Investment Banking Cover Letter Template


Attached at the bottom of this post is theFREE investment banking cover letter templatethat is sometimes used forWSO求职信reviewclients.

我们决定做到这一点自由的helpthose of you that负担不起a more量身定制的服务

This cover letter templateuses bullets保持points succinct格式易于阅读

You'll also notice that the header matches the WSOinvestment banking resumetemplate format.

Investment Banking Cover Letter Template

Investment Banking Cover Letter Template: Advice from the WSO Community

Here's what you need to know about the IB cover letters from our community.

The cover letter holds almost no weight, other than to put you at risk for being dinged. Make it very simple, very bland, and just say all the usual things. If you have mistakes in it or make outrageous claims, your cover letter will be circulated and laughed at.

Why Do Cover Letters Matter?

Like @CompBanker said, youwon't get the interviewwithyour cover letter

Yourgoalfor the cover letterisn't to single-handedly land you an interviewwith your eloquence and grandiose; it's检查框确保足够适当that it不会让你陷入困境

Less Is More for Cover Letters

我们的用户分享了为什么'less is more'当涉及求职信时。


K.I.S.S: Keep It Simple Stupid.

提到who您已经在公司上交谈了,你的兴趣in the job,您的资格, 和简要(非常简短)解释您的简历中的任何差距

避免借口, more on this later.

两个或三段is all you need for that. Anymore than that, 和you're giving thempotential reasons to ding you

Here's some great advice from @blackice".

The best thing you can do is name drop people you have talked to. That way I know you have done your homework, and I can ask the person you talked to how your chat was. I think cover letters are better when they are focused on your past work experience as opposed to general and arbitrary sentiments about how you are a "hard worker and team player with a strict attention to detail".

If you've与某人交谈at the firm and they'd remember you,DO namedrop them在您的求职信中。

Common Cover Letter Mistakes

Here are some of the usual mistakes candidates make in their cover letter as mentioned by our member



"I realize I have more professional experience in technology than in finance. I believe that was just due to bad luck due to graduating from myMBA program at“大萧条”的高度。但是,我100%承诺并有动力证明自己处于财务状况。”

Bad luck? No, it's theshitty and difficult-to-read resume,求职信, 和'research reports'that arethe issue

What goes on in the recruiters head: I'm almost certain you would be a terrible employee just by the quality of the work you sent me in acold email。You graduated from college 10 years ago, by the way. I remember at least a few of those as being pretty good years. If you were halfway decent, you could have squeaked in the industry in more than a few of those years.

do not pin all of your circumstance on luck, 尤其in a cover letter



Revealing Your Ignorance:


"I am placing a STRONG BUY recommendation on [company]. ("ticker") and believe that [the company], at the current price of $10.00, trades at a 123% discount to my estimatedfair market valueof $22.30" (Both made up numbers to scale to the actual numbers listed in the 'report')

123% discount?来吧。您不是在向数百名潜在雇主爆炸之前写的东西吗?Anyone that reads it will certainly never hire you.


It made a申请人薄弱even worse。显然,他从来没有做过这些主题的“学习”。通过阅读报告很明显。他用four valuation methodologies在股票上with the sole intention展示这一点he knows more than one valuation method

If you're thinking of including a research report on a company when you're cold emailing people, it's a high risk strategy. Your research probably sucks unless you've been doing it professionally. If there is any doubt at all about including a 'research report', do not do it.

Side note: The research report had a lot of opinions and not a lot of facts, and it lacked connections between really basic facts about the current state of the business to the 'projections'.

The Hail Mary Cover Letter

If youdon't think you have a chance到get the job, you can toss a冰雹玛丽和你的求职信

这是一个求职信大胆的本科used in an努力脱颖而出吸引读者的注意

A big swing that's either ahit or miss。Wedon't recommend使用此求职信unless you lack the slightest chanceof getting the interview in the first place.



我正在写信询问可能summer internship在你的办公室。我知道,对于(阻止)到实习生(被阻止)等普通大学的大学生来说,这是非常不寻常的,但是我希望您可以例外。我对投资银行业务非常感兴趣,只能在您的指导下学习。万博app网页版我对拿咖啡,闪亮的鞋子或拿起洗衣店没有任何疑问,几乎一无所有。老实说,我只想与行业中的专业人员在一起,并尽我所能获得知识。

I won't waste your time inflating my credentials, throwing around exaggerated job titles, or feeding you a line of crap (sic) about how my past experiences and skill set align perfectly for an investment banking internship. The truth is I have no unbelievably special skills or genius eccentricities, but I do have a near perfect GPA and will work hard for you. I've interned for美林林奇(Lynch)在财富管理部门(Wealth Management Eviment),并在(被阻止)的投万博app网页版资银行级别上占据了价值。




Interested in Investment Banking - Breaking In

If you want to break into investment banking, you need to be well-prepared for the technical aspects of the interview. We advise you to check out ourFree Investment Banking Interview Guidefirst, before investing in2018世界杯狗万滚球app , so that you have an idea of what to expect.

Two common mistakes that candidates make while recruiting for IB:

  1. 使用措辞诸如“之后我之后夏季分析师stint, I learned the entire deal execution process...", "I am extremely proficient in354manbetx 354manbetx 。。。", etc. You get the idea. Be confident, but don't over-emphasize anything out of the scope of your ability to speak to it.
  2. Not enough emphasis on teamwork. This is important. People should know that you are able to work with others. This is easy to incorporate, just give a brief two sentence overview of what your team structure was and why it made sense.
Investment Banking Interview Course

Everything You Need To Break into Investment Banking



More Resources:

We hope this template helps you landthat dream IB job! Please check out the following additional resources to help you advance your career:

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WSO Cover Letter Template32.5 kb 32.5 kb