Why doesn't NYC feel as glamorous as London


Without giving away too much of my background, I moved from London to纽约C今年大约4年后后台。我现在在银行业工作,只在这里呆了6个月,但我不禁感到纽约Cisn't like what it is in the movies even if you have a shit ton of spendable money.


我无法真正解释我的意思,但对我的英国同行纽约当您真正居住在这里时,具有与诺丁汉或利物浦大致相同的“能量”。我认为我正在寻找的单词也许是“充满活力”的?纽约比我想象的哥谭(Gotham)比华尔街(Wolf of Wall Street)所描绘的城市更相似。

另一个例子,这可能听起来超级幼稚但I have a joint super car spotting blog with my little brother, which started in London with Chirons and even La Ferrari's not being too hard to find zooming around and sometimes being able to have a chat with the owners. This blog for the most part has died since I got here, haven't even seen a 458 italia and luxury car owners in纽约(AMG GT,保时捷)看起来很害怕(我是黑人,但这在伦敦并没有发生),当我接近他们的汽车时,总是挥舞着我。每个人的行为就像他们的生命总是处于危险之中,这很奇怪,因为我认为纽约比以往任何时候都安全。

I don't know what answer I am expecting but why doesn't纽约live up to the big money, big personality, big spenders thing we see in the media? Is it because guns are more common so violent crime and robbery is a real threat, I heard it has pretty much recovered from covid but did covid drive its energy down? I know this is a retarded question but I genuinely don't get why纽约and London are even compared to each other when the lifestyles are so different.

我告诉我的一个英国朋友住在LA this and he said other than the weather, the wealthier and trendy parts of LA and London are more similar when it comes to lifestyle than London and纽约, is this true?

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评论 (67

  • 实习生IB-M&A
2021年11月9日 - 6:02 AM



  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
Nov 9, 2021 - 6:10am


  • 副1IB -COV
Nov 11, 2021 - 2:55pm


Lol wtf are you talking about? This is 100% false

  • 副2PE- Other
Nov 9, 2021 - 8:40am

我的街道纽约Chas people elbowing past each other until 4 am… you might be going to the wrong clubs my guy. There are lots of things London does better, but energy and streets being dead? Pretty much completely off in my experience. Also, NYC's not a car city, if you want flashy wheels go to LA or Florida - most people don't drive here


高级投资银行和私募股权基金的精英从业人员教授的6个建模课程的300多个视频课程 - Excel建模 - 财务报表建模 - 并购建模 - LBO建模 - DCF - DCF和估值建模 - 所有这些都包括 + 2巨额奖金。

  • 分析师3+re-通讯
2021年11月9日至10:00 AM

我的街道纽约Chas people elbowing past each other until 4 am… you might be going to the wrong clubs my guy. There are lots of things London does better, but energy and streets being dead? Pretty much completely off in my experience. Also, NYC's not a car city, if you want flashy wheels go to LA or Florida - most people don't drive here


  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
2021年11月10日-9:13 pm


  • 副2PE- Other
Nov 9, 2021 - 9:01am

objectively, 2020 and 2021 are still some of the safest years on record… it just so happens that 2017-2019 saw crime plummeting. Current crime rates are basically on par with the early 2010s

  • 分析师3+re-通讯
Nov 9, 2021 - 9:59am

我不知道你要去哪里,但是自夏天以来,这座城市绝对在我附近弹出。如果我在星期五或周六凌晨4点醒来撒尿,我还会听到外面的人。酒吧已经被包装好了。在周末,绝对有嗡嗡作响的能量……我认为我们不会在这里采取更相反的态度,所以我很好奇您是否像UWS / UES一样。我最近在这里搬到这里,我一直告诉别人的一件事是,lmao的能量真是太棒了。


  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
Nov 10, 2021 - 9:30pm

I live in Murray Hill, the only time it felt properly lively was Halloween and I have been here for a few months

Nov 11, 2021 - 2:17am


  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
Nov 10, 2021 - 9:10pm

I actually live in Murray Hill. I got the idea from meme accounts when I was in London actually. Is Murray Hill a lively spot or not because to me its only good when I have friends about

  • 副3PE -LBOS
2021年11月11日至3:10 pm

Live on the LES - my friends that live in Murray Hill or Chelsea come here almost every weekend to go out. I've been to Murray Hill to go out maybe once? Just one datapoint, but that to me sums up the relative nightlife


Anonymous Monkey


Without giving away too much of my background, I moved from London to纽约Cthis year after about 4在后台工作。我现在在银行业工作,只在这里呆了6个月,但我不禁感到纽约Cisn't like what it is in the movies even if you have a shit ton of spendable money.


