
Josh Pupkin


Josh Pupkin WSO Editorial Board

Expertise:Investment Banking | Private Equity

A senior tranche is the highest tranche of a security, i.e. the one deemed least risky. Any losses on the value of the security are only experienced in the senior tranche once all other tranches have lost all their value. For this safety, the senior tranche pays the lowest rate of interest.

The senior tranche may also be split into senior and super-senior tranches. Of the total value of a security the senior tranche is usually the largest, sometimes comprising up to 80% of the entire security.

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Josh Pupkinis a member ofWSO Editorial Board这有助于确保在华尔街绿洲上的顶级文章中内容的准确性。万博app足彩下载乔什(Josh)拥有丰富的私募股权,业务发展和投资银行业务的经验。万博app网页版乔什(Josh)的职业生涯开始担任巴克莱(Barclays)的投资银行分析师万博app网页版,然后过渡到私募股权角色Neuberger Berman。目前,乔什(Joshwallstreetoasis.comand has evolved with the help of our mentors.