
An economic outcome leaves at least one financial agent better off while leaving no other agent worse off

In economics, a Pareto improvement occurs when an economic outcome leaves at least one financial agent better off while leaving no other agent worse off. It represents society's net benefit or a net welfare gain.

可以改进的情况称为帕累托主导。帕累托的修改将发生,直到没有使某人变得更糟的情况下,没有人会变得更好。这是called reaching Pareto efficiency,或帕累托平衡。



These simulations aimto improve one variable's value as much as possible while keeping other variables constant, also known as多目标优化



Understanding the concept



这个想法首先是由一个名叫的意大利人概念化的Vilfredo Pareto。他是一名经济学家土木工程师,社会学家,政治学家和哲学家。他负责引入许多重要理论微观经济学领域

According to him, such decisions automatically cause a net benefit to society. This is why neoclassical theory generally suggests that if a decision provides a gain to society, that action must be taken.

A society can reach a point where such improvements are not possible. No one can improve their well-being without making another person worse off.

According to Vilfredo, this represents an ideal civilization. He called this situation a Pareto optimum. In such states, all resources have been distributed as efficiently as possible.


这是最终目标:establishing perfectly efficient markets,,,,the central pillar of neoclassical economics.

This idea can be used for numerous reasons in various fields, including:

  • Engineering
  • 生物学
  • 商业
  • 公共政策



Policymakers, however, can't make direct use of this theory. This is because, in reality, perfectly competitive markets do not exist. Therefore, it is not easy to implement the foundations of this theory in decisions concerning resource distribution.


By definition, perfectly competitive markets must make consecutive Pareto improvements until they reach the optimum state. Hence, competitive markets automatically imply a Pareto-efficient outcome. This is called thefirst fundamental theorem of welfare economics


This theory hinges on certain conditions that characterize free markets that must be fulfilled:

  1. 在所有市场中都存在完美的竞争。
  2. 有市场佛r all possible goods.
  3. 市场外部性不存在(意外的成本或由无关第三方经历的经济活动产生的收益)
  4. All market participants have完美的信息


Pareto improvement and the production possibilities frontier

One of the most critical applications of the concept can be found in the production possibilities frontier (PPF). The PPF is a curve that shows how much of two goods can be produced in an economy, given a finite amount of resources.

An economy is said to be using its resources efficiently if it operates along the curve. This means that no help is going to waste, and all available resources are employed optimally.
The PPF displays an essential concept in microeconomics:opportunity cost。If an economy fully utilizes resources, producing more of one good requires paying less for the other.
The two outcomes, however, can be regarded as economically efficient outcomes.

Points on the curve graph


Therefore, those three choices represent Pareto-efficient choices because there is no possibility of increasing one good's production without decreasing the other's output.

Points 5, and 6, however, represent Pareto-inefficient outcomes because there is room to increase the production of one good without decreasing the output of the other. Moreover, the economy can even increase the production of both goods.

Points 5 and 6 provide opportunities for Pareto improvements within the economy. Moving from point 6 to point five or from point 6 to point 1 represents such improvements.

That is because moving outwards towards the curve enables the economy to produce more of both goods by using its resources more efficiently.

Note that point 4 is neither Pareto efficient nor inefficient. It is simply an impossible combination of goods A and B to produce. This is because the economy does not have the necessary resources or the technology to pay that much.

It requires an improvement in resource usage, technology, or both, to reach point 4.


Vilfredo Pareto's contributions in this field are undoubtedly valuable. The ideas of Pareto efficiency and improvement provided foundations of how and why perfectly competitive markets gradually become economically efficient.


1。Being presented as an economic theory, many critics argue it lacks the ability for societal optimization. Societal optimization enters the normative aspect of economics. This school of thought is concerned with outcomes being morally acceptable or not.

Vilfredo's theories fall into the category of positive economics. Positive economics only states the facts that policies bring about. For example, these improvements are economically efficient because it allocates resources more efficiently.


经济公平意味着公平;所有代理必须提供最低收入和资源,以提高manbetx3.0手机客户端economic growth

Even though it can distribute goods and services more efficiently, it doesn't mean it is always fair or equitable. Two different decisions may be Pareto improvements, but one of them may be more acceptable than the other.

例如,将作出决定rich better off without making the poor worse off and a decision that will make the poor better off without making the rich worse off are both Pareto improvements.


2。根据其他批评家的说法,找不到帕累托的改善。经济学上有一个说法:“有没有免费午餐之类的东西。" Individuals of society immediately seize profit opportunities, so finding such improvements is incredibly difficult.






Nevertheless, this decision can't be classified as a Pareto improvement. Although a party is benefiting from this action, another group is also getting harmed.

In monetary terms, suppose that the total transportation benefits that the railway brings are worth $10 billion. However, the harm it will cause amounts to $2 billion. Therefore, if the cost of building the railway is $3 billion, society will experience a net gain of 10 - 2 - 3 = $5 billion.



  1. 许多不受建筑影响影响的公民可能需要政府的援助。政府必须仔细决定要补偿谁。
  2. 通常,建筑物对人们的健康和精神状态(噪声和污染)造成的伤害不能用货币衡量。
  3. 同样,对环境造成的损害并不能总是用金钱来补偿。

Similar theories



  1. Kaldor-Hicks效率,,,,
  2. Bayesian efficiency


A Kaldor-Hicks improvement also gives a net benefit to society. However, it does not require that no party experiences a decrease in their welfare like a Pareto improvement. Therefore, a Kaldor-Hicks improvement represents an enhanced version of Pareto's principles from a practical standpoint.



Bayesian Efficiency:


Bayesian efficiency is characterized by incomplete information. It is a situation where no decision can be made that leaves an agent better off without leaving another agent worse off.



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Researched and authored by Vatche Tchelderian|LinkedIn

Reviewed and edited by James Fazeli-Sinaki|LinkedIn

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