I am seeing less Wharton Undergrads

Is it just me or am I seeing less Wharton undergrads in junior level roles atEBs/BBS?这是人力资源部门的产物,使他们在多所学校中的招聘工作多样化?我知道,沃顿商学院的本科生的声誉是一种douchey,自恋和cutthroat。因此,也许银行试图最大程度地减少其组织中这种性格的数量?真的很好奇,因为我在一家著名的银行里,而沃顿商学院的本科生则只有很少的数量我的夏季分析师class.

Comments (63

PeRmAnEnTiNtErN, 你怎么看?以下评论:

If I had to guess, there are probably a good chunk that are recruiting forbuysideopportunities / Startups that maybe were once not as popular. I mean if we lookat WhartonsMBAgrad placement and use it somewhat as a proxy, it still looks like a large amount of grads are going into Financial Services (IB,PE高频),这可能只是一些选择/ sampling bias that you are seeing.

SBAKER234567890, 你怎么看?以下评论:

Buyside opportunities are very far and few between. A lot of Wharton undergrads have been striking out in recruiting. I am talking about Wharton undergrads and not theMBA顺便提一句。这MBA是人类的,而本科生则更具机器人和渴望赚钱。

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  • Analyst 1inHF - Event

还有更多购买角色大于ever before. Beyond that, Wharton is still very present in top banking groups (I don't think it's changed at all relative to other top schools, but more schools are included now).

  • Analyst 1inIB - Cov


  • ProspectinAM-股票

From what I've seen, it's def not a factor of more wharton gradsgoing to buyside。A few of my wharton ug friends have completely struck out of banking recruiting and have signed offers at no name boutiques in random locations forSA2023。

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  • 副1inHF - EquityHedge

And a few have signed withKKRPE。Anecdotal evidence bullshit

  • 实习生inIB - Gen

沃顿大学的本科生。这里肯定有一堆过度膨胀的自我,但其中许多仍将EBs/BBS。在这个招聘周期中,肯定会看到比我从高年级学生那里听到的艰难时期更多的时光。个人没有得到EB或者BB但是计划on lateraling ASAP to a better firm.

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  • ProspectinAM-股票

实际上,我唯一的沃顿大学本科看到获得BB/EBoffers are diversity these days… RIP

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  • 实习生inIB - Gen

Agreed. It's not HR increasing the number of schools they recruit from, but rather it's because diversity recruiting has become far too large as a % of class sizes. Being non-diversity at Wharton is difficult when recruitingIBsince a majority of offers I've seen at topEB/BBhave beendiversity or from daddy being an MD. However, that being said, getting a top offer from Wharton as a non-diversity is still possible and I think we need to get hungrier and stop relying on brand name (which will definitely happen come full time recruiting).

  • ProspectinIB -ECM

人们非常需要抓住抓地力,是的,如果这是一个问题,那么您是对的。从今年的半目标中招募,没有连接和非多样性,在我申请的大多数地方进行了3.8的访谈,并提供了采访EB。这days of an offer simply from being a Wharton grad are probably over for the reasons mentioned (diversity quotas, wider HR target lists etc) but you all have an incredible leg-up still over 99% of the competition. I assume 90% of the firms on wall street come on-campus still, but yeah it's probably going to require a little more legwork in the future. God forbid make a fewnetworking calls and comeoff as a normal human and not a banker bot. I think there's 1-2 Wharton kids in my class and the list of schools people are being pulled from and that I saw at my超级日很漂亮惊人。话虽如此,沃顿酒店没有任何前景应该感到不利,并且您都必须与之合作的网络疯狂。

  • ProspectinIB -ECM

烟青蛙, 你怎么看?以下评论:


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  • 实习生inIB - Gen

这正是答案的类型,使我们其他人完全普通的沃顿儿童说唱不好。获得生活。停止根据自己的银行或大学抨击他人,因为在现实世界中,普通人不会在您工作的地方屈服于他妈的heard of Apollo,,,,Ares,,,,Cerberus,,,,etc.

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烟青蛙, 你怎么看?以下评论:

oh really intern? And where's the same venom for the OP who randomly bashed wharton kids for no reason?