我无法真正解释我的意思,但对我的英国同行纽约当您真正居住在这里时,具有与诺丁汉或利物浦大致相同的“能量”。我认为我正在寻找的单词也许是“充满活力”的?纽约比我想象的哥谭(Gotham)比华尔街(Wolf of Wall Street)所描绘的城市更相似。

另一个例子,这可能听起来超级幼稚但I have a joint super car spotting blog with my little brother, which started in London with Chirons and even La Ferrari's not being too hard to find zooming around and sometimes being able to have a chat with the owners. This blog for the most part has died since I got here, haven't even seen a 458 italia and luxury car owners in纽约(AMG GT,保时捷)看起来很害怕(我是黑人,但这在伦敦并没有发生),当我接近他们的汽车时,总是挥舞着我。每个人的行为就像他们的生命总是处于危险之中,这很奇怪,因为我认为纽约比以往任何时候都安全。

I don't know what answer I am expecting but why doesn't纽约live up to the big money, big personality, big spenders thing we see in the media? Is it because guns are more common so violent crime and robbery is a real threat, I heard it has pretty much recovered from covid but did covid drive its energy down? I know this is a retarded question but I genuinely don't get why纽约and London are even compared to each other when the lifestyles are so different.

我告诉我的一个英国朋友住在LA this and he said other than the weather, the wealthier and trendy parts of LA and London are more similar when it comes to lifestyle than London and纽约, is this true?


Safarijoe, wins again!
  • 2
  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
2021年11月10日-9:17 pm

杜德(Dude),大多数周末,我都在陶(Tao),梦想和其他一些俱乐部和酒吧,这些俱乐部和酒吧本来可以成为这里的农作物。就像我上面提到的那样,它们甚至不如声音或皇冠部那么好。将它们与Cirque,Toy Room,Maddox或Libertine进行比较会亵渎神灵,因此我什至不会这样做。


Nov 9, 2021 - 2:09pm

Anonymous Monkey


Without giving away too much of my background, I moved from London to纽约C今年大约4年后后台。我现在在银行业工作,只在这里呆了6个月,但我不禁感到纽约Cisn't like what it is in the movies even if you have a shit ton of spendable money.


我无法真正解释我的意思,但对我的英国同行纽约当您真正居住在这里时,具有与诺丁汉或利物浦大致相同的“能量”。我认为我正在寻找的单词也许是“充满活力”的?纽约比我想象的哥谭(Gotham)比华尔街(Wolf of Wall Street)所描绘的城市更相似。

另一个例子,这可能听起来超级幼稚但I have a joint super car spotting blog with my little brother, which started in London with Chirons and even La Ferrari's not being too hard to find zooming around and sometimes being able to have a chat with the owners. This blog for the most part has died since I got here, haven't even seen a 458 italia and luxury car owners in纽约(AMG GT,保时捷)看起来很害怕(我是黑人,但这在伦敦并没有发生),当我接近他们的汽车时,总是挥舞着我。每个人的行为就像他们的生命总是处于危险之中,这很奇怪,因为我认为纽约比以往任何时候都安全。

I don't know what answer I am expecting but why doesn't纽约live up to the big money, big personality, big spenders thing we see in the media? Is it because guns are more common so violent crime and robbery is a real threat, I heard it has pretty much recovered from covid but did covid drive its energy down? I know this is a retarded question but I genuinely don't get why纽约and London are even compared to each other when the lifestyles are so different.

我告诉我的一个英国朋友住在LA this and he said other than the weather, the wealthier and trendy parts of LA and London are more similar when it comes to lifestyle than London and纽约, is this true?


Safarijoe, wins again!
2021年11月9日-2:15 pm

This thread is a joke. London is a joke.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

  • 1
  • 8
2021年11月9日-2:46 pm

Also the Brits throwing MS are a joke. What time do bars close in London? Six hours earlier than in NYC? So lame. Lame AFFFFFFFFF.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

  • 2
  • 3
Nov 9, 2021 - 4:41pm


  • 1
  • 副2PE- Other
Nov 9, 2021 - 7:52pm


2021年11月10日-7:57 pm

副2在PE- Other


Plus, also the people, things to do and safety.纽约,在低凶杀案方面无法赢得比赛。

Safarijoe, wins again!
Nov 10, 2021 - 7:56pm



Come on that is a cheap response. We have multiple threads about what people like and dislike. Saying go back once you came is so lame as a response.

Safarijoe, wins again!
  • 3
2021年11月11日-4:46 pm




Come on that is a cheap response. We have multiple threads about what people like and dislike. Saying go back once you came is so lame as a response.

Haha, that is rich coming from you. You have created one less than trivial topic since joiningWSO

  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
2021年11月10日-9:25 pm

Yeah, i am coming to terms with this because I also feel homesick a lot even. New York is great but I miss my old friends and the city in general. Also I realized America is so big on media their accents sound fake since everyone sounds like that on TV where I'm from seems a bit surreal.

Nov 9, 2021 - 5:07pm


我无法真正解释我的意思,但对我的英国同行纽约当您真正居住在这里时,具有与诺丁汉或利物浦大致相同的“能量”。我认为我正在寻找的单词也许是“充满活力”的?纽约比我想象的哥谭(Gotham)比华尔街(Wolf of Wall Street)所描绘的城市更相似。

The fuck? You in White Plains or New Jersey? That does not sound like Manhattan.

