
Record your operating, investing, and financing cash flows with this free template

Patrick Curtis


Patrick Curtis

Expertise:Private Equity | Investment Banking


January 31, 2022

下载WSO自由现金流model templatebelow!

此模板使您能够record operating, investing, and financing cash flowsannually.

The现金流语句模板isplug-and-play,您可以输入自己的数字或公式自动填充的输出编号。The template also includes other tabs for other elements of afinancial model

根据WSO Dictionary,

"TheCash FlowStatement is one of the三个财务报表that are used to value a company and it shows actual inflows and outflows of cash.

现金流量声明是构建的using the Balance SheetIncome Statement和other relevant data. It usually starts withNet Income and adjuststhat value to find Cash &Cash Equivalents。净收入需要在现金流量声明中进行调整,因为它包括尚未付款/收到的因素(例如费用和应收账款) or which are not actually measured in cash (Depreciation, Amortization, etc)."

A screenshot below gives youa sneak peekof the template.


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现金流量语句模板.xlsx245.52 KB 245.52 KB