Anyone else giving less and less fucks about their performance?


Comments (59

2021年4月20日-5:06 pm

This is just a hot take, but you should be sitting somewhere in the Middle bucket if you can output good work product and keep your head down (aka don't be a kiss ass and actively seek out work) and I believe that this is the magic spot where you maximize compensation for effort.

  • Analyst 1inIB-M&A
Aug 18, 2021 - 9:29am


Apr 20, 2021 - 5:19pm

Same. Also with how much we are understaffed, feel pretty secure with job. (Fingers crossed)

  • Analyst 1inIB - Cov
Apr 21, 2021 - 1:25pm

Any tips for learning how to let go and not care so much? I think a large part of how I ended up at this job was because I cared so much about doing well.

  • Analyst 1inIB - Cov
Apr 21, 2021 - 9:43pm

在我意识到我是将100%还是50%投射给投影之前,我也是如此,它仍然会显示出相同的结果,并且MD /客户的客户仍将得到他们想要的东西。我认为您只需要意识到,您是唯一注意到您投入的额外努力的人,尤其是在您在家工作的情况下。

Apr 22, 2021 - 11:19pm

Here's one, which I'd only recommend if you want to end up in the middle (i.e. you don't want to get fired but you also don't want top bucket / associate promotion): Do as much of your financial analysis as possible with a "quick and dirty" methodology. It pains me to think of all the option tranches I broke out to calculate the exact share count / market cap, revenue weighted DSOs and similarly irrelevant cash flow calculations, hours spent getting abalance sheet为了平衡0.0001%的平衡,没有人关心的无数其他细节,而实际上,地球上的灵魂并不是一个错误的人,而无需挖掘备份。


Same here, I'd rather get an extra couple hours sleep a night and live for an extra 10 years opposed to having some extra cash

  • 1
  • 分析人员2inIB - Cov
2021年4月22日 - 下午3:45


  • Analyst 1inIB-M&A
Apr 22, 2021 - 4:06pm


  • ProspectinIB-M&A
2021年4月22日至4:11 pm

I know this is about people working inIB,但我觉得这as a college student as well. I used to genuinely enjoy learning for the sake of learning. At this point I don't give a shit about any of my classes. Lockdowns and Zoom University have made this an utterly demoralizing year. I can't imagine what you guys must be facing.

Edit: Sorry if I offended you guys. Just thought college students on this forum could relate to this.

  • Analyst 1inIB - Cov
Apr 22, 2021 - 9:18pm



  • ProspectinIB-M&A
Apr 22, 2021 - 10:41pm

Alright man, sorry. I just thought some college students on here could have related. I even added, " I can't imagine what you guys must be facing," so I'm not trying to undermine all of your suffering. Sorry for hijacking the thread I guess, should've made a new one strictly about college.

  • ProspectinIB-M&A
6月2日,2021年-4:46 pm

I'm not stressed. I'm just unmotivated to do anything because of how mind numbingly boring everything is. That being said, I've lost interest inIB。I'm going for tech now.

  • VPinIB - Cov
Apr 23, 2021 - 12:12am

不在乎中间的水桶是可以的,但是TBH多年来,我们所拥有的分析师太聪明了,并采取了轻松的道路,最终在下一份工作中陷入困境。如果您想去一些较慢 /较低的薪水工作,那很好。但是,如果您认为您可以采取自己的不在乎的态度,并在竞争激烈的情况下取得成功PE/HFor evencorporate scene where competition might be fierce, you won't do too well. It's true pre or post COVID. No one wants a 70% effort guy and if you can't push now, you won't later.

  • Analyst 1inIB-M&A
Apr 23, 2021 - 8:57am

There's a difference between burning yourself out a coverage account because your MD/partners are trying to stuff a thousand decks a year down a client's throat and knowing when it's time to grind for something that really matters. I would argue that knowing how to differentiate between those two is what actually makes a good analyst, because the less time you spend on doing bullshit things, the more time you can actually allocate to the things that matter.

That said, there is some value in doing those bullshit things your first year on the job for reps, so you know what is worth half-assing and what needs more focus.

  • VPinIB - Cov
Apr 23, 2021 - 9:39am

Hard to believe - but as a first year you don't really know what matters or not. Coverage is painful and sometimes excessive but there are lot of side calls / texts or contexts you aren't aware of. There are 20 other banks competing for same business - from $20mmEBITDAto hugeones. If you are just going to chill at golf club for 5 years until client needs to do one deal, you surely won't be remembered when that day finally comes. Tbh the actual deal execution is pretty simple. VP and below and do 99%. It's winning the mandate with years of work and reputation for good work that's hard. But as a first year you have no idea and think all that matters is doing你的小companddcffor a fairness, run VDR and push out a deal announcement.

Apr 23, 2021 - 10:31am

My first comment was more in relation to making sure you step on the gas at the appropriate times in your career. Making sure one model is better than finding 10 different projects to throw shit at all the time.

