indrophilosopher, 你怎么看?以下评论:

I vision that one day all the currencies will be in the form of electronic, where the monetary economics collapses. Fiat currency will be worth its intrinsic value and where the potential of A.I will make our life's easier and cheaper. A debt based system will fail dramatically and everyone will move to cryptocurrencies. Just my speculation; please take no offense.

Anyways, I have an interesting question and would love to hear your view. Do you believe in free will or determinism or a combination of both?

Sep 16, 2017 - 11:48am
lordbendtner, 你怎么看?以下评论:

我只是没有看到BTC当前密码或任何其他scaling up properly. Why would banks, other fin. institutions and large corporations give up one stream of collecting customer data? Also why would the government allow for a currency they can't control to become so widespread. I still believe that monetary policy needs to be regulated by a central body and I can't see BTC helping the cause. That being said, the technology is interesting and has a ton of practical applications. So maybe some new tech will come out that will give the best of both worlds.

Sep 16, 2017 - 11:32pm
FinancePilot, 你怎么看?以下评论:

比特币(“ BTC”)从根本上存在缺陷。定义货币的关键特征是集中化机构的支持。一个很好的例子就是美元。是的,美元是法定货币,但它保留了其价值,并用作公认的交换媒介,因为它得到了美国政府的支持。比特币不是。正如我在第二句话中所说的那样,比特币没有中央支持。我看到这种货币最终失败了。就像17世纪的荷兰郁金香泡沫一样。就像比特币一样,当郁金香被介绍给欧洲时,人们将其视为下一个最好的事情。郁金香就像以前没有其他花一样,比特币也没有其他货币。 Soon enough a market was created for tulips and given the surge in profits, people wanted a share of the profits. Suddenly growers began to grow their own tulips, gave these tulips different names and sold them as fast as they could. Sounds familiar. The surge in profits of Bitcoin has given rise to new crytpocurrecneis with almost arbitrary names (LBRY, litecoin, Namecoin, Vericoin, Bitcrystals, Dash..). There is novalue或这些货币背后可信赖的机构。它类似于金字塔方案。那些在2009 - 2011年购买的人持有大量比特币,因为他们以这些高昂的价格兑现了。立即购买BTC,您要支付4000美元以上的价格,没有接受,没有价值,没有支持,没有稳定性,并且载有其他基本问题。就像荷兰郁金香一样,BTC达到的价格将达到人们不愿支付的价格。一旦达到这一点,加密货币市场就会丑陋。

  • 3
Sep 18, 2017 - 11:09am
IB Analist, 你怎么看?以下评论:

It's definitely a bubble. Notice that 2 years ago when the price of bitcoin was only a few hundred dollars there was no massive circlejerk to buy bitcoin. The people that are purchasing bitcoin now are purely speculating. If bitcoin keeps going up, why bother buying it when you can hold it for profit?

The currency system we have now already works. Nobody complains about how hard it is to complete transactions online; we've had credit cards for decades that work fine.

Plus, there's no possible way the government would allow bitcoin to replace the currency they have. How could we control interest rates? You think the government would just give that up to a couple technology enthusiasts that got into cryptocurrency early? Shit would go way out of wack with a currency that deflates, as people wouldn't even bother investing or even spending money when the currency they hold increases in value. Just my 2c.

Oct 15, 2021 - 4:45pm
Legion42, 你怎么看?以下评论:

Libero architecto repellat sit fugiat veritatis omnis. Aut deleniti asperiores hic ea dolores ut. Ea rem cumque voluptates expedita. Aliquam fugiat voluptas ut et accusantium explicabo.

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