Excel快捷方式PC Mac


It can initially seem hard to use shortcuts if you have been accustomed to working with the mouse, but learning these shortcuts will eventually save you a tremendous amount of time in the long run by making you more proficient in Excel. Often in finance careers, knowing the quick keys and shortcuts in Excel can be the difference between going home at 11:00 P.M. and going home at 3:00 A.M.

虽然我们包括苹果/ Mac的捷径这page, if you plan to work in investment banking or another high finance career, we strongly recommend that you purchase a PC keyboard and use parallels on your Mac to mimic a PC environment since you almost certainly will be using a PC for your work computer.

Learning the shortcuts in Mac is like learning to play the Banjo (5 strings) when you are training to be a lead guitarist (6 strings) for a famous rock band. In other words, please don't do that for your own sanity!

Most common Excel shortcuts

One of the most common and well-known shortcuts is:

Simple Shortcut Example

Windows Common Shortcuts Mac
Ctrl+C Copy Cmd+C

This format means that you would press Ctrl (Control, or the button in the corner of your keyboard)ANDC同时。Mac的过程将略有不同,因为您必须按CMD(命令或空格键旁边的按钮)ANDC同时。

For some of the more complicated shortcuts, we will have them listed as:

Complex Shortcut Example

Windows Multi-Step Shortcuts Mac
Alt+H,A,C 中心细胞的内容Across Selection Alt+H,A,C

这意味着您会按AltANDH同时。然后按A,然后按C。A'+'意味着您会按键ANDafter it at the same time while a ',``意味着您按按钮按按钮顺序按下按钮。

You may also see some shortcuts or shortcut tasks with a "/" listed between buttons or tasks. This "/" functions as an "OR" and serves to show that either button or task will work depending on the situation.

To buy a copy of Excel or to learn more about this service, check it outhere. If you have any more FAQs on Excel or Microsoft 365, refer to this常见问题页面.

Free Excel Shortcuts Sheet

Looking to be the fastest Excel user? Increase your speed with our free comprehensive Excel shortcut guide to accompany you for the times you wish you had one.


One of the biggest advantages ofusing Excel quick keysinstead of the mouse is that they allow you to be fast, productive, and efficient. Ideally, you should try to be proficient enough to2ManBetX登陆 with only a keyboard, and learning these shortcuts is a big step to that end.

It is not uncommon for投资银行严格测试他们的传入分析师andassociateson their Excel abilities. As time is of the essence at these banks, they expect their analysts to become so proficient in Excel that they are able to2ManBetX登陆 using just the keyboard. As the list can be intimidating at first glance, we suggest starting out by only using a few of the shortcuts at first and incorporating more as you get better at these few to gain overall mastery.

Excel Shortcuts

WSO's tip: Finding the shortcut you want

要快速搜索整篇文章以获取快捷方式,您可以使用浏览器中内置的搜索功能。通过按“ CTRL + F”(在Windows)或“ CMD + F”(在Mac上),您可以搜索整个文章以获取关键搜索单词。

Useful Excel Quick Keys for Windows & Mac

Please note that not every Windows shortcut has a duplicate Mac shortcut to complement it. It is also easier to find more information about shortcuts for Windows than Mac.

If you have trouble remembering the shortcuts on Mac, you can open the menus at the top of the screen and see the keyboard combinations listed next to the corresponding action. The process is similar for a Windows user, except that the shortcuts are displayed when you leave your mouse cursor hovered over the desired action. This displayed tooltip does not appear for all actions, just the more frequently used ones such as "Ctrl + S".




Listed below is a brief list of some of the most common shortcuts that you will encounter when using Excel. Mastering these will pave the way for your future success as well as an understanding of the more complex and complicated shortcuts. If you find yourself frequenting a shortcut or action multiple times try creating a macro for this task. Creating macros is covered further down in the article.

Windows Shortcut Task Mac
Ctrl+S Save Cmd+S
Ctrl+Shift+S Save As Cmd+Shift+S
Ctrl+W 关闭窗口 Cmd+W
Ctrl+O Open Cmd+O
Ctrl+N New Cmd+N
Alt+F4 Quit Cmd+Q
Ctrl+A Select All Cmd+A
Ctrl+Z Undo Cmd+Z
Ctrl+Y Redo Cmd+Y
Ctrl+X Cut Cmd+X
Ctrl+V 粘贴 Cmd+V
Ctrl+B 大胆的 Cmd+B
Ctrl+P Print Cmd+P
F2 Edit Active Cell 控制+U
F3 粘贴Name Fn+F3




