Discussion Topic Replies Fresh
+5 延迟毕业和重新获得毕业? 4 2d
+11 Settle down or no? 23 years old. 3 3D
+27 How to fit in IB culture - advice needed 2 4D
+12 没有人对你的单身汉(欧盟)有所作为 15 6d
+15 UK Target Law (LLB) for HK IB 3 1W
+345 在一个来自他他汀类药物 /新泽西州的意大利人的团体中工作的建议? 33 1W
0 在做出改变生活的决定之前,迫切需要您的建议/意见/指导。 0 1W
+5 如何在欧洲进入IB 7 1W
0 IB具有法律学位(欧洲) 0 1W
+3 Exit Opps for Risk Manager 0 1W
+20 Non-EU student MFin in the UK or France? 14 1W
+10 Can't land a job as an IB associate 3 1W
+9 How to leverage my current internship 2 1W
+68 In a dark place after failing in FT recruitment, need advice. 47 1W
+12 横向与MSF 0 1W
+140 伦敦申请人的建议 101 2W
+4 London 2023 Research SA Timeline 5 2W
+18 List of Diversity Programs for Freshman 0 2W
+12 想有一天搬到伦敦 3 2W
+10 IB 2023年在鹿特丹或阿姆斯特丹实习,是硕士 6 2W
+6 Should I pursue a specialized Master program after my MSc? 0 2W
+12 From Big 4 to Asset Management - Due Diligence Or Valuation ? 1 2W
+9 I feel like it’s impossible to get an internship in Italy 1 2W
+31 Permira vs Ardian vs Pai vs 3i vs Cinven vs Advent vs General Atlantic 47 2W
0 Am I screwed 6 2W
+9 International student. Boutiques SA 23 or BBs SA 24? 1 2W
+10 How would you rate GS Merchant Banking Team? 16 2W
+15 JP Morgan全球金融和业务管理 3 3W
+9 Deleted 1 3W
+3 Deloitte BTA or MM Valuations (RSM,BDO,GT) Internship? 1 3W
+3 Deloitte BTA or MM Valuations (RSM,BDO,GT) Internship? 1 3W
+3 Ex/Internship in Europe for exchange student 1 3W
+11 Reconsidering IB in London as a grad Student. Any advice? 6 3W
0 Lateral Interview Guide for Analysts (Elite Boutique/BBs) 39 3W
+18 Why my internship applications are getting rejected before even doing an interview or an aptitude test? 15 3W
+3 Current Internship and College Advice(I'm in the northeast) 2 3W
+3 UCD vs三一学院都柏林MSC金融 1 3W
+6 大二SA公司(不包括BBS和多样性计划) 1 4W
+9 内部从3月(零售)信用风险ket Risk within a top tier Investment bank 1 4W
+23 Lateral Hires - What were your interviews like? 5 1mo
+8 网络闯入伦敦的IB 10 1mo
+9 Two Different Paths: RBC DCM vs JPM PubFIn 5 1mo
+6 How do you pass the online assessment tests? 1 1mo
+3 伦敦招聘停止了吗? 3 1mo
+280 问与答:我刚刚在4个超级活动中进行了采访 79 1mo
+4 垃圾我的简历(申请伦敦的IB) 2 1mo
+3 并购FDD vs Capital One 1 1mo
+11 利用SA2023优惠伦敦 3 1mo
+11 English speaking IB internship in Frankfurt? 11 1mo
+7 职业帮助 - 失望 2 1mo
+72 How to Navigate FT Recruiting: Learn from My Successes/Failures 16 1mo
+6 Superday建议(技术) 1 1mo
+189 洛杉矶IB SA招募迷你指南 67 1mo
+31 招聘被打破[改变我的主意] 12 1mo
+16 Lateraling with a low GPA 5 1mo
0 Names of network contacts in cover letter? 1 1mo
+6 谁在招聘过程中看到了简历和简历 3 1mo
+3 No Spring week for 2023? 1 1mo
+24 Can't even get to the first round of interviews 14 1mo
+6 Spring Week 2023 Group chat? 4 1mo
+3 [UK] Not rejected, but not through to first round. 1 1mo
+24 Is Finance worth it anymore? 3 1mo
+16 From FatFire (60m USD) to broke - what are my career options? 5 1mo
+9 Looking to apply for a summer internship at a defense company but I have no experience/undecided major 1 2mo
+39 退出还是留下?PIP,不好的经理,家庭麻烦 10 2mo
+3 Hiring freezes in IB?!?! 1 2mo
+4 Crazy interview line that will make you cringe ! 1 2mo
+10 Where to find off-cycle/non-SA internships? 5 2mo
+9 Car salesman to IB? 3 2mo
+11 Should a physics grad go for finance? 3 2mo
+3 ***HELP*** Am I Screwed? 3 2mo
+9 Eastern EU as the next Emerging/Developing Market? 1 2mo
+9 2 year long job search with no end in sight 1 2mo
+4 2023 Full Time Analyst Megathread 25 2mo
+11 Is it a Bad Idea to Get A Friend A Job? 1 2mo
+24 Likelihood that BBs will rescind full-time return offers? 14 2mo
+5 Take a Big 4 Sophomore Year? 5 2mo
+9 Is CFA & CPA combo a good idea? 1 2mo
+9 金融职业选择 - 请告知 2 2mo
+9 我应该横向吗? 2 2mo
+9 Few questions about IB recruiting in London (Experienced hire working in M&A in EU) 1 2mo
+9 Rhinoplasty worth it for better opportunities? 5 2mo
+9 19 y/o Student - Tips on getting into Investment Banking 1 2mo
+16 Unethical behaviour of big firms 1 2mo
+3 2023 BB Sophomore Summer Analyst 2 2mo
+15 从伪装成PE咨询的机构销售中反弹 2 2mo
+9 Searching for 6 month off-cycle internship related to computer science and finance 1 3mo
+58 IB招聘的UC Berkeley大学本科 37 3mo
+3 Unpaid internship background check 4 3mo
+12 大二年招募 1 3mo
+13 我如何使自己更具竞争力? 16 3mo
+1 Fall/Winter Off-Cycle Internship 1 3mo
+4 Undergraduate Major 9 3mo
+20 What I am Doing? Advice Needed 6 3mo
+9 贸易Assistant Global desk in Bulgaria- Is this a good opportunity? 1 3mo
+9 Corporate Finance Vs Portfolio Administration 1 3mo
+3 Internship recruiting with locks 2 3mo
+3 银行仍在招聘的清单? 4 3mo
+6 Sell side boutique ER vs Tier 3 BB Markets Grad Programme 1 3mo
+10 清算分析助理案例 3 3mo

Career Advancement Opportunities

November 2022万博app网页版

  • Jefferies & Company(▲08) 99.6%
  • Lincoln International(= =) 99.3%
  • 金融技术合作伙伴(+ +) 98.9%
  • Evercore(▽01) 98.5%
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch(▲01) 98.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

November 2022Consulting

  • Cornerstone Research 99.4%
  • Bain & Company 98.9%
  • 波士顿咨询集团(BCG) 98.3%
  • 麦肯锡和公司 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

November 2022Private Equity

  • 河滨公司 99.5%
  • Bain Capital 98.9%
  • Warburg Pincus 98.4%
  • 黑石集团 97.8%
  • 阿尔迪安 97.3%


November 2022万博app网页版

  • 导演/MD(10) $ 613
  • Vice President (38) $392
  • Associates (216) $255
  • 第二年分析师(138) $163
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (19) $160
  • 第一年分析师(461) $153
  • 实习/夏季助理(88) $151
  • 实习/夏季分析师(334) $ 92