或者更好的是,现实生活得到一些工作经验first before telling others "how it is" and "how the real world works".

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  • ProspectinAM-股票

  • Consultantin咨询

Pretty surprising, not noticing any difference at myMBB

  • Analyst 2inIB - Gen

Sadly think the talent across banking and Wharton has just gone down. Not sure what it is with W people and I am a W grad so I tried my hardest to hire some for the next cycle of interns, but we hired zero in a topEB/BBgroup that has historically always hired from W. The W kids came in completely unprepared and got blown out of the water by non-targets who had the decency to read M&I.

  • 实习生inIB - Gen

也许您只是在采访错误的沃顿儿童。我为技术做准备(超越400个问题),将是一个SAat anEB下个夏天。任何一个超级日都没有BB这个招聘周期。在您询问之前,我在BBS还是没有骰子。

  • Analyst 1inIB-M&A


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nychimp99, 你怎么看?以下评论:

At anEB,并密切参与宾夕法尼亚州的招募工作。我认为这是我们第一次接近2个夏天,我们提出要拒绝加入竞争对手以外的地方(即,我们通常会让一些人拒绝我们接受另一家银行,但不算在这里)。一个 - 我与之交谈的人 - 正在加入区域VC((not a top tier one), and another签署MBBconsulting。one of them was very candid and mentioned that the blow-out hours during COVID deterred them from pursuing banking.

同样,我们的公司就像现在的竞争对手一样(肯定是2019年 - 肯定是),从各种各样的背景中雇用,其中包括更广泛的学校清单。这并不意味着W/Penn Kids突然变得坏了 - 这只是意味着这些公司现在正试图从某些学校雇用雇用。我们第一次从以前从未做过的学校雇用。我们从通常从未做过的专业雇用。我一直在打电话,高级招聘MD公开支持更大的多样性。这就是白鞋律师事务所(相同的主张:高额$以换取可怕的时间)的方式 - 在过去的10 - 15年中,申请长期下降了高顶级学校的长期下降。不可避免地会发生在投资银行业务中。万博app网页版银行认识到,最聪明的人并不总是能/(或想成为)最好的职业银行家。这是一项苛刻的服务。像律师事务所一样,将您的巢穴宽广可能是确定人才的最有效方法。

on the point about their quality going down - I don't think its necessarily the case, and it really depends on the year; definitely don't have enough data to substantiate it either-way. W/ Penn still has exceptional students who can break into any bank, but motivation to pursue the path (for the job, hours, etc.) seems to be a more pertinent factor for them now than ever. I speak to a lot of talented candidates from the school every year, and am very happy for those who choose to pursue banking, and also happy for those who choose to do other things.

nychimp99, 你怎么看?以下评论:

那不是真的。公司律师事务所可能会潜水rsified more in last 3 years, but this is not a last 3 year thing - its been an ongoing trend for last decade. If you look at ABA's latest survey, Cornell, Duke, NYU, Vanderbilt- they alone are in top 6 schools for sending most students to big law now- this was not true 10 years ago. And none of those schools will constitute as top 10 schools (maybe Duke is a close 10). Feel free to read up statistics for recruitment for Latham, Kirkland and even Cravath (who incidentally hired someone from NYU that I know last year). And that %age has fallen for other schools- UChicago, HLS, UMichigan send only ~50% or so of their students to big law now. My point about this being comparable to how banks may look at Penn/Wharton now (compared to ~10 years ago) still stands.

如果您遵循法律领域(似乎您可能会),您应该知道法学院的入学人数正在长期下降,律师事务所的业务不一定像银行一样周期性。他们试图解决过去十年来一直在进行的人才短缺 - 在大流行期间加速。ABA和NALP在《无尽新闻》中已经有很好的记录。


racist wharton chad, 你怎么看?以下评论:

我最近在最高的链链商店里看到了一群沃顿儿童(您知道我在说什么)。我认为这是沃顿孩子的结合,只有“享有声望”的名字签名,以及他们对MBB或者international opportunities (a natural byproduct of China's recent skyrocketing capital markets activity).

