
What are the benefits of using shortcuts in Excel - A starter's guide

Excel是一个很好的工具,可帮助您组织和分析数据。各个领域的许多人使用Excelextensively as part of their day-to-day work. It is not uncommon for people to useExcelfor most of their working day, especially when they work in finance roles such as analysts ininvestment banking (IB)

Even though Excel is a powerful tool, it doesn't have all the features you might want. To make life easier, you can use shortcuts to help you navigate around Excel spreadsheets. These shortcuts will allow you to perform otherwise time-consuming tasks in seconds.

知道Excel快捷方式可能是在11:00 pm而不是上午3:00回家之间的区别。从长远来看,学习这些捷径肯定会在节省时间方面大有帮助,然后您可以用来做自己喜欢做的​​事情,例如与家人共度时光或与朋友聚会。

    Free Excel Shortcuts Sheet

    Looking to be the fastest Excel user? Increase your speed with our free comprehensive Excel shortcut guide to accompany you for the times you wish you had one.

    To understand the most valuable shortcuts and skills analysts use in IB andprivate equity (PE)firms, we have put together an2ManBetX登陆 其中包含105 lessonson the topic.


    • 这Excel ribbon
    • Hotkeys
    • 公式栏
    • 插入ing and adjusting charts
    • Using the paste special
    Excel Modeling Course

    Everything You Need To Master Excel Modeling

    To Help you Thrive in the Most Prestigious Jobs on Wall Street.


    What are Excel shortcuts?

    Excel is a powerful tool used by millions of people every day. One of the most common reasons people use Excel is to complete tedious and time-consuming tasks.

    For example, it would take many clicks and time to find the total cost of purchases from a huge production dataset.

    Luckily, there are shortcuts for this!Shortcuts are one way you can make your life easier when using Excel。Check out this introductory video to our Excel course to understand more.

    Elite Modeling Package

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    To Help you Thrive in the Most Prestigious Jobs on Wall Street.


    For example, ribbon shortcuts are designed to help you quickly navigate around an Excel spreadsheet from your keyboard instead of using your mouse or performing tasks that would be very difficult or repetitive without the shortcut keystrokes.

    这less you rely on your mouse, the more efficient you will become。此外,Excel中有许多不同类型的快捷方式,因此您可以根据需要对其进行自定义。

    例如,有一个称为“糊状特殊”的快捷方式,您可以在其中自定义要从一个单元格到另一个单元格的内容,例如仅复制格式或值。这是通过使用CTRL + Alt + V而不是仅仅粘贴所需的单元格时的Ctrl + V来实现的。

    This is a very basic yet practical shortcut that can be used in all sorts of situations, and we will delve into more complex ones later in the article. Of course, to get the exhaustive list for all operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.), the best resource is Microsoft's article onkeyboard shortcuts in Excel

    However, it can be hard to sift through all this information. Therefore, our article will cover some of the necessary ones for the finance world.

    Please look at our dedicatedExcel快捷方式页面以查看所有最常用的快捷方式。

    Free Excel Shortcuts Sheet

    Looking to be the fastest Excel user? Increase your speed with our free comprehensive Excel shortcut guide to accompany you for the times you wish you had one.

    Excel basic terminology for shortcuts


    • Cell:A cell is an individual box in the worksheet.
    • Active cell:An active cell is a cell you have currently selected. There is only one active cell, and when you first create an Excel, this will be the leftmost top cell.
    • 选择:A selection is a group of cells currently selected, or just the active cell if no other cells are selected. You can tell you have a group as a selection if there is a box around a group of cells that are highlighted in gray with one white cell (the active cell).
    • Row:一排是指编号的一组水平单元,从1开始,一直到您需要的数量数量。
    • 柱子:A column is a group of vertical cells that are ordered by the English alphabet, starting from A and going up to Z. If you go beyond these 26 letters, the sequence repeats, starting with AA, then AB, and so on.
    • Worksheet:A worksheet is simply an Excel spreadsheet, which is a page within the Excel file. Every new Excel file starts with one spreadsheet called "Sheet1," which you can find at the bottom tab. You can add more worksheets to the file by pressing the plus sign.
    • Workbook:工作簿是一个Excel文件。创建新的Excel文件时,它将为您提供创建空白“工作簿”的选项。因此,该工作簿是Excel中的最高水平,就像一个包含容纳单元等工作表的总体伞一样。

    这re are also many ways to manipulate the data in your cells with different formatting where you can choose from the following options that you can find at the top of your worksheet, which is known as the ribbon:

    • Numbers
    • Text
    • Percentages
    • Dates
    • Currency
    • Decimals

    Before we move on, here is a short video summarizing some of the shortcuts that will be covered:

    Examples of Excel shortcuts

    All this sounds good, but it is hard to comprehend without demonstration. Hence, let's go through some examples to better understand the benefits of Excel shortcuts.

