

other than the classic f.lux/night mode, what other ways have you all reduced eye strain?

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2021年4月13日至9:08 pm
isaiah_53_5, 你怎么看?以下评论:

I had these before they were a thing. They were carbon fiber and $400. They were also transitional lenses and I used them for doing research in neuroscience. I don't wear them much anymore and wonder if it was all in my head. But, my eyes are particularly sensitive to light. I wear sunglasses at the poker tables sometimes.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

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2021年4月13日- 9:31pm
皮耶罗吉股票, 你怎么看?以下评论:



红杉, 你怎么看?以下评论:


红杉, 你怎么看?以下评论:

Not particularly in a perceivable way, but happy to fork over the $60 if it really is better for your eye health


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2021年4月13日 - 11:34 pm
枪骑兵, 你怎么看?以下评论:


2021年4月14日 - 下午2:25
Jayflip21, 你怎么看?以下评论:


2021年4月14日至12:33 AM
再见, 你怎么看?以下评论:

我有一对菲利克斯·格雷(Felix Gray)。很容易成为安慰剂效果,但我认为它们起作用。我曾经感到头痛,与查看屏幕相关的时间太长,但不再那么多了。我曾经有大量的漂浮物,但我认为自从我开始戴眼镜以来,它们变得更好。一些蓝光实际上对您有好处,但是在晚上8点左右,我喜欢穿它们直到登录。最重要的是它们价格合理,我看不到它们是如何伤害的

  • 实习生IB-M&A
2021年4月14日-2:01 PM

Besides eye strain, some people say that blue light glasses help to go to sleep later because blue light inhibits melatonin production. I just talked to a professor of medicine who's in charge of a sleep laboratory and he says that's bs since the glasses do not prohibit blue light from getting in from the sides, above, below etc. He did say that generally reducing blue light exposure before going to bed is very important, but these glasses are useless no matter how expensive. I know the question was more about eye strain, but I thought this could be helpful to anyone who might think about the glasses for this improving sleep.

2021年4月14日 - 下午2:28
Slimtrady, 你怎么看?以下评论:


Apr 14, 2021 - 6:12pm
皮耶罗吉股票, 你怎么看?以下评论:

Which ones are they?


2021年4月14日 - 下午3:25
休·迈伦, 你怎么看?以下评论:

我有一双便宜的我一直在睡觉前〜2小时。根据我的hoop统计数据,尽管还有其他变量在那里,但我的REM持续时间上升了81%(当我不戴上它们会不利影响睡眠时,在星期五/星期六喝酒)。我还将所有设备都设置为夜间模式 /晚上温暖的颜色。

Apr 14, 2021 - 6:23pm
马耳他, 你怎么看?以下评论:

Mollitia ut doloribus eos. Soluta accusamus quas fugiat rerum quod accusantium. Suscipit adipisci quaerat et est hic unde voluptatem. Quo necessitatibus asperiores quas fugiat dolores mollitia aut.

Nisi placeat labore maiores quia qui voluptatum placeat. Architecto est exercitationem voluptatem eum ullam. Et dolor dicta ea corrupti provident. Facilis sint in ducimus qui in quisquam asperiores.

Voluptatibus aut est esse officiis molestiae. Consequatur ipsum sit consequatur aliquid quas laborum. Impedit asperiores voluptatem eum sit perspiciatis molestiae.

“三个最有害的成瘾是海洛因,碳水化合物和每月薪水。”-Nassim Taleb



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