粘贴Special*The following Paste Special shortcuts will also work with either of the listedWindows快捷方式,只需用任何一个版本替换前三个操作。




Alt+E,S,V 粘贴特殊值(无格式) Cmd+Option+V,V
Alt+E,S,T 粘贴Special Formats Cmd+Option+V,T
Alt+E,S,F 粘贴特殊公式 Cmd+Option+V,F
Alt+E,S,C 粘贴Special Comments Cmd+Option+V,C
F4 Toggle References Cmd+T
F9 Recalculate Workbook Fn+F9
Ctrl+Shift+: 插入时间 Cmd+;
Ctrl+; Insert Date 控制+;
Alt+进入 细胞内的新线路 Option+进入
Ctrl+F2 Print Preview Cmd+P
Alt+Tab Next Open Program Cmd+Tab
Shift+F2 插入或编辑评论 Cmd+Shift+Fn+F2
Shift+F10 Shortcut Menu Shift+Fn+F10
Hide / Show Ribbon Cmd+Option+R

Selection & Navigation Excel Quick Keys

Here are some shortcuts to help you select and navigate large batches of data. Not only can these shortcuts help increase the efficiency of your work, but once you gain an understanding of how to use them they can make simple Excel tasks that much easier.

Selection & Navigation Excel Quick Keys
Windows Shortcut Task Mac
Ctrl+Arrow Jump to Edge Cmd+Arrow
Arrow Move Between Cells Arrow
Alt+I,R Insert Row Cmd+Shift++
Alt+I,C Insert Column Cmd+Shift++
Alt+E,D 删除Row / Column Cmd+-
F5 Go To




Ctrl+F Find Cmd+F
Ctrl+H 查找和替换 控制+H
Shift+Tab 切换工作簿 Cmd+`
Shift+F11 插入工作表 Shift+Fn+F11
Ctrl+页面上/ Page Down Next / Previous Worksheet / Tab Option+Left/Right Arrow
Alt+E,L 删除Worksheet
Alt+O,H,R Rename Worksheet
Alt+O,H,T Recolor Worksheet
页面上 Move Screen Up Fn+向上
向下翻页 Move Screen Down Fn+Down
Alt+页面上 Move Screen Left Fn+Option+向上
Alt+向下翻页 向右移动屏幕 Fn+Option+Down
Ctrl+Tab 下一个工作簿 /下一个分隔线 Cmd+`
Tab Next Cell Tab
Shift+页面上 将选择扩展到一个屏幕 Shift+Fn+向上
Shift+向下翻页 将选择向下扩展一个屏幕 Shift+Fn+Down
Alt+Shift+页面上 扩展选择左屏幕 Option+Shift+Fn+向上
Alt+Shift+向下翻页 扩展选择Right One Screen Option+Shift+Fn+Down
Ctrl+Home Go To A1 Fn+控制+Left Arrow
Home Go To Row Beginning Fn+Left Arrow
End Go To Row End
Ctrl+A Select All Used Cells Cmd+A
Ctrl+Spacebar Select Column 控制+Fn+Spacebar
Shift+Spacebar Select Row Shift+Spacebar
Shift+Arrow 扩展选择 Shift+Arrow
Ctrl+Shift+Home Select To A1 控制+Shift+Fn+Left Arrow
Ctrl+Shift+End Select To End 控制+Shift+Fn+Right Arrow
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Select To Last Value Cmd+Shift+Arrow
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Excel Hotkeys For Formatting

Here are some shortcuts to help you format and edit the text of large batches of data. Formatting the text in your data often helps with the legibility and professionalism of the data. Mastering these shortcuts will increase the efficiency of your work and present a cohesive presentation.

