



Maybe it's something psychological too for me. Like having to dress all up and go sit at a desk and pretend to look busy. Whereas I'm here at home now sitting in sweats just doing some mindless tasks listening to a podcast on full blast.

好叫我猫咪或我们这一代ak or whatever but is it so bad that I like this current comfort? I'm not lazy in the sense that I don't want to do work. But why the hell do I have to go through old materials and models all day long in the office when I have nothing going on. Maybe this means I'm not as super passionate about the industry but c'mon. I guess this means corporate life isn't for me or something. I'd like to know how you all feel and are navigating the situation? Maybe you all have a lot of friends in your office and it's seen as a fun part of your day?

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注释 (54

Nov 9, 2021 - 6:26pm

如果您太近了,可能会很危险,因为从上下文中发表的评论会让您被解雇。朋友可以迅速转向敌人。公司环境非常PC ...


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Nov 10, 2021 - 8:18pm


与另一个人或团队应对逆境比其他人建立更牢固/更长的纽带 - 如果有的话,从彼此之间的同情心或幕后欺负。至少这就是我的工作)。

当您连续工作〜20天(少量所有的夜间)时,您完全被转弯(转向和转动...)评论,在浓缩咖啡和空下跑道上奔跑,以及一个新的评论堆在周日晚上11:30击中您的收件箱 - 有时您能做的(尤其是WFH)在宇宙上愤怒,而您的分析师/合伙人则配备了自己的工作人员,以保持自己的理智。

I've always thought that going through adversity with a partner or teammate builds way stronger personal relationships between people than otherwise (see: any mandatory New Member Education character building activities in college). Sometimes during the course of this job, you get really unlucky, clients are coming at you with multiple asks on live deals, and life is generally 11 different shades of fucked with no end in sight. Those are the times where youto rely on your brother / sister that's out there in the shit with you to cover for you when you're getting bukkaked with comments on different live deals at the same time and feel like you're drowning.

There's sort of an unspoken bond or level of trust between a junior team that had already been through the ringer with one another a previous process. You wouldn't fuck your teammate over, particularly for such an petty and innocuous reason like not being PC in conversation. Like that's just something that's very hard for me to empathize with or comprehend - hard to see it happening.

Hear me now, children, for my occupation is of much import. For 82 years I have been an oil man, a ‘baron’ some have called me. Now what does an oil baron do? The answer - crush your enemies! Grind their bones into dirt! Make them regret that they were ever born! Oil is not for the weak - it is the Earth’s milk, and only the strong may suckle at Mother’s teat!

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高级投资银行和私募股权基金的精英从业人员教授的6个建模课程的300多个视频课程 - Excel建模 - 财务报表建模 - 并购建模 - LBO建模 - DCF - DCF和估值建模 - 所有这些都包括 + 2巨额奖金。

  • 分析师1IB- Cov

holy fuck dude, I'd give you some feedback but I'm afraid it might make you cry

  • 分析师1IB- gen
Nov 10, 2021 - 1:54pm

Surprised this asswhipe didn't get a bunch of MS because he clearly is one

  • 分析师1IB- CB
2021年11月9日-1:53 PM

Hey man good for you for putting this out there.

  • 副2HF- EquityHedge


  • 分析师1IB- gen
Nov 9, 2021 - 7:31pm

Why is this getting MS? And the other guy was a dick to OP also. Convinced there's a segment on this site that either enjoys seeing others upset or just isn't actually I'm the field to know what it's like.

  • 分析师1IB- gen
Nov 9, 2021 - 8:54pm

Have you guys been WFH this whole time? Because if so I think you should be a little more open-minded. My firm was WFH for the first two weeks and we have been flexed in-office every since. Most people come in M-Thurs and do WFH friday but I think the culture around WFH has really changed post-covid so people pretty much come in when they want/need to. Plus you get to meet and bond with fellow analysts/associates which could be an aspect of the analyst experience you didn't even know you've been missing out on.

  • 分析师1IB- gen
Nov 9, 2021 - 8:58pm

What time do you and other junior leave the office

  • 分析师1IB- gen
2021年11月9日-9:02 pm

Your mileage will vary based on the culture of your firm but deadass I've walked out at 715 and just said I was gonna wfh. Another junior just stopped coming in. Generally people don't care as long as you do your shit.

2021年11月10日 - 8:40 AM

我的想法是WFH应该是灵活的事情,TWT应该在办公室。但MFimo should be an optional WFH. And obviously, if there are circumstances that stop you from coming into the office one day then that should be accepted. Being in the office with your colleagues is important but so is the time at home or with family. It gives people the ability to go home to see family for 4 days and still get work done. It would absolutely makeIBmuch more bearable since you have some time to do other things. Instead of acting like you're being productive on a PPT from 3 years ago on a slow Monday morning you can do some cleaning, get a workout in, etc. Banks that allow WFH 1/2 times a week will see alot less burnout imo, unless ofc they are just sweaty 99% of the time. I can't tell you how many times I've had a 5-hour break and just sat there on my phone scrambling to look productive when someone walked by, and it's just stupid.

