Best practices when it comes to dealing with stress and anxiety


Wanted to see if anyone in the community has any advice/experience when it comes to dealing with the anxiety and stress that comes with high-stress/pressure roles in finance. I usually tend to find myself stressing out about my responsibilities, and this is often amplified at 2am when I'm doing a task I've never done before!



注释 (10

H4ndsOfGold, 你怎么看?以下评论:

我使用Ashwagandha。不吸烟,药丸。我也很犹豫,因为它听起来像是一种药物,但它确实有好处。这确实帮助我变得更加充满活力,因为我睡得更好,而且肯定会使您失望。如果不是这样,您可以尝试进行冥想,它令人惊讶地有效。只需坐在床上10分钟,闭上眼睛,打开一些柔和的音乐或冥想说明。帮助我的一件事是决定我需要选择喜欢做的事情,这可以帮助我放松。基本上,我不会出于任何原因放弃那件事,并确保我每天都这样做。忙碌的时间表很难做到,但是您应该能够管理。例如,阅读一本书20分钟,或者对我来说,每天只是进行20/30分钟的体育活动。 That way your brain is focused on something that you really enjoy and you'll feel better.


  • 副3IB-M&A

听起来您只是刚开始担任新角色。给它最好的镜头,记录您尝试的内容,然后然后问问题。人们会非常感谢“嘿,我已经尝试了X,Y和Z方法。我们越来越近X度量,但Z Metric似乎仍然很奇怪。我认为这是因为输入。您能看看是否有任何外观你?”而不是只是“帮助我!我迷路了!”


Nov 19, 2021 - 7:46am
真正的唐尼·阿佐夫, 你怎么看?以下评论:

Will agree with the couple people above - it's important to take a short break each day, try to find at least 20-30 minutes to do something non work related. Meditate, get out and go for a walk, just something where you can try to take your mind off work for a minute and refocus. Make it a priority to do something for yourself on the weekend - go to the gym, driving range, just something that you actually enjoy.


2021年11月19日 - 7:05 pm
Saaschimp, 你怎么看?以下评论:


Nov 19, 2021 - 8:05pm
Saaschimp, 你怎么看?以下评论:


  • I'm an inbox 'zero' type, so I keep pretty detailed folder/sub-folder structures to get stuff out of my inbox and focus on what can be filed vs. revisited later --> I actually create sub-inbox folders for key things like "To Do," scheduling, waiting for review/feedback, stuff that associates under me are working on (by named individual, etc.); the rest gets filed into deal-related folders/sub-folders if no further action needed
  • 通常,我发现简单的文件是一个非常有用的插件,用于快速分类电子邮件
  • 我还可以在螺纹邮件格式和散落的电子邮件中查看我的Outlook,因此收件箱管理不那么笨拙
  • 我是一个非常宗教信仰的信徒,可以在我们的共享驱动器上保存/让同事在本地节省附件,以摆脱电子邮件并使事情更容易找到
  • 我通常类似地构建我的电子邮件文件夹和共享驱动器文件夹,因此很容易找到文件/电子邮件(共享驱动器作为真相来源;电子邮件作为备份)
2021年11月20日-9:36 pm
柜员在分支机构 - 个人贷款, 你怎么看?以下评论:

25-50 push ups does the trick at that hour. Get the blood flowing and endorphin up.

Nov 21, 2021 - 7:14am
GoLiftSomeWeightsBro, 你怎么看?以下评论:

UT DELENITI QUIBUSDAM ACCUSAMUS EXPEDITA。Sunt Nihil Quia Expedita prokhenderit aut。Sint Enim Odit Quos nostrum。Dolore Commodi Ullam Iusto。Magni Illo Aut Suscipit Quam等。

Alias eos molestias excepturi laudantium. Dolorum omnis ipsum ut id autem. Blanditiis quisquam aperiam qui non.

分裂量征为UT Sequi voluptatem UT。Amet Magnam voluptatibus earum optio mollitia sunt est.Nisi minima误差iusto quod dolorem eius。Quia tempore ipsum cum recusandae。

Reconatur Veritatis aut fuga Maxime。Recation et saepe vel nihil Facere eum euma ab。fuga est molestiae ut molestias ut中的quo。Expedita saepe hic cumque quibusdam recusandae。Aut Qui utus rerum Rounderi Pariatur Pariatur。



+69 PE 经过Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+56 PE 经过Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+37 PE 经过Intern in PE - Other
Routes into PE.
+36 PE 经过麦克阿尔平
+28 PE 经过Associate 1 in PE - LBOs
+18 PE 经过PE中的分析师1-其他
连接的 ??
+16 PE 经过Analyzeandchill
+16 PE 经过PE中的副2-其他


June 2022私人产权

  • 河滨公司 99.4%
  • 阿波罗全球管理 98.9%
  • Warburg Pincus 98.3%
  • KKR(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) 97.7%
  • 黑石集团 97.2%


June 2022私人产权

  • 黑石集团 99.4%
  • 河滨公司 98.9%
  • KKR(Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) 98.3%
  • 阿尔迪安 97.7%
  • 贝恩资本 97.1%


June 2022私人产权

  • 河滨公司 99.4%
  • Warburg Pincus 98.9%
  • 贝恩资本 98.3%
  • 阿波罗全球管理 97.7%
  • 黑石集团 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2022私人产权

  • Principal (8) $676
  • Director/MD (20) $595
  • 副总裁(79) $360
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (81) $273
  • 2nd Year Associate (183) $266
  • 第一年助理(348) $226
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (27) $157
  • 第二年分析师(71) $134
  • 1st Year Analyst (212) $120
  • 实习/夏季助理(24) $ 69
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (250) $ 58