Useful Excel Quick Keys For Formatting
Windows Shortcut Task Mac
Ctrl+B 大胆的 Cmd+B
Ctrl+I Italic Cmd+I
Ctrl+U Underline Cmd+U
Ctrl+D 配方填充 Cmd+D
Ctrl+R 右填充公式 Cmd+R
Ctrl+1 开放格式对话 Cmd+1
Ctrl+Shift+1 Autoformat Number Style 控制+Shift+1
Ctrl+Shift+2 自动摩式时间样式 控制+Shift+2
Ctrl+Shift+3 自动摩式日期样式 控制+Shift+3
Ctrl+Shift+4 Autoformat Currency Style 控制+Shift+4
Ctrl+Shift+5 自动摩式百分比样式 控制+Shift+5
Alt+H,A,C 中心细胞的内容
Ctrl+Shift+7 Outline Cell Cmd+Option+0
Ctrl+Shift+- Remove Cell Border Cmd+Option+-
Alt+O,C,A 自动成型柱宽度
Alt+O,R,A Autoformat Row Height
Alt+D,E 文字到列
Alt+D,F,F Filter Data Option+向下箭头
Alt+D,S Sort Data Cmd+Shift+R
Alt+O,D 条件格式
Alt+H+F,G 增加字体尺寸 Cmd+Shift+Arrow
Alt+H+F,K Decrease Font Size Cmd+Shift+Arrow
Alt+H,0 增加小数
Alt+H,9 Decrease Decimal
Alt+H,B 边界 Cmd+Option+0
Alt+H,H 填充颜​​色
Alt+H,6 增加缩进
Alt+H,5 减少凹痕


Here are some shortcuts to help you manipulate and control large batches of data. These shortcuts will allow you to complete tasks like grouping rows/columns at the press of a few buttons. Once you master these shortcuts you will increase your work output and be able to manipulate your data more efficiently.

Windows Shortcut Task Mac
Ctrl+F3 Name Cell Cmd+Fn+F3
Alt+D,G,G Group Rows / Columns Option+Shift+Right Arrow
Alt+D,G,U Ungroup Rows / Columns Option+Shift+Left Arrow
Alt+D,G,H Hide Grouped Rows / Columns




Alt+D,G,S Show Grouped Rows / Columns




Alt+= Autosum Adjacent Cells Cmd+Option+=
Ctrl+` 显示公式 /值 控制+`

Advanced Quick Keys In Excel For Tables

Here are some advanced shortcuts to help you create data tables for your large batches of data. These shortcuts allow for the creation of pivot and data tables at the press of a few buttons. These data tables allow for a better presentation of more complex data.

Advanced Quick Keys In Excel For Tables
Windows Shortcut Task Mac
Alt+D,P Open Pivot Table Wizard
Alt+D+S 创建数据表

Other Useful Excel Quick Keys

Here are some additional shortcuts to help you complete a wide array of different tasks with your batch of data. Some of these shortcuts allow you to trace dependents, paste special, and clear cell data. Mastering these shortcuts will allow your work to be more efficient and can help you troubleshoot your formulas.

Other Useful Excel Quick Keys
Windows Shortcut Task Mac
Alt+T,U,T Trace Precedents
Alt+T,U,D Trace Dependents
Alt+T,U,A Remove Precedent / Dependent Arrows
Ctrl+[ Highlight Precedents 控制+Shift+[
Ctrl+] Highlight Dependents 控制+Shift+]
Alt+Shift+` 显示公式 控制+`
Alt+W,F,F Freeze Panes Around Cell
Alt+T,M,R Start / Stop Recording Macro
Alt+T,M,M Show Macros Option+Fn+F8
Alt Ribbon Accelerator Buttons / Drive Menu Bar
Ctrl+F1 Show / Hide Ribbon Cmd+Option+R
F5,Alt+S,O Show All Constants
F5,Alt+S,C Highlight Cell Comments
Ctrl+Shift+A Change Function Name to Function Ctrl+Shift+A
删除 清除单元数据 删除
Alt+H,E,F Clear Cell Formats
Alt+H,E,M 清晰的单元注释
Alt+H,E,A 清除全部

Excel keyboard shortcuts for financial modeling


The faster you get in Excel, the moreassetsyou analyze, the more investment opportunities you uncover, which is what matters the most in the world of finance (along with presentation skills, of course). Models are frequently included as part of investor presentation documents such as音调书和投资备忘录。


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Did you know about the WSO's Excel Challenge?

WSO's Excel Challengeis a quick excel formatting exercise we have put together to test your Excel skills. We CHALLENGE you to complete this Excel quiz in under 2 minutes or if you are really good, you may be able to get it to under 1 minute like some of our talented forum membershere. If youcreatea video and post it tothread on WSO, we will send out a free WSO t-shirt with your name on it, but ONLY if you have the fastest time. Every month we'll be sending out a free WSO t-shirt to the fastest recorded time. Good luck!


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Patrick Curtisis a member ofWSO Editorial Boardwhich helps ensure the accuracy of content across top articles on Wall Street Oasis. He has experience in investment banking at Rothschild and private equity at Tailwind Capital along with an MBA from the Wharton School of Business. He is also the founder and current CEO of Wall Street Oasis This content was originally created by memberWallStreetOasis.comand has evolved with the help of our mentors.