Spending an Extra Year After Transferring

Hello everybody,


With this being said, I think the best course of action for me is to spend an extra year at university. Currently, my expected graduation is May 2023, but I do not think my job prospects will be near what I would want them to be at this time. With my extra year and expected graduation of May 2024, my plan would look something like this:

2022:SAat no-name boutique


2024: Secure英尺offer from company of 2023SA角色


I appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.


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Comments (11

  • InterninIB - Gen
十一月10, 2021 - 4:15pm


1. You'll need to maintain a 3.5+ GPA which is tough at Berkeley.


I think it's great that you're shooting forEB/BB, but sometimes you need to be a little bit realistic. You're already behind on the recruiting game. You should potentially considerMMbanks, capital markets, or corporate banking as a starting route to eventually lateral to aBBorEB. Good luck.

  • ProspectinIB - Gen
十一月10, 2021 - 5:16pm

谢谢,我真的很感谢您的建议。我一定会尝试更多地参与您提到的活动。我同意EB/BBis a bit out-of-reach for me considering the stage I'm in. For my plan on the types of internships I'm looking for, do you think that it is good, other than me needing to changeEB/BBfor 2023SA扮演MMbank or something similar? Also, if I do this, do you think there will be any potential for the英尺2024EB/BBrecruitment cycle after my Summer 2023 stint? Thank you, again.

  • InterninIB - Gen

You should def get multiple opinions and advice from others as well but this would be my game plan is I was in your shoes.

Today - end of 2021 fall semester:在精神上收集自己,并意识到接下来的2。5年将非常艰难。接受您将受到极大的压力,并且您必须100%承诺招聘过程,而不是50%或60%。另外,保持专注于学术,不要获得成绩的失误。

2021/2022 Winter Break:开始集思广益,并与人们接触(冷email,向朋友/朋友介绍),以获取一些研究机会,金融或商业项目,志愿者的事情或2022年春季学期的实际财务实习。仅基于个人经验,但我不建议花大量时间在LinkedIn或握手上申请。从字面上看,伯克利的所有3万名学生都可以看到握手的职位,因此您有机会获得出色的演出确实很低。取而代之的是,尝试将精力集中在建立一对一的联系上,这实际上可能导致某些事情。然后,一旦您有一些分类的春季学期,您需要在2022年夏季找到一些无名的精品店,审计,税收或金融与合法实习。这是绝对残酷的 - 如果您不着陆2022年夏天有关的任何财务EB/BB机会可能达到0%。

2022 Spring Semester:事情需要时间,因此您可能会在春季学期的一部分中度过一部分,试图获得2022暑期实习,但's only one part of the puzzle. You need to get started on the standardIB招聘程序是因为2023SA招聘从2022年3月/4月开始:获取M&I面试问题指南,不断浏览该论坛以了解该行业,并开始制作自己的故事。

然后,也许是网络中最耗时的部分。即使在像伯克利这样的目标学校,也只有这么多校友IBanalysts and associates that you can cold-email. Just a random guess but I bet there's prob at least 800 students in every grade level at Berkeley emailing the same analysts and associates. Not trying to be offensive, but you're not a superstar candidate so you unlikely a lot of responses if you use the typical cold-email networking format of trying to "learn about their firm". This is where your personal story comes into play. I don't have the perfect answer for this but you need to think creatively about how you can stand out.

  • Analyst 1inIB -COV

您不需要整整一年。只要额外加一个学期,就毕业了一个学期(12/23)。立即开始网络。与任何UCB校友建立联系,这些校友将接听您的电话并开始向您在​​网上找到的任何银行家发送冷电子邮件和LinkedIn DMS。如果您现在开始,您会没事的SA23despite starting a bit late to the game. You should also be furiously applying for any type of roles for this coming summer. Look for CorpFin roles at big companies,SA无名精品店的角色,或与金融有关的任何其他角色。当涉及校园里的东西时,开始与校园里的班级中的人们建立联系,这些人似乎活跃于俱乐部。表现出兴趣,因此您可以在下学期加入精英俱乐部,同时加入现在的独家俱乐部。



  • ProspectinIB - Gen

Thanks for your response. I'll take your advice in the roles I search for and using it to get into the clubs


高级投资银行和私募股权基金的精英从业人员教授的6个建模课程的300多个视频课程 - Excel建模 - 财务报表建模 - 并购建模 - LBO建模 - DCF - DCF和估值建模 - 所有这些都包括 + 2巨额奖金。

  • Associate 3inIB-M&A
2021年11月11日至8:18 pm

The above advice is good, but adding that unless you are really far on credits, graduate in December instead of a full year later. It'll save some $ and you can either have a few months off or start early (BB/EB很高兴有您的早期)。


  • ProspectinIB - Gen


十一月13, 2021 - 5:02am

Autem placeeat et recusandae cumque Maiores中的官方。Consectetur vel的必要性。fugiat recusandae dignissimos eaque ipsum debis dignissimos quo。

在distinctio Voluptatibus eveniet reiciendis。代表ellendus quo est accusamus voluptatem. Quas eligendi occaecati rerum qui perferendis ut. Rerum voluptatum voluptates ab omnis ipsa officiis est. Consequatur ea officiis temporibus aut qui minus. Sit optio aliquam quisquam doloribus labore a sit.

occaecati dolorem accusantium v​​oluptas animi prohenderit accusamus ea suscipit。EST ID自动耳朵sed odio耳朵。安置耳朵Veniam Commodi Autem et atque。Eius et sit Labore sapiente rerum voluptatem。

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