  • Analyst 1inIB - Gen
Apr 23, 2021 - 1:40pm

oP here - I have a side business I started in college that nets me 120k a year with almost no work (less than 10hrs a week to maintain). uncreative, risk averse people like you seem to think the only way to make money is to be miserable grinding away for someone else.

  • 分析人员2inIB - Gen
六月2, 2021 - 2:56pm

不在乎中间的水桶是可以的,但是TBH多年来,我们所拥有的分析师太聪明了,并采取了轻松的道路,最终在下一份工作中陷入困境。如果您想去一些较慢 /较低的薪水工作,那很好。但是,如果您认为您可以采取自己的不在乎的态度,并在竞争激烈的情况下取得成功PE/HFor evencorporate scene where competition might be fierce, you won't do too well. It's true pre or post COVID. No one wants a 70% effort guy and if you can't push now, you won't later.


  • Analyst 1inHF - Macro
9月15日,2021年 - 3:42 AM

There's also a difference between spending 80-100 hrs per week doing some bullshit inIBwhere intellectual creativity is (generally speaking) not rewarded at the analyst level (i.e. your super creative/insightful analysis means very little/nothing for the deal) and doing it at aHF增加创造力或独特见解的地方可能是损失和赚取数百万美元之间的区别。

PEis probably more similar toIBin this sense, as a 1st year associate is unlikely to add any significant amounts of value to a deal.



  • Analyst 1inIB-M&A
2021年4月23日 - 上午1:34

我认为这与WFH环境有关。在大流行之前,您从未见过这样的帖子WSO。Lately I've been seeing a lot of people ranting about how they want to put in X% less effort into their work simply because they can. You don't have someone looking over your shoulder or walking past you in the office. You can take your sweet time with turns for that reason. I, myself, fall into this category. I started a new position not too long ago and was eager to learn, work hard, and be the best I could be until I realized WFH is a joke.

  • 分析师3+inIB - Cov
May 17, 2021 - 8:23pm


  • 分析人员2inIB-M&A
Sep 15, 2021 - 7:29pm

What group is this? The current bank may re-allocate a few of you, but the rest may likely get downsized.

开始寻找其他地方 /与离开的MD,看看是否有人会带您。

2021年5月26日至11:38 PM

Et Magni aspernatur qui Consectetur cum nostrum。Qui Quo Est Magni ullam repellat delectus。Maiores Illum Intirans Oragio ID Maxime Dolore Consettur。Voluptas dolor rerum amet练习估计iD repellendus nobis speateat asperiores accusantium。et quibusdam在quis non Amet Rounderi中。Et Quasi Odit Harum Ut Modi。

Ea quae dolorem recusandae sit. Rem placeat eaque error repudiandae rerum.

美国东部时间作为et马克西姆嗝它们ducimus。颞颥国际公共部门会计标准局dignissimos consectetur commodi voluptatem provident adipisci qui. Fugit quas aliquam non a facere. Qui facilis sed aperiam voluptatem. Quisquam ad enim incidunt dolor facere quo. Ullam rerum fuga quisquam dolor eius ad.

Nemo eveniet saepe sunt quos explicabo eaque laudantium dolorem. In est impedit nemo hic aspernatur voluptates error. Molestias nemo et fuga et.

  • Analyst 1inIB-M&A
六月2, 2021 - 1:44am

Consequatur ut tempora molestiae dolor. Qui explicabo ut consequatur quibusdam.

cumque doloribus molestias quo quo quo eveet ex sed。Itaque Abageenda Eaque Earum Eos Eos Blanditiis Nihil Sapiente。HIC SAPIENTE et AXPERUI ADIPISCI ODIT VOLUPTATEM DOLOR。Quia qui doloribus reseuntur voluptatem foe repellat aut。偶数Dignissimos减去Tempore Aut。

Nulla voluptate tempore voluptas doloremque facilis. Alias laborum occaecati velit distinctio. Aliquam itaque doloribus odit nemo ad.

  • Analyst 1inIB - Cov
9月2日,2021年 - 4:03 AM

Recusandae quod est mollitia quos ut consequuntur. Molestias perferendis mollitia quaerat. Hic quia et cumque molestias in. Repellat libero natus molestiae illo. Deleniti esse facilis neque ut nisi consequatur ipsum. Aut beatae omnis aut occaecati et aliquid. Quis necessitatibus rerum tempora cum reprehenderit nam cumque.

Dolore eius voluptatem architecto voluptatem aliquid perferendis. Velit necessitatibus eaque vero dolor animi occaecati sunt. Repellendus sapiente suscipit ex occaecati dolorem sunt at. Aut maiores illum vitae quia aut velit. Autem est omnis maxime libero in.

颞颥国际公共部门会计标准局m quo dolore nulla corporis soluta. Ut id aliquam enim facilis voluptas commodi blanditiis.

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