  • 分析师1IB- gen
2021年11月10日至9:30 AM

为什么不让每个人都决定如果他们想come in whenever? If banks were able to post record profits in one the busiest periods ever all from home what gives? I understand for client meetings and stuff it's different and I'd still argue that everyone on the team should be located in the same city as the office, but why even have mandated days to come in when deals and work flows are so random? I could end up having a shit ton of weekend work at home but then nothing at the start of the week.



Mandatory work in office protocol is only to appease boomers who want to avoid their miserable lives at home. Any younger person (e.g., pre-kids) has a huge incentive to want to WFH whenever possible. With the lack of client facing activities going on (particularly at a junior level), being in-person no longer adds value.

另外,我确定IBis the same as consulting right now, but when there are client meetings, only the big dogs are going right now. No one with under 6 years of英尺experience is going, as they arent deemed necessary. They just dial in, same as any other junior employee.

  • 分析师1IB- gen
Nov 10, 2021 - 9:47am


Every single one of my deals is in a holding pattern. I maybe do 5 hours of work a week and my new project is I get the pleasure of training thisMBA从未从事金融工作的合伙人,更不用说银行业务(没有实习)了。昨天的培训课程是60分钟的“如何发送日历邀请”,他无法将头缠住。在过去的一周中,我每天都在5点登录。同时,我的其他分析师快要死了,因为他们在为了获得他们的同事的陪伴下工作,所以我不着急添加另一个垂直方向。

Guess I'll have to schedule all my meetings T-Th to look busy and avoid getting more staffing because I'm going to die come 2022 when everything starts up again.

  • 分析师1IB- gen
Nov 10, 2021 - 1:30pm

The sad thing is it is true (he has to be a diversity hire) and theMBA同事将是通过告诉其他团队成员来毁灭它的人。我们的垂直行业今年获得了最多的费用。每天在我们的圆圈上,他四倍检查他无需做任何事情,副总裁说敲木头。副总裁告诉我要在4:00登录,并把我的手机放在我身上。说的副总裁还封锁了我们的日历上的2小时插槽,让我们吃午餐然后去健身房。


  • Principallegal
Nov 10, 2021 - 10:31am

Yes. If you're dreading it that much, give someone else who's hungrier and happy to come into the office an opportunity and find a career where you can easily work from home.


Nov 10, 2021 - 1:42pm



花旗IBDstillremote/hybrid or are they mostly in-person?

I know most banks are back to full in-person during the week, any banks we know that are still hybrid/ flexible?


Nov 11, 2021 - 2:24am

Genuinely think getting past the first couple days/weeks will be super game changing. It's definitely an added inconvenience to the norm of having to commute to the office but you'll hopefully find that you're able to create and develop good relationships with folks you work with who you've only really talked to via zoom or email. It really makes a difference and can honestly be fun if you go out for dinner/drinks. And especially now, a lot of firms bringing ppl back to the office will sponsor outings in the name of rebuilding camaraderie so take advantage!

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  • 分析师1IB- gen
2021年11月11日 - 9:41 AM

Eh what's the point? There's so much turnover in this industry and the chance is that you stay in touch with people. I don't know, call me naive, but I don't buy it.

  • 分析师2IB- Restr
2021年11月12日 - 2:07 AM

Building relationships with coworkers = relationships that may be helpful to you / your career in the future

人们一直在这个行业中一直在工作 /面试 /交易介绍等

Nov 11, 2021 - 4:13pm

Et ut maiores doloremque debitis et nostrum. Iste officia nam occaecati sapiente incidunt quis nemo. Dolores a aut dignissimos id et eos aut mollitia. Necessitatibus animi voluptas sed officiis nihil consequatur provident. Ab soluta quia voluptatibus alias inventore.

重新评估依赖性dolor。EA Architecto非Atque minima Quaerat prokhenderit Consectur。mollitia cupidate qui nihil vel qui rate。

Similique Illum Rounderi aut Ducimus explicabo在Rousforse explicabo中。坐在doluptatem nisi qui quae。Tempore Aut Eum Aut Quia Voluptas官员。dicta esse sinature sinus dolor hic quod recusandae。qui unde omnis ut aut dolorum sit odio。在VEL ConsectEtur ullam voluptatibus。自动非moletiae rerum eos nam velit consettur。

Quo aut occaecati ipsam aut iure. Et non autem eos iste enim consectetur.

  • 分析师1IB- gen
Nov 11, 2021 - 4:22pm

nesciunt magni qui sit Vitae ratione。fuga animi练习emperendis saepe fugiat Laboriosam。减去全能蛋白蛋白酶。前Porro Sed Nihil Magnam Beatae Ipsam Fuga。DOLOREM NAM QUIBUSDAM SINT别名自动。

Quia natus distinctio occaecati omnis deseruntaut esse. Fuga ut labore deleniti consequatur. Quos sapiente officiis beatae qui. Nihil dolor vel molestiae quia. Et ab voluptates quia molestiae vitae itaque et.

Hic aperiam rerum et optio. Perferendis error nulla et. Iusto neque dolorem laboriosam vel neque eligendi reprehenderit.

Aliquam ut aut consequatur mollitia eum. Quia est minima ut nulla dolores. Ad in quam cumque ipsa cupiditate.

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