University Statistics - Employment and Recruiting Trends

The university statistics section is a way for you to see what undergraduate institutions firms recruit and hire from most frequently. The tables can be toggled to three different versions. The first is overall percentage distribution which shows the overall percentage of submissions from each firm by school. The second is "% change from the previous year" which shows the percentage change in the overall distribution % from the prior year WSO report. Lastly, the Sample Size table is to show how many submissions were collected on each school by firm during the reporting year. Note: similar to the compensation section, the university statistics reported here each year include the previous two years and YTD submissions to help smooth out noise in the data.




Historical Report Quicklinks:


Methodology FAQ

How often is this data updated?
Why do the average compensation numbers look so low?
Remember that the compensation you are accustomed to hearing for top performers in the top groups in New York is well above the average for cities around the world. The compensation average graphs are a global average which includes regional cities and groups that bring the average down. If you would like company and group specific compensation data, please visit theWSO公司数据库
The compensation, review and interview data comes from WSO member submissions to theWSO公司数据库。迄今为止,迄今为止,在数千家公司中,该数据库仅代表了我们的成员的薪水以及如何对各种指标进行排名。请参阅下面的成员统计信息详细分解,以备该数据库。
What are the percentile rankings based on?
The percentile rankings of companies listed here are based on the current YTD and the prior two years of data for companies that received at least one vote. The simple average scores are converted into an Adjusted Score before the companies are ranked to take into account companies with a smaller sample size. This method uses Bayesian Statistics.
Why do you use Bayesian Statistics to adjust scores?
Some great smaller firms may not be represented in the rankings for the simple reason that we have not collected enough data to represent them accurately or for us to have enough data to display them at all.
What is the geographical representation of the submissions?