Nothing wows me?

I've always had few interests, but recently I've started realizing that nothing ever really wows me - is something wrong with me? There are many things that I look forward to when I imagine them, but when they really happen they always just feel so 'real' and, well, expected.

The dream vacation? Meh. Having sex? Meh. Graduating? Meh. Making baller dollars? Meh (ok I'm only A1 but my family is poor so fuck you). A once in a century pandemic? Meh. I'd also become nonchalant the first week into any college course that seemed vaguely interesting beforehand. It's not like I don't appreciate these things, but they just never strike me as amazing when I actually experience them.

Does anyone else experience this at all?

Edit: I don't mean being disinterested in anything and everything. I enjoy all the above things (not the pandemic), but they just never overwhelm me to the extent that it makes me think "wow"

Comments (59

  • Prospectinother


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  • ProspectinS&T - Other

Agreed. Sounds like it. Symptoms include lack of interest in anything. Go speak to a therapist perhaps

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  • Analyst 1in是- Equities

我know you're not asking about this, but it seems like you'd make a good Venture Capitalist. Not so wow'd by the "revolutionary technology" that you become biased and blind when making decisions and analyzing the information.


My advice would be to do a bit of deep, self-reflection to think about the last times you were really excited/wow'd even as a kid and think about what kinds of things made you feel that way.

  • Analyst 1inIB-M&A

Wow this is actually really spot on (lol the irony). I agree that my values aren't really oriented toward grand or material things, although if you ask what they are aligned to I wouldn't be able to say either. Introspection seems like a good place to start. Thanks, this is helpful!

Also good to know aboutVChaha, started becoming interested in the past few months

Pescepescetarian, what's your opinion? Comment below:

It's a well known syndrome called the Bateman Syndrome, after its most famous sufferer Mr. P. Bateman.

P. Bateman

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Isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

look at how perfect his audiophile sound collection is - this movie is legendary

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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Pescepescetarian, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Huey Lewis and the News is the best album to listen when you have to wear a raincoat with bunch of newspapers covering the floor. You know... Cuz you have a dog and you don't want it to pee all over the god damn place.

Pescepescetarian, what's your opinion? Comment below:

on a serious note, I've been exactly like you since high school. You either are mildly depressed or just turning into your true self.


Another possibility is your diet. I rarely eat red meat, I probably don't eat as much carbs as I should (for someone who runs 15-20 miles a week), etc... But when I do eat a lot of red meat and bunch of carbs, I feel much more emotional for some reason. Another evidence of this being a real possibility is that I've started eating much less while exercising more during the quarantine, and my "calmness" seems to have increased even more so.

  • Analyst 1inIB-M&A

I'm not too sure it's an over time thing; when I first came to the states for school 5-6 years ago it also like "uh ok, so this is the US, cool." Then again, I don't remember things from back then too vividly.

It never crossed my mind that this could be biological lol, but the way you put it does make sense. I do feel it's to do with some tendency to quickly rationalize new experiences. Overall I'm not unhappy about it or anything, was just curious whether it indicates I don't leave my comfort zone - guess not?

Brohansantana, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Personally, I don't get super excited over small, day-to-day items (sex is great but it's not revolutionary) or things that I can't control (pandemic). Also, money doesn't do it for me. Sure, I have to work to make it but it wasn't challenging for me to just throw down for a vacation so it isn't hyper gratifying in my book.

However, the things that excite me are ones that take a long time to build up to and a lot of hard work. For example, I started doing jiu jitsu and the day I pulled off my first armbar submission was one of the best days I'd had in years. It took months of work and dedication to learn positioning, technique, etc. Do I get excited every day when I train? Nah, but those big moments do it for me. That sentiment applies to most of my life.

  • Analyst 1inIB-M&A

Interesting. That reminds me how I used to play competitive tennis is high school and would feel like I'm on cloud 9 after a big win. Unfortunately I don't play anymore so maybe that's why. But maybe as Milton mentioned above it's also a become more callous overtime thing.

Along that logic we'll see how I feel when I close my first deal in IB? Lol

Brohansantana, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Haha yea, your first closed deal in banking is actually pretty solid. You'll enjoy that one.

我建议再次开始打网球(i'm sure you will enjoy the hobby) and then maybe look into something that you have no experience with but would love to learn / explore (could be learning a new language, playing an instrument, martial art / new sport, etc.). Something that you can sink yourself into and have some exciting payoffs as you reach milestones (playing your first full song, going into a more complicated song, maybe writing a composition, etc.).

Dick Steele, what's your opinion? Comment below:

So I'm not the only one. Sometimes I feel bad for not feeling emotion, even when I should. I remember when I was around 7 our dog got hit by a car and was killed. I felt nothing. Years later when my grandad got sick I felt nothing, when he passed, I felt worse about not feeling anything than I did about his death. It's easy to laugh and for me to act with emotion around people but I don't actually feel that bad or feel much of anything. In fact, at my grandads funeral, I was rather bored and was thinking about when I could back to doing what I wanted. I feel bad about that but can't help it. At least I know how to fit in.

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BBCINIB, what's your opinion? Comment below:


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Urmaaam, what's your opinion? Comment below:

拨回the masturbation

DirtyDan, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Chill bro

There can only be one Dirty Dan, the rest of you are Pin-head Larrys...

Isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Get your HR up - you can't feel too 'meh' if you're running your heart out, and at that point you will begin to see more inner truths in your life after these high HR sessions.

