
From the Times:https://archive.md/brzv2


Staff at one of the world's biggest investment companies have to get special approval to hire a white man, rather than a woman or an ethnic-minority candidate.

The policy is part of a drive by State Street, which employs 2,500 people in Ireland, to improve diversity within its middle and senior management. The multinational aims to triple the number of black, Asian and other minority staff in senior roles by 2023, and executives' bonuses will be lower if they do not meet the targets.

The 200-year-old company, in common with financial institutions worldwide, has been dominated by white men. A photograph on its website celebrating State Street Global Advisors' founding in 1978 shows a room full of white men, all wearing shirts and ties.

Jess McNicholas, the bank's head of inclusion, diversity and corporate citizenship in London, said: "This is now front and central for State Street - it's on every senior executive's scorecard.



道富银行雇佣了39,400 people in 27 countries and has offices in Dublin, Drogheda, Kilkenny and Naas. It is recognised as one of Ireland's leading financial services companies.



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Comments (30

  • VP是- Equities
2021年11月10日-2:22 pm



因此,发生了什么 - 您看到对白人的巨大歧视和种族主义。老实说,我为今天的一个白人男孩感到非常抱歉。

I think no one here is against equal opportunity, treating people fairly, and all are against racism in all forms. These racist policies from companies like state street need to stop, and we need people to start speaking out against them.

十一月12, 2021 - 8:37am



Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

  • 2


  • VP是- Equities
2021年11月11日至3:35 PM


99%的“多样性”根本不是多样性。他们只是从与几十年来雇用的白人男子完全相同的背景雇用妇女和少数民族。雇用一位父母富有的白人妇女,去了一所昂贵的私立学校,然后是一所顶级大学,并没有多样化的观点 - 您只有几十年来雇用的白人的女性。对于少数民族而言,这是一样的。通过这样做,您不会产生多样性的思想或观点。


高级投资银行和私募股权基金的精英从业人员教授的6个建模课程的300多个视频课程 - Excel建模 - 财务报表建模 - 并购建模 - LBO建模 - DCF - DCF和估值建模 - 所有这些都包括 + 2巨额奖金。

  • VP是- Equities

另外,不要一秒钟就可以做到这一点以提高基金绩效。我让你成为尼亚夫(Niave),因为你说你是实习生 - 但不要在这里成为尼亚夫(Niave)。


- 每个公司都有D&I政策,如果他们没有一项政策,他们看起来会很糟糕,并受到唤醒暴民的攻击。相反,没有人会向他们推迟。因此,他们有D&I计划。这可能是主要原因。

- 资金分配者正在越来越多地种族主义者,并在将资本分配给经理时寻找“多样性”。我们开始在各行业中看到这一点,客户寻找“多样化”的团队。这是一个特别令人作呕和种族主义的领域,现在正在发展。

- 他们可能认为,如果他们以10ppt的说法增加妇女/少数民族的代表,那么资助/销售绩效(在AM中至关重要的两件事)就没关系,因为员工的平均质量会恶化(您参加员工仅来自种族/性别定义的池,而不是整个候选人池),但是在宏伟的计划中,10PPT的变化不会太大。重要的资金经理(大型资金)和销售负责人将仍然是现任人(可能主要是白人),而当他们退休时,替代过程将仍然是精英级别。但是,他们将越来越多地分配较低的角色(分析师,初级PM,常规销售)给妇女/少数民族,并将白人从这些角色中排除在外,因为它们无关紧要,并且从营销的角度来看,该公司看起来更好,因此,任命中缺乏精英管理会被更好的公关所抵消。

2021年11月13日 - 5:12 AM


  • 5
十一月11, 2021 - 3:16pm


Anyone who disagrees with what State Street is doing is a dangerous neo-Nazi peddling Russian information to attack the Experts™ and the Institutions of The Our Democracy™, and is anti-American/

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

  • 3
十一月11, 2021 - 3:56pm


2021年11月12日至11:49 AM



  • Associate 1VC
十一月12, 2021 - 9:28am

这是真的?显然,State Street否认这一点,并说他们具有多样性的任务,但不是确切的规则。也许他们只是想把它隐藏起来。

  • Quant是- Other
十一月12, 2021 - 11:58am

State Street is based in Boston.

The source of the article is an Irish publication.

I sure hope they don't mean to do this at their Irish sites. That'd be f***ing dumb.


2021年11月12日至12:42 PM


They are one of the singularly most powerful institutions on the planet whose assets sometimes span the line of public and private interest. Think about it for a second.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

  • 1
  • 伙伴re-通讯
2021年11月12日至7:20 pm


其次,政府是通过购买债券或通过ETFactivity。ESG投资真是愤怒,如果您醒了,您将被Vanguard/黑石/State Street gods, who will prop your stock up and feed your wealth.

That's the root cause of all this nonsense. Some jerkoff(s) have some vested interest in undermining the USA all the while getting filthy rich doing it, and they are demoting meritocracy as their main catalyst.

Anyways, I pulled my money from all the SPDR funds I had and let them know it. It won't make a lick of difference, but I feel that I did my part for their bs. And I'm an immigrant. Ruining the country these mofos....

BTW -- where do people get all their ESG data from when they're allocating capital? Seems like the likely root cause of all this....

  • 伙伴re-通讯
十一月13, 2021 - 7:11am

But who compiles the data? Is it Bloomberg? Or don't tell me it's done/on Aladdin. If it is then it's pretty obvious what is happening here and who the jerk is.

  • Analyst 1PE - LBOs
2021年11月13日 - 4:36 AM

Dolorem libero vitae doloremque culpa耳朵分裂。Harum Sit stun et Sunt Rounderi Dolores Eos Maiores。Laudantium Neque EA Expedita。

十一月13, 2021 - 7:10am

ID Architecto HIC Enim Omnis。voluptatem耳朵unde ute autunt eos eos Architecto et。在Porro Omnis Quidem Quia Quis错误中。

准冬季非delectus cosmodi nulla eum。et omnis non del rerum官员quibusdam。Quasi dicta voluptate numquam nesciunt qui similique。Numquam Recontatur EOS Magni Animi。ODIT偶数Nihil fuga eius cupidate。SED Accusantium Rounderi Aliquam Consectetur Fugit。

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

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