
Categorized as a Date and Time function that returns the hour component of the time

It's amazing howAmazonfulfills its customers' orders exactly on time. Everything from ordering the product to its delivery depends on the timing. If the timing is wrong, the customer can potentially face a delay in the product's delivery.

如何Amazon manages its仓库供应并将产品交付给客户很复杂。例如,如果我们说产品需要一天到达最近的仓库和两个小时才能进行交付,那么我们可以使用小时功能将所有类似产品俱乐部添加到一个列表中。

The function is categorized as a Date andTime functionthat returns the hour component of the time between 0 (12:00 A.M.) and 23 (11:59 P.M.), depending on the时间值用作输入。

Returning to our Amazon example, suppose that 100 products are ordered from NYC between 9 - 10 P.M. on the 4th of April 2022. Using this function, all these deliveries could be clubbed together with their expected delivery time at 9:00 P.M. the next day.

If the delivery time is 9:00 P.M., all 100 products must reach the warehouse by 7:00 P.M.

By maintaining a strict schedule for the supply chain, potential losses could be avoided, and customer satisfaction could be improved - all with a simple time function such as HOUR.


The syntax for the function is:



serial_number=(要求)我们想要的时间价值extract the hour component.

This is a required argument that even accepts time as text strings (for example, "10:30 A.M.") or decimal values (such as 0.84375, which corresponds to 8:15 P.M.).


To understand the function better, we will see different instances of time from which you can extract the hour component.






  • 对于日期和时间4/10/2022 23:28,该功能忽略了日期和分钟,仅返回单元C4中的小时,即23。
  • For time 12:00 P.M., the function returns 12.
  • 在时间11:28的时间,该功能将结果返回为23。即使我们的时间为11的小时,也请记住,该数字是根据24小时时钟(0-23)提取的。
  • Well, this is something new. By using the HOUR function on 1.88, we get the result of 21. Let's interpret 1 as a 24 hour period i.e 1 = 24 hours. But the value we have is more than 1, meaning the time is more than 24 hours.




By subtracting 24:00:00 from 45:07:12, we get the result as 21:07:12, the same result for our hour component.

  • 同样,一个类似的时间,但现在不到24小时(24小时的值为1)。为此,我们得到10。您总是可以通过将值的格式更改为[h]:mm:ss,通过在键盘上使用ctrl + 1键
  • 接下来,我们在单元B9中只有04/10/2022的日期。如果我们没有任何指定的时间,Excel的默认时间为上午12:00。


  • 当时间以HH:MM:SS格式(例如15:00:28)表示时,小时函数忽略了分钟和秒,仅将值返回为15。
  • This is similar to what we saw earlier; if the time is 105:28:35, we need to subtract multiples of 24:00:00 to get the present time. The time 105:28:35 could also be interpreted as 4 days, 9 hours, 28 minutes, and 35 seconds.


Practical Example #1

假设您一日游谋生。您交易自己喜欢的股票,Microsoft,,,,Netflix,,,,and特斯拉. You prepare an Excel sheet to record all your transactions so you can better understand how profitable you have been.



This will give you the result as illustrated below:

We will only add the 'Profit' and 'Hour' to thePivot Tablefield area. This will return the following table:

Pivot Table


Practical Example #2

One of the applications where the rules of the function are applied is the biometric fingerprint attendance system.

Assume that at the end of the month, you receive the sheet for all the employee ins and outs and need to check whether the employees have completed the necessary working hours in the office (just an example! We hope the working conditions should never be so severe that it takes the fun out of work).

The data is illustrated below:

Example 2

The column' Time spent in the office in Hrs' represents how many hours the employees worked extra or fell short. In columns F and G, we used the formula =HOUR(D4) and =HOUR(E4), respectively.

So, remember, the next time you walk out that door early, you are being watched!


  • If you do not input a valid Excel time as theserial_numberargument, the function will give you the #VALUE! Error. Decimal values are also excluded from the errors, where the range of 24-hour clock is represented between 0 and 1.

Everything You Need To Master Excel Modeling



Researched and Authored by Akash Bagul|LinkedIn

Reviewed and edited by James Fazeli-Sinaki|LinkedIn

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