2021年11月9日-5:44 pm



我无法真正解释我的意思,但对我的英国同行纽约当您真正居住在这里时,具有与诺丁汉或利物浦大致相同的“能量”。我认为我正在寻找的单词也许是“充满活力”的?纽约比我想象的哥谭(Gotham)比华尔街(Wolf of Wall Street)所描绘的城市更相似。

The fuck? You in White Plains or New Jersey? That does not sound like Manhattan.


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
2021年11月10日-9:08 pm

I'm in Murray Hill, heard it was meant to be wild but even Shoreditch is better

Nov 11, 2021 - 7:53pm

Incoming Analyst inIB-COV

I'm in Murray Hill, heard it was meant to be wild but even Shoreditch is better

Shoreditch, used to he a shithol* when I used live in London, now its middle class living. Plus, less crime.

Safarijoe, wins again!
2021年11月10日-7:57 pm



Safarijoe, wins again!
  • 副1IB- Restr
Nov 10, 2021 - 4:38pm

wym ???您如何不喜欢纽约市猖ramp的无家可归和垃圾问题?今天早上,我从字面上走到我的公寓外面,一位无家可归的女士在下水道上垃圾场。你怎么不能比这更迷人???

2021年11月10日至7:58 PM

副1英寸IB- Restr

wym ???您如何不喜欢纽约市猖ramp的无家可归和垃圾问题?今天早上,我从字面上走到我的公寓外面,一位无家可归的女士在下水道上垃圾场。你怎么不能比这更迷人???

Safarijoe, wins again!
  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
2021年11月10日-9:27 PM

Reading your comment makes me feel more retarded for opening this thread.

2021年11月11日 - 下午2:39

Also in纽约C。您必须知道如何在纽约导航。这是一个非常大的城市,很多地下,仅会员或仅邀请俱乐部。另外,如果您想知道为什么纽约的人们在接近他们的跑车时会犹豫与您交谈,那么纽约他妈的纽约大声笑,很多骗子所有的犯罪都是最高的。人们也一直这样,人们不愿与他人说话。人们在这里很阴暗。不过,我会说,如果您有高水平的EQ,您肯定可以与某些人建立联系,只需在接近的那一刻之内与他们的氛围相匹配。另一件事,每个区域都不同纽约C。Wide range of "vibes" throughout the entire city. That's something, if you are aware of and can adapt to, you'll appreciate.纽约C> London, any day of the week

  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
Nov 11, 2021 - 9:44pm


Nov 11, 2021 - 7:53pm


Also, I was just out in Brooklyn at a club until legit 7am a few weeks back lol

And you did not get mugged, wow!

Safarijoe, wins again!
  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
2021年11月11日-9:35 pm

I've been out to Brooklyn only once, used an uber to navigate and it wasn't that bad but felt like I was too far from home.

  • Incoming AnalystIB -COV
Nov 12, 2021 - 3:43am

Car culture is stronger in California, Texas, and Florida because of how dense Manhattan is. I attend the car meet in Malibu and there is no shortage of cars of the caliber you see in London. London car spotting might be uniquely good for a big city because of the guys who fly their whole fleet from the Gulf when they visit.

12月2日,2021年至12:56 AM


12月2日,2021年 - 4:43 AM

Beatae Magni Illo Voluptatem Eum坐着Vero Maiores Libero。Earum veniam aut tenetur quo et agnam。Aut qui veritatis fugiat saepe locudiandae。

modi numquam optio qui eius。Neque Ex est sed。

Repellat qui saepe aliquid omnis ullam soluta. Aut quibusdam quasi voluptas autem quibusdam veniam. Sed architecto incidunt accusamus. Incidunt quod ratione voluptas.

Dec 5, 2021 - 11:33am

Nostrum veritatis sit distinctio nemo quas quod dolor. Consequatur ducimus corrupti magnam asperiores incidunt laborum placeat. Nihil et iusto totam laudantium harum aut exercitationem. Eum deleniti quod fugit corrupti cum. Et voluptas quos asperiores. Ducimus molestiae odio delectus earum vitae officiis qui non. Tempora quia voluptates error odit.

Ipsam sunt accusamus consequatur praesentium laudantium. Non itaque soluta excepturi.

qui quia velit cupidatity rem sapiente。Invidunt Architecto eveniet Ea。blanditiis ut asperiores sint voluptas。Velit手工sequi delectus sed。Quidem Architecto totam et veritatis recusandae recusandae。repellendus sed练习挥发。

ET SIT explicabo Recation Sapiente。Nihil Nobis Dolorem Totam Rounderi。Porro Nam Nobis Ut官员Neque Ut。EA必需Qui sequi sequi speeat amet quia Quia。

12月6日,2021年 - 11:58 AM

aspernatur quaerat voluptas velit id aut。公众Porro vel ea别名造成的Dolore。cumque quo cumque velit quam nihil cumque aut。nihil facere vero。

Illum voluptatem molestiae perspiciatis animi ut. Consequatur dolorum quasi iusto consectetur architecto. Voluptatibus perferendis dolor facere ad aliquam autem voluptatem. Est sit maxime mollitia culpa. Minima molestias dicta sunt ea.


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