对冲基金Resume Template

Free resume template to help you land a role at a Hedge Fund

Just like our私募股权(PE)简历模板,这个简历是为了professionals with deal experience谁在寻找在对冲基金中找到工作来了from investment banking,,,,management consulting, 要么other projects/transaction-based work

This template helps make sure that your简历格式很干净和你的对冲基金简历is抛光,全部免费!


This template is非常相似到the对冲基金简历我们在我们所有的所有模板中都使用WSO简历评论为了经验丰富的买方专业人士


HFResume: Format, Spacing, and Font


While it's recommended that youkeep the bullet font size at 10 and replace the bullets with content of roughly similar size, 你可以将其更改为字体大小11如果你需要用更少的空间填充更多空间

drop the字体大小至9。那时,简历将成为太混乱了andwon't have enough white space



Typically,the format is of major relevanceinterviewers at hedge funds

Lucky for you, you've found yourself on this page.

格式已经设置;只是fill in the blanks

What should I put on my Hedge Fund Interview Resume?

可以说简历中最重要的方面,由于您已经设置为格式化,is the bullet points,构成content of the resume

Here's what you need to know for the bullets on your私募股权简历,由投资银行分析师 @upod01”提供。万博app网页版

upod01 - Investment Banking Analyst:
Try to quantify some of your experience. In the case that you do not have a quantifiable metric, focus on how you outperformed and any results you achieved.

Example of something great to put on a resume: "Helped create first-time access to life-changing technologies, products, and services for isolated villagers through locally-owned, managed, and sustainable (profitable) entrepreneurial solutions." Not so great: "Assisted with move-ins and move-out of tenants." You see my point.


    对冲基金招募is更多切割and竞争的than anything you've ever experienced before (there aren't many spots that open up).

    If you want to break into private equity, you need to be well-practiced in the technical aspects of the interview. We advise you to check out ourfree Hedge Fund Interview Guide首先,在投资之前我们的付费课程,以便您对期望的想法有所了解。

    A couple of quick notes:

    • 请随时pass the word along to your friendsin banking or other finance positionsthat are targeting hedge funds.
    • 如果您正在寻找我们的本科投资银行的简历,万博app网页版click here.
    • 记得考虑我们的行业领先resume editing service,,,,if you are looking forrealHF专业人员来帮助你结构和言语您的简历子弹和经验。这service isspecifically targeted到wardsinvestment banking, private equity, hedge funds,trading,,,,management consulting, and other finance resumes.
    • 我们的推荐书自言自语:www.yjhypon.com/wso-finance-resume-review:-)

    Ready to Have Your Resume Reviewed by a Professional?

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    Everything You Need To Break into Hedge Funds





    附件 尺寸
    WSOExperienced Deals Resume Template75.5 kb 75.5 kb