
Supplying investors with precise financial analysis and recommendations.

Equity research (ER) professionals are in charge of analyzing, recommending, and reporting on investment opportunities that their clients, investment banks, or institutions may be interested in pursuing.

Equity research overview

Its main goal is to supply investors with precise financial analysis and recommendations on whether they should buy, hold, or sell a specific security.


It is often used as a method of assisting a bank's investment banking and sales & trading clients by offering up-to-date, reliable information and analysis.


In order to assess a security's behavioral outlook, equity researchers must quantitatively evaluate a stock's statistical data relative to recent activity in the market.


  • Creating investment models and screening tools that recognize trading strategies that assist in the management ofportfolio risk.
  • 查找与当前市场价格变化的价格变化的模式,并利用此数据开发算法这发现股票投资机会将是有利可图的。
  • 理解国际市场之间的特殊差异,以便他们可以分析和比较国内外股票。




公平与大多数其他areas of corporate finance因为分析师的职位比同事职位更高。分析师通常负责覆盖一群公司,一些同事为他们工作。

Typically, analysts are divided into various industry sectors to cover similar companies within a given industry. Most of the time, ER analysts need to have a lot of specialized knowledge about the sector they work in. As a result, most analysts stay in one industry.

Some sectors of ER include healthcare, internet, technology, mining, telecommunications, consumer discretionary, and consumer staples.


Man working


Additionally, equity researchers must be able to建立财务模型.

A typical ER firm also has a Head of Research that is in charge of managing the analyst team by leading, coaching, and guiding them to make sure that all goals are reached.

The role of the Head of Research is to supervise the research reports and publications by editing and checking the accuracy of analysis and recommendations made to brokers.

As a manager, the Head of Research is also responsible for hiring, paying, and training staff.


It is a document that is arranged by an ER analyst. It provides investors with insight into specific securities. In the report, analysts offer recommendations for buying or selling the security, along with its valuation and risks.


Components of an equity research report include:


This section of the report details the trends and competition in a specific industry. Components of the industry to consider include the current social, political, economic, and technological environment.

2. Overview of management and commentary


While individual investors do not have this ability, equity researchers are able to directly contact management and ask them questions about the business. They then can pass on that information to investors.

3. Historical financial findings



4. Forecasting

股权研究人员也必须是skilled in financial modeling并同时产生自上而下的预测。


The bottom-up method begins with the fundamental producers of revenue (e.g. units sold and the number of customers) and then works up to forecast revenue.





The analyst will compare the fair price of the security with the current market price. If the fair price is below the current market price, the security is considered overvalued and the recommendation is to sell.

The opposite is true if the fair price is above the current market price: the security is considered undervalued and the recommendation is to buy.

Equity research vs. investment banking

万博app网页版投资银行业务经常被视为最佳人才的最佳银行角色。但是,许多才华横溢的工人一直在转移追求管理咨询, technology, or entrepreneurship because of the arduous hours required of investment bankers.

Equity research is another great role for prospects who want to work in the financial services industry. While it is sometimes considered less attractive with lower compensation in comparison to investment banking, reality differs from this commonly-held perception.

ER vs investment banking



12-hour days are typical for equity researchers. However, their volume of work is usually highest while initiating coverage and during earnings season.

Investment bankers have brutal hours, they commonly have 90- to 100-hour workweeks for analysts during the busiest times.






Conversely, investment bankers at the junior level do not have high levels of visibility. However, their visibility can increase as they move up in seniority and if they are put on high-profile deals.

3. Advancement


ER的职业道路不太明确。典型的进展是从副兼分析师到高级分析师到高级分析师到vice president或者导向器of research.




通常,这些度fields like economics or finance, but could also include anything from chemistry to computer science.

但是,通常需要进一步的教育和培训才能在这些领域找到工作。股票研究人员经常会追求特许Financial Analyst(CFA) designation, which is almost considered mandatory for any equity researcher.

Aspiring investment banking associates will typically pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree instead of the CFA because their role is more business-oriented.

Many investment bankerspursue their Series 7或者系列63FINRA许可证以展示全面金融市场知识,投资和公司组织。



但是,这尤其适用于股票研究分析师,因为他们必须执行复杂的计算,运行投影模型并准备financial statements with tight截止日期。



6. External opportunities

Both professions have great external opportunities because of the extensive knowledge and skills required for these roles.

研究分析师通常退出买边时投资银行家可能会私下股本或风险资本. The buy-side includes institutional investors that purchase securities for money-management purposes.

7. Compensation


While investment bankers can receive commissions, research analysts are not able to be compensated from investment banking revenues.

However, research analysts can receive bonuses that are based on the success of their recommendations, the firm's profitability, and rankings.


上午7:00 - 到达办公室

  • Check emails from salespeople and traders.
  • Analyze how all of the open global stock markets are doing.
  • 评估与您指定的行业有关的所有新闻。

7:30 am - 8:00 am – Morning meeting

  • First, you will discuss recommendations with the sales & trading team.
  • All analysts must present their research and opinions on important happenings in their sector. The head of Research will offer their opinions on the overall markets.

Life of analyst

上午9:00 - 市场开放

  • 检查您的行业的重要发展。
  • Determine whether there have been any drastic price movements in the stock market.

10:00 am – General work

  • 履行研究分析师的典型职责(即更新财务模型,完成客户请求)。
  • Keep up to date with the news.

上午11:00 - 与客户讨论

  • 向购买客户解释您的工作。

3:30 pm – Market closes

  • Analyze any movements in the market of the covered company at closure.
  • 确保客户了解任何相关的市场信息。

4:00 pm – Research publications

  • Start a new research publication piece for the next few days.
  • Typically, a research analyst will complete 1 to 2 research pieces per week.

7:30-9:00 pm - 离开办公室

  • Unless there is an earning season, the analyst may now go home.
  • 如果是收益季节,分析师必须为第二天早上准备结果更新报告。

Who funds equity research?





Buy-side firms include hedge funds, insurance companies, and pension funds (among other things).卖方公司通常是投资银行(例如高盛,瑞士信贷,摩根大通, ETC。)




As a result, the commission is the earnings of the research firms.

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由雷切尔·金(Rachel Kim)研究和撰写|LinkedIn

由Sakshi Uradi进行了审查和编辑|LinkedIn

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