Value Network Analysis


通过评估组织的成员,价值网络分析建立了业务活动与value network.

It is typically carried out by visualizing the link between various business activities using建模工具,例如system dynamics, social network modeling, and process instruments.

Participants are evaluated based on their knowledge and otherintangible assetsthat they bring to the table. In addition, the financial and non-financial aspects of business operations are considered in value network analysis.

It is a map that analyzes an organization's value network in its ecosystem, allowing us to analyze exchanges from an organic, dynamic, and systemic perspective.


线性图形仍然有用且实用,但是它们具有条件缺陷。软件程序员Melvin Conwayexplains in the 1967康威的法律:



The Value Network Analysis elicits much more information, such as communication, exchange, and intangible deliverable structures. In traditional processes,无形资产经常overlooked.


At the same time, the manager has a perspective from the heights, where he moves political processes such as favor交流和战略联盟协议。

However, in the digital age, we discover that we are both intellectual and emotional workers, which we notice.

The process will slow down or become stuck if you don't choose the correct map and rhythm for your business, confusing you and making you feel more angry and frustrated.

Decide on the appropriate rhythm to keep your business vision clear to avoid all of those.

This map allows us to explore what is happening to us and open the door to the creative potential of teams by breaking the cycle of not talking and not seeing certain aspects that were previously only in the hands of managers.

What components comprise a Value Network Analysis?

According toVerna Allee, a value network is a set of roles and interactions that generate a concrete result (in the form of business, economic goods, and/or social goods) through the exchange of value in the form of tangible or intangible deliverables.

The beauty of this definition is that it includes all the elements we'll need to create our value map: roles, transactions, and deliverables.


  • Network nodes:价值网络节点通常由椭圆形表示,并代表特定的人,他们通过参与其中为活动做出了贡献。当然,同一个人可以以多种能力服务。一些万神殿的工作合作者是开处方的研究人员,广播公司或组织领导者。
  • 交流:Each directional arrow represents a value transaction between roles. We draw the arrow continuously or discontinuously, depending on how the value is delivered, bringing us to the third and final component, deliverables.
  • 可交付:线上的标签定义了价值交易的不同方式。我们将有形的可交付成果定义为角色的必要和预期/要求/要求执行特定任务,并在它们之间划定连续的界限。

The different Value Networks: Internal vs. External



In some cases, the value created by these networks can be applied to matters outside of business. Example: the relationship between two people working toward a common goal.

是由一个内部网络的价值examining the connections between these various points within the organization.


An external value network analysis examines the relationship and values these external factors create for the business.




A value conversion network is a network with a specific goal in which active people interact to achieve a common economic goal. A system like this comprises activity-oriented sets of interactions between individuals.

The chief financial officer and team members exemplify an activity-focused network. On the other hand, an external value network is an association between a company, its investors, and its suppliers.

These interactions take place between people who are not members of the organization.

1. Applications of Value Network Analysis


The primary goal of value network analysis is to improve business operations and overall productivity by ensuring that all network members communicate and collaborate.

The methodology can also provide valuable ideas for reorganizing internal processes, improving workflow, and project planning across interdependent units.

A company undergoing an收购或合并可以使用该技术连接和集成新的部门和运营。

Value analysis can also be used by a company that is redesigning its business operations. This type of analysis can identify roles and interactions that must be made in this scenario.

The analysis can also help determine the resources required when an organization is developing a new business model and in the model's ongoing operation.

Research and development are twoother business aspects that can benefit from value network analysis. It is accomplished by identifying the critical elements required for organizational innovation, such as expertise or information.

2.条件ValuationNetwork Analysis

Identifying value exchanges and transactions is critical before conducting a complete value analysis. Therefore, three main questions guide the analysis:

  • 第一个问题是关于交换分析,该分析着眼于公司的总体创造价值和交流趋势。
  • The second question focuses on the network impact of each value input.
  • 最终关注的是价值创造,它着眼于创建,利用和扩展价值的最佳方法。


Given its emphasis on tangible and intangible transactions, value network analysis is compatible with other business analysis tools.

In manufacturing companies, for example, value network analysis can be combined with the Lean六个西格玛在进入以下分析阶段之前,可以阐明给定问题的技术。


The integrated system view of value analysis aids in identifying problems and requirements for solutions.

The analysis can also be used in customer support and organizational network analysis to determine whether active human networks are suitable for exchanging knowledge, information, and expertise.

Network Analysis Techniques

The figure below depicts the two most common techniques used in network analysis:

两种著名的网络分析技术,Critical Path Method (CPM)程序Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), assist managers in planning and controlling large-scale construction projects, research and development, and so on.

These techniques assist managers in handling such products and carrying out their project management responsibilities.

  • The critical path method (CPM):is a technique for identifying tasks required for project completion and determining scheduling flexibility.


  • 程序Evaluation Review Technique (PERT): this is a visual project planning tool. The technique assists project managers in determining start and end dates and interim required tasks and timelines. The data is represented as a network in chart form.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of value network analysis:

Companies also benefit from value network analysis because they effectively manage intangibles and tangible networks.

  1. 网络分析是在大型和复杂项目中计划,调度和控制操作的重要工具。
  2. Evaluating the actual performance level compared to the planned target network analysis is a handy tool.
  3. 使用网络分析,可以确定各种活动的技术相互依赖性,从而使多个操作的正确整合和协调。
  4. Network analysis ensures proper coordination and communication between project components.
  5. 网络分析解决了时间成本的权衡,并确定最佳项目时间表。
  6. This technique is simple and appropriate for computer users.

Significant disadvantages of this type of analysis are that when operations of a company's overall vision and strategy may become lost or muddied.

  1. 复杂的网络构建非常困难,并且在网络分析中耗时。
  2. Estimating the actual time required for various activities is a difficult task. The project analysis is challenging to work on due to several resource constraints.
  3. 在许多情况下,计时折衷程序变得复杂。

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Researched and authored by Ranad Rashwan |LinkedIn


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