  • ProspectinAM-股票

You wanna know why Wharton is on the decline in recruiting? In this thread are Racist Wharton Chad and Smoke Frog. Read what they have to say and you'll have your answer.

  • 实习生inIB - Gen

Don't generalize us with two radicals. Racist Wharton chad is probably a troll account who didn't even go to Wharton. Also, Wharton is definitely not on the decline lol

  • ProspectinAM-股票

all target schools are on the decline- that is simply a fact with the new diversity initiatives. This is coming from someone at a target.

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  • 实习生inIB - Gen

My class of around 20 interns has around 5 Wharton kids and 5 Harvard kids alone. At a topBBgroup((MS M&A/GSTMT)。

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  • ProspectinAM-股票

well its notGSTMT,,,,thats for sure. Also VERY skeptical about MS m&a. My hunch is, you're lying your ass off.

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  • 实习生inIB - Gen

You're right my bad its actually 4 Harvard and 4 Upenn/Wharton atGSTMT。SFTMTalso has like 4-5 Wharton kids.

Alphamore, 你怎么看?以下评论:

Another factor that I've heard is certainEBsare more reluctant to hire from Wharton because kids don't return and end upgoing to buyside为了FT。在过去的三年中,我看过沃顿夏天没有回来的课程,因为他们在7月中旬签署了报价KKR,,,,Warburg,,,,Silverlake, etc. It's annoying for firms with already good on-cycle placement that are supportive of leaving after 2 years, but it's also a headache when your summer intern is nowhere to be found at 7PM. Coupled with the fact that there's never been more buyside opportunities including respectable single-managerHFsand increasingly more megafund seats, more and more Wharton kids just use a summer role as a stepping stone. Reneging has also become increasingly common with Wharton - after all, what's the penalty? No bank is low enough tochasea 21 year old down and any harm to the person reneging would be viewed as bad culture on the bank. On top of this, the people that reneg are typically going to a client of the bank and a place supportive of them joining, so Penn itself has become lax on this.All in all, Wharton students will always do well with recruiting, but my sense is the banks have started scrutinizing the likelihood of them ever returning for a full-time analyst position.

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  • 投资分析师inHF - Other

Was speaking for firms Wharton historically has amazing placement at (EBs).PJT RSSG是一个完美的例子 - 2年前的夏季班上没有人回来,每年他们的全班新兵MF(不管或学校,但通常H/W退出)。您可以做 +1年Evercore考虑到大多数沃顿商人在1年后离开分析师(M&A和RX)离开。HLRXhistorically also took a lot of Wharton kids, but the % of kids from W also sized down in recent years with people leaving after 1 year/summer.

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radmon1, 你怎么看?以下评论:

Did Dr. at

  • Analyst 1inIB-M&A

Wharton accounts for at least 1/3 of my incoming analyst class at myEB

  • CEOinPE- Other

It doesn't matter anyhow... Most wash out after 4-5 years.

  • ProspectinIB-M&A

beatae similique坐在blanditiis tuerma dolorem方面。Autem Distiialio occaecati ab modi eius totam。

delectus numquam ut reiciendis a eius。Qui Similique在Asporiis Asperiores Quis Quas中。Laudantium nisi voluptatibus soluta locudiandae aut。非Blanditiis vitae官员Asperiores。

MonkeyBusiness1923, 你怎么看?以下评论:

Sunt laborum ut nobis. Illo non voluptate reprehenderit sint a exercitationem. Animi sed distinctio porro temporibus. Voluptas quod magni molestiae et voluptas nihil tempora. Fugiat modi consequatur enim.

Ullam Neque Quia aut Perspiciatis错误。Saepe et Provident挥发了Amet。Molestiae Nihil Impedit Quos Autem Quo Provident。

Temporibus autem qui praesentium. Et illum voluptas necessitatibus maiores perferendis officiis quia maxime. Vero nostrum nemo unde quia minus. Et ut laborum sunt sint eos iusto amet. Quo voluptatem natus dolorem architecto officiis quibusdam facere rerum. Cupiditate voluptas sit tempore eos molestiae et. Rerum autem quibusdam laboriosam perferendis et.



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A2 Quitting with Nothing Lined Up
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