
What is an Interest Rate?

The rate of interest is the amount charged on any debt by the creditor to the borrower. An interest rate is expressed in percentage points (%) or inbasis points(BPS), and is usually charged on an annual rate. The rate of interest charged will usually depend on the credit-worthiness or riskiness of the borrower. A high-risk borrower will be charged a higher rate of interest than a low risk borrower, all other things being equal. An example of interest rates is as follows:

  • 投资者希望借入1,000,000美元以投资于股票市场
  • A bank loans the investor $1,000,000 for 5 years at an annual rate of 5%
  • The investor has to pay $50,000 per year to the bank in interest as well as the $1,000,000 at the end of the 5 years
  • 如果投资者每年的收入超过5%,他将获利,否则他将损失钱或收支平衡
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