Challenge yourself, in work and life. Set goals - exceed the goals. Repeat.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Dick Steele, what's your opinion? Comment below:

When you feel nothing your HR does not matter. You know, I've never had an erection before in my whole life. I went through puberty and felt myself change but just couldn't get excited enough over a girl (or anyone) to get one. I have no idea whats wrong with me. All my relationships are built on lies, no one has any idea who I am in reality.

Isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Sounds like low T

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

我向您保证最高人力资源很重要 - 每一次呼吸很重要

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

  • InterninPE - LBOs

Schedule an appointment with a male general practitioner ASAP my man. Not having a libido and/or erection indicates serious hormonal issues even worse the younger you are.


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  • InterninPE - LBOs


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Isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:


I'd bet against you on 80% odds - that's crazy. 80% of gymgoers don't have eating disorders. I'm sorry dude, but I think I've met more gym people than you and know their eating habits.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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Dick Steele, what's your opinion? Comment below:

8/10 seems kinda high. I don't think there is anything wrong with the majority of people inside gyms

AnonymousMonkey130, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Had very similar feelings throughout my life. What has been working for me as of late is not focusing solely on the experiences but more on the people that I'm doing the activities with. I took a lot of time to develop organic real relationships and that drastically change the way I view future experiences. I now look forward to family events, excited for happy hours when I hang out with good friends and cool co-interns/workers, and trying those new food spots with my girlfriend who makes every outdoor experience a laugh fest. Surround yourself with people who truly make you happy and the feelings will surface/return.

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Isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:


He had a shitty body, zero hobbies and not much interest in anything in life. I bet he had endocrinology problems too.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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  • InterninPE - LBOs

This is me, unfortunately. I stayed at home and took classes at a satellite school to save money. Grant it I got my money in control, killer body, my internships, and a couple hobbies I'm proud of BUT seeing how socially developed people in my class are compared to me was the biggest slap in the face. It pretty much gives me minor panic attacks when I think of how much I missed out on, and that those four years I'll never get back as well as how crucial they are to your development. Plus when you transfer to a school everyone already has their social cliques and you can't really find roommates or rush a frat. I even match with tons of of 7/10+ girls who message me on Tinder but since I'm off campus I can't make any moves which is such a ballbuster. Makes me wonder how much I'd slay had I just been a normal dude and moved out. SMFH

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Dick Steele, what's your opinion? Comment below:

You'll be alright, once you do move out you'll "catch up." I also stayed home and went to a satellite campus, everything else is going good but that college experience is something I wish I went after. Currently, it feels more like high school 2.0. There are also other things that have changed dramatically over the last three years that make me regret it more, it is what it is. I'm not that old, still have time. This isn't to say I'm not as socially developed as other people around me, I have a fairly large group of friends, easy for me to meet people, girls are not much of a problem. Though, it is harder to get away with certain things when you're at home vs at campus, that is the thing I regret the most - I wished I was more independent than I am now. Yet, that time will come too in the next couple years. Don't mean to ramble, just do what you're doing if it's right, try and change what isn't right and you can't really get lost time back, so make better choices in the future.

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Isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

coke just gets him to normal lol

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

LeoSteel77, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Yes this is me to a T.

I've been grinding hard, stacking these dollars, and my life seems to be going great on paper. But I still feel hella empty all the time, nothing really excites me, I can buy myself pretty much anything I want, and I still just have this feeling of existential dread all the time.

  • ProspectinS&T - Comm


Isaiah_53_5, what's your opinion? Comment below:

I went out one night inNYC这只小鸡说“让我们做莫莉”,我以为她在谈论一些三人组,所以我就像“好”。然后她给了我一些莫莉(Molly),我在没有意识到发生的事情的情况下接受了它,我们从曼哈顿开始,去了DJ的房子,还有杂草食品和甚至。我们最终在布鲁克林的某个俱乐部上s着上午10点走了出去……真是个晚上。

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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  • Analyst 1inIB - Gen

I have the exact same shit going on with me. Positive emotions tend to be neutralized quickly, while negative emotions are either "chilled" out if I can or become pain in the ass for a while until I finally get over it. I do not get too thrilled for things, even when I finally achieve something I have been working so hard for so long. But I almost always feel like things are not too bad when it comes to severe situations as well. Sometimes I can clearly sense that I am unhappy or depressed.

I do not recall exactly when I turned into this. I have perfectly normal bobbies and friends, enjoy the same good shits as most people out there do, and are crazy for competitive sports and exercise almost on a daily basis. I trust the grind and consider myself motivated. Honestly, this shit has started bothering me. I feel like my daily happiness has dropped significantly over the past few years. And as a result of the good emotions being neutralized, any negative ones become more troublesome.

  • Associate 2inPE - LBOs


overworked_Modeler, what's your opinion? Comment below:

You should try some physical activities where you struggle like crazy. I used to be like you until I found out about weight lifting and martial art. In the moment when you have 200lb on top of you or having some gorilla trying to strangle you, shit get real fast.

  • ManagerinPropTrad

Sit et explicabo deserunt magni magnam consectetur. Autem alias voluptatum perspiciatis necessitatibus consequuntur harum expedita. Quos magni mollitia exercitationem possimus voluptatem quaerat.

  • ManagerinPropTrad

Nam expedita sed quaerat rem non at. Eveniet quam architecto tempore earum. Ea numquam aut animi eum aliquid. Recusandae corporis consequatur vero provident consequuntur necessitatibus eos molestiae. Dolorem temporibus fugiat aliquid. Ratione consequatur laudantium est ullam itaque.

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