    This section will cover examples of some shortcuts in Excel and what they can do for you. If you've been curious about what these shortcuts are all about or need some tips on how they work-read on!


    在进入特定于Excel的快捷方式之前,我们将首先提供一般文本编辑器的概述(想想Microsoft Office程序,Google Docs,Sheets等),这些快捷方式非常方便,应尽可能使用,而不是手动执行这些功能。


    这se are:

    • Ctrl + S:As one of the essential shortcuts out there, this one will save your workbook to continue to work on it later, or open it up again if you need to make changes.
    • Ctrl + F:You will highlight a word or phrase to find it again on your spreadsheet for this shortcut.
    • Ctrl + A:This shortcut will allow you to select all of the data on your spreadsheet. With this data, you can then perform tasks like copy, cut, paste, delete, and more!
    • Ctrl + C:Copy
    • Ctrl + X:Cut refers to copying text and deleting it once it has been pasted in a new location.
    • Ctrl + V:Paste
    • Ctrl + Z:Undo

    这se are just a few of the many different shortcuts available when creating your spreadsheets. Although they may not be specific to Excel, they are the most used ones.

    Remember to practice these shortcuts to become second nature when working within Excel!

    这丝带, hotkeys, and the formula bar

    丝带请参考工作表顶部的部分带有选项卡File, Home, Insert, etc.

    While we may use our mouse to select what we want from the ribbon, there is a faster way to do so: using the Alt key. Doing so will show letters assigned to elements on the ribbon, which you can select to access (e.g., pressing 'H' forHome).

    这丝带, hotkeys, and the formula bar

    If you continue to practice using thesehotkey shortcutsinstead of the mouse to access the ribbon, you can dramatically cut down the amount of time spent navigating your worksheet.

    With theformula bar, you can edit the formula in any active cell by tapping the F2 key and pressing Enter after making your changes to apply them. For moreadvanced excel formulas, we have created a separate article to dive into the topic.

    To get a more comprehensive explanation of these concepts in video form, please watch the video from our2ManBetX登陆 below:

    插入ing and adjusting charts

    If you have lots of data and would like a visual representation, Excel provides a way to do this in the ribbon, which you can access with hotkeys by performing the following steps:

    1. Make a selection of the data you would like to use to create the chart.
    2. Press Alt and then 'N' to navigate to the插入tab.
    3. 选择所需的图表或点击“ R”以选择建议的图表。

    插入ing and adjusting charts

    Once you have done these steps, you can select your preferred chart and format it accordingly, such as changing the display of the axes.

    Paste special

    这paste special function allows you to customize what you are pasting into a cell using Ctrl + Alt + V instead of the usual Ctrl + V.


    This video from our2ManBetX登陆 covers some of the various possibilities of the paste special:

    To give you a refresher of what has been discussed so far, here is a five-minute video going over various shortcuts:

    Benefits of using Excel shortcuts


    Some of the benefits of using shortcuts while working in Excel include:

    • 通过将多个操作组合到一键中,从而避免了不必要的点击,从而提高了效率。
    • 它节省时间,加快工作流程,使you more productive.
    • Reduces the chance of error by automating repetitive tasks
    • It helps improve your health by reducing the chances of developing repetitive syndrome injury (RSI)或任何与健康有关的问题。
    • Reduces the complexity of tasks by reducing the work required to a few keystrokes.

    这good news is that there are multiple ways to access these shortcuts!

    我们列出了上面的一些示例。了解有关如何使用的更多信息shortcutsand createExcel VBA macros,请查看我们详细探讨这些概念的其他文章。

    In addition to looking at these resources, Microsoft also has a快速开始有用的指南宏如果你正在to find a quick solution.




    Similarly, you can use one of the many keyboard shortcuts for this feature when managing sheets. These shortcuts will allow you to control what sheet you're looking at, which columns and rows are visible, and even how your cells are formatted.

    Additionally, when navigating around Excel, there are plenty of shortcuts that can help simplify the process. For example, if you want to go down one row or move up one row in Excel, you can easily use these shortcuts to move through your spreadsheet!


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    To Help you Thrive in the Most Prestigious Jobs on Wall Street.


    More on Excel

    To continue your journey towards becoming an2ManBetX登陆 wizard, check out these additional